
chapter 2: fox village killer

When Elen came in front of the man , she said " the last face you will see is my face " and took a medium sized stone from the ground and hit the man tens of times and killed him .

This was her first kill, most girls or boys would vomit after something like this, but Elen didn't, on the contrary, she even liked it in a strange way.

After the man died, a pain stabbed into Elen's arm, but an unbearable pain fell on her knees and started screaming, Elen then lost consciousness.


Elena slowly opened her eyes.

He had an incredible pain in his head, but there was a change. At first he couldn't understand what was happening, but when he checked his energy later, he saw that the apprentice was at the second level and was very happy.

" What happened to me ?" While he was asking himself, he saw that it was dark, remembering what had happened last time, he remembered that he had passed out with the pain in his right arm, and he was shocked when he quickly pulled the shirt on his right arm upwards.

After examining the tattoo for a bit, Elen, who was trying to realize how it suddenly came into being, looked at the fire country soldier lying dead next to her and was surprised, "I wonder if it could be?" he asked himself.

When he wanted to stand up, his legs were trembling, he could hardly stand up, he took support from the trees and set off towards his house.

After forty minutes of walking, he finally arrived home.

As soon as he got home, he threw himself on the bed and brushed the tattoo on his arm with the index finger of his right hand, remembering the battle of the morning.

"It's the first time I've killed someone, I should be disgusted, but for some reason I don't feel anything," he said in a low voice.

While she was thinking to herself , her eyes suddenly closed and Elen fell into the sweet arms of sleep .

He woke up in the morning to the sound of stones thrown at the door and muttered "What's going on, it's too early", got up and started moving towards the door.

There were fifteen people outside, who already lived in the village, so they were all in front of Elen's house.

A man in his seventies in the front took a step forward and said, "My Elen girl, we talked for a long time as the village people yesterday when you were away, and someone like you", while a man from the back shouted "witch", the old man said, "We don't want you in this village anymore because you're from her. Go calmly or we'll have to force you out."

Elen nodded and closed the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened quickly, and Elen came out with a heirloom sword in her hand, saying, "You don't want me, is it? Actually, I don't want you, damn you children," and inserted the sword into the stomach of the old man who spoke at first.

While the people outside were trying to understand what was going on, they saw the old man collapse to the ground and began to run around.

An hour later, Elen had covered the whole village with blood, and looking at the last person, she said, "I didn't choose this life, but you forced me to do it," and then put the sword on the man's head.

While slaughtering the fox village, Elen leveled up twice to become an apprentice to the fourth level (it doesn't matter how many people or monsters you kill in your dark element to level up, how much their energy matters).

Elen took her sword out of the man's head, plunged it into the ground, and began to stand with support.

He was tired, he had killed every incision he had known for thirteen years within an hour, but he had no feelings other than fatigue.

With the sound of horse hooves coming from the entrance of the village , he looked towards the entrance and said " someone is coming " and started to move quickly towards the other side .

After running for nearly an hour, panting, he sat on the ground with his back to a tree and tried to regulate his breathing.

He had no money on him or a valuable item to sell, and he was sitting and thinking, not knowing what to do.

He would be fourteen in a month, then he was planning to go to the turtle school and study there, but within this month he had to find a place to stay, a place to study and most importantly food.

While so many questions were swirling in his mind, he heard a little boy coming from twenty meters away crying, "Please let go of my mother", then he got up when he heard a woman's cry "help me" and started to move quickly in the direction of the voices.

He stopped with three people in line of sight a few meters ahead, plunged his sword into the ground and began to analyze.

The child lying unconscious on the ground, the man in his forties with a scruffy beard, the symbol of the fire element on his forehead, and the woman lying with her throat cut, with the symbol of the earth element on her forehead, the scenario is not very clear to you, don't you think?

Seeing this situation, Elen could not contain her anger, she held the hilt of her sword tightly and, with the speed of the fourth level, suddenly went behind the man and stabbed the sword into the man's snow liver.

The man could not notice Elen with the drunkenness of his lust, and the man who came to his senses with a sword blow to his liver was thrown to the left.

While he was dying on the ground, that person touched the man's eyes. Ellen .

The man just said "s-s-who are you?" He just knew.

Elen held up the sword , saying " I am someone who came to this world for justice , my sword will show you justice " .

Although the man said not to do it, Elen plunged the sword into the man's head.

Lying unconscious on the ground, the boy woke up, his eyes were ocean blue, he hadn't noticed his age at first, but he was eight or nine years old.

When the child saw his mother lying on the floor in blood, he ran to his mother crying, hugging his mother, saying "Come on mom, wake up, everything is over", but the woman was in an endless sleep.

Elen came to the child and knelt down and said, "He died so that you could live, you should live in a way that befits your mother" and stood up and started to move towards the man he had just killed.

After doing some research on the man, he only found a fire technique, a few silver coins, and when he walked away, the boy said, "What's your name, sister?" He barely knew his turn with his dry throat.

Elen stopped, turned her head to the side, said "Elen" and quickly walked away.