
22. Chapter 22

Linstead gets a break from drama, what a nice Christmas present! Enjoy! (shoutout to those who predicted this trip would happen lol)

Hank's gift to Erin and Jay had been a whole week off, so Jay decided it was time to take his girls up to his grandfather's cabin in Wisconsin for some time away from the city. "I'm so excited that you're going to see the cabin." Jay grinned at Kate, who was deciding which pairs of socks were going to make the journey to Wisconsin with them. "Better choose the thicker socks, Wisconsin is brutally cold in the winter."

"Even colder than here?" Kate asked, placing her thick socks in the suitcase Erin had laid out for her.

"Even colder," Erin nodded and put Kate's warmest pajamas into the suitcase.

"Is there gonna be snow?" Kate asked. She sat cross legged on her bed and looked unexpectedly at Erin.

"You bet. And we're going to see people ice fishing and all kinds of wild animals," Jay informed her, "And there's snowmobiling and sledding and a hot tub." He winked at Erin, who rolled her eyes in response, tossing Jay one of Kate's sweaters to put into the suitcase.

"We can build a snowman?" The little girl looked up at Jay excitedly,

"That's right!" Jay scooped up his daughter and put her on his back. "What do you say Er, a Christmas movie and then bedtime? We gotta be up early tomorrow."

Erin smiled and closed the top of Kate's suitcase. "Jay, remember your thick socks this time. I don't want to hear you complaining about frostbite when we get back."

"Ready, Kate?" Jay had loaded the suitcases into the back of his car, and headed back into the apartment to fetch his daughter and girlfriend.

She nodded, clutching the new stuffed lion that Voight had gotten her for Christmas closely against her winter coat. At six in the morning the little girl was barely able to keep her eyes open. "I'm tired Daddy," she mumbled as he carried her out to the car.

"I know Squirt." Jay carefully set her in her car seat and buckled her up. "You can sleep in the car, okay?"

Erin finally came out of the apartment, looking frantic. "Okay, we have Kate's medicine, clothes, toothbrushes—Did you remember to pack the thick socks like I told you?"

"Erin. Breathe," Jay said calmly, "We've got everything. Come on, we don't want to hit traffic."

She settled into the passenger seat and Jay ignited the car. "Oh my God, has Kate even driven this far before? What if she freaks out? What if she gets motion sick? If we accidentally go to Canada she won't even have a passport, oh God Jay, we didn't even think about-"

"Erin!" Jay exclaimed as they pulled onto the highway. "Babe. Breathe. We've got everything, Kate's going to be fine. She'll probably sleep the whole drive anyway, and the weather is clear so we're not going to accidentally wind up in Canada. Relax."

Erin took a deep breath and settled against the car seat. "I can't believe you talked me into letting you drive."

After finally driving three hours and passing Madison, Jay pulled off at a rest area to get gas. "She's so out." Erin commented as Jay unlocked the car.

"She's been out since we left the apartment," Jay told her, pulling on his coat to brave the Wisconsin winter.

"We left at six. It's past nine and she didn't even wake up when you almost hit that Prius," Erin raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"Hey! I did not almost hit the Prius!" Jay offered a goofy smile. "And she's on heavy-duty meds. It's normal for her to sleep."

"I know…" Erin trailed off. "She needs to take her 8am dose otherwise she'll be in pain by the time we reach your cabin."

"You can wake her up. I'll pump the gas," Jay said quickly, sliding out of the driver's seat.

Erin sighed and turned around in the passenger seat. "Kate, baby," she gently roused her daughter, "Wake up sweetheart, we're in Wisconsin."

Tiredly, Kate opened her eyes. "We're there already?" she mumbled, "How'd we get there so fast?"

"We've been driving for a few hours, but you slept the whole way." Erin stroked her daughter's cheek. "We're not at Daddy's cabin yet though. A few more hours."

"Only four more to go." Jay settled back in his seat and shivered. "It's freezing out there. How are you feeling Squirt?"

Kate looked at her mother and father with half-closed eyes. "If I tell you I hurt really bad are you going to freak out?"

Jay snickered from the driver's seat, amused at how his little girl had picked up some of Erin's lingo. Erin shot him a look. "How bad?"

"So bad that I feel like I'm going to throw up," Kate rested her head back against the car seat, "I don't feel good."

"That might be the traveling," Jay mentioned, poking at the GPS. "Give her the meds, she should be fine by the time we reach the cabin."

"Okay, well here's a plastic bag in case you need to throw up." Erin placed the bag in her lap. "Tell Daddy if you don't feel good, we can pull over, okay?" Kate nodded. "Can you take your medicine now?" Erin asked.

Kate accepted the water bottle and cocktail of pills. "When will we be there?" she asked, still obviously groggy.

"Three hours and twenty three minutes." Jay declared as the GPS's annoying voice echoed throughout the Sierra with a "Hello."

"It's cold." Kate slurred, resting her head on her stuffed lion. "I'm going to take a nap now."

Erin stayed facing toward her daughter as she slowly fell asleep. She shot a concerned look at her partner. "She's fine." Jay reassured her. "Just let her sleep."

"Wow," Erin breathed as Jay pulled up to the cabin on the lake. He had sent some cash to a guy in town he knew had a snowplow so that the driveway was clear and Jay could pull right up to the cabin door. The man had even thought to shovel the front porch and walkway. "It's gorgeous in the wintertime."

She and Jay had spent the July fourth weekend at the cabin, literally days before they found out about Kate. He had been grateful to get away from the city and the fireworks, secluded about a mile outside a small town. This time around, there was nearly two feet of snow and it was brutally cold, but somehow Jay and Erin both felt more whole.

While the cabin did not have heat, there were wood burning stoves in every room that Jay's guy had set, so the entire place was a warm and cozy respite from the Wisconsin chill. Erin had settled Kate on the couch in the living room and spread a quilted blanket over her shivering body. "How'd this place get set up before we got here?" Erin asked, shedding her large winter coat after the warmth of the fire settled into her bones.

"I got a guy," Jay flashed a boyish smile and set the groceries that they had purchased in town on the kitchen counter, "How about if I make us some grilled cheeses for lunch?"

"I'm starving." Erin nodded and glanced down at the sleeping little girl. She adjusted the blanket, carefully trying to avoid waking her up. "I'll wake her up when lunch is ready."

A few minutes after Erin finally settled herself on the couch with her book, Kate's eyes opened. "Mommy," she mumbled blearily, reaching a hand out of the quilted blanket, "My tummy."

"You can take a rest now, okay sweetheart?" Erin stroked her hair back, "Daddy's making grilled cheeses for lunch and then you can take some medicine."

"Where are we?" Kate yawned, glancing around at her surroundings.

"Daddy's cabin in Wisconsin." Erin accepted the sandwich from her partner and held it out to the little girl, "Look, Daddy made you a grilled cheese. Do you want to take a few bites so you can have some medicine?"

Kate reluctantly ate some of the sandwich and swallowed her pills, laying back down on the couch. "I still hurt," she mumbled as Jay took a seat on the other side of her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Squirt. Where does your tummy hurt?" Jay rubbed her foot though the quilt with one hand, eating his sandwich with the other.

"Where it always does." Kate motioned to where her incision was, and where the surgery had taken place.

"You can't take any more medicine for a few hours." Erin sighed, "But we'll stay here with you, how about that?"

Kate nodded tiredly as her mother continued to run fingers through her hair, "I'm going to take a nap." she slurred, before drifting off to sleep once again.

"Er?" Jay called out, peering into the living room after washing up from lunch. Kate was still asleep in the corner of the overstuffed couch, draped with a patchwork blanket that his grandmother made. The fire was roaring and Erin sat rigidly perched on the edge, her face grimacing. "You okay?"

"Mm," Erin replied, opening her eyes, "That time. Cramps."

Jay winced, "Sorry babe." He emerged from the kitchen with two mugs of steaming coffee, handing one to his partner.

"Thanks," She whispered gratefully, taking a sip of the warm liquid. Erin flinched again as she felt another stab of pain in her belly. "Ugh."

"I have an idea," Jay sat on the loveseat and stretched his legs out, "C'mere." He gestured to lap, indicating for Erin to sit between his legs. Skeptically, Erin nestled against her boyfriend's chest, resting the back of her head on his shoulder. Gently, Jay rested a warm hand on her lower belly, carefully massaging her aching stomach.

"Mm." Erin moaned in appreciation, "That helps." She closed her eyes as her partner rubbed his hand across her abdomen. Erin knew that Jay was a caring and tentative man before they even started hooking up, but once they began dating seriously, Erin was constantly surprised with how tender he was with her. Jay was somehow always in tune with what she needed, and as they sat on the couch, Erin was overcome with how much this man must really love her.

"Did you take any ibuprofen?" Jay asked her as he slowly ran his hand along her belly. She nodded, snuggling closer into his chest.

"Don't stop," she begged as a wave of pain hit her, "You're helping."

"I'm not going to stop, not until you tell me too," Jay chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"It's not funny," she whined, tightening her grip on his t shirt.

"I know, I'm sorry Er, I know you're hurting," he kissed her again, hoping to take a little bit of her pain away.

"Feeling better, babe?" Jay asked as Erin entered the kitchen. Kate had slept most of the afternoon, waking up briefly for dinner before falling asleep again. Erin brought her up to the small bedroom and tucked a few blankets around her tiny body to keep her warm.

Erin nodded and wrapped her arms around her partner. His gentle ministrations had helped ease her wicked cramps and she was so grateful for his love and affection. The couple stood in their kitchen for a while, soaking in each other's embrace before working through the dinner dishes.

A whimper echoed from the small bedroom not long after they had finished cleaning up dinner. The whimper quickly escalated to a scream, sending Jay rushing up into the bedroom, Erin hot on his heels.

"Squirt, it's alright. It's Daddy." Jay cooed, sitting on the bed and taking the little girl in his arms. She had bolted upright, her body covered in sweat and tears dripping down her face.

"I'm scared, I'm scared!" Kate whimpered, clinging tighter to her father, "Where are we, where are we?"

"Shh, there's nothing to be scared about. Mommy and I are right here. We're in Wisconsin, at the cabin," He stroked her hair gently and exchanged a glance with his girl, who nodded. "How about you come stay with Mommy and I tonight?"

Kate nodded and looked up at her mother with her large, wet hazel eyes. "I'm sorry I'm scared."

"Oh, baby, don't be sorry." Erin kissed her forehead as Jay lifted the child in his arms. "We're right here, nothing bad is going to happen."

The following morning, the little family lounged around the warm cabin, listening to the wind whip against the weathered sides of their shelter. Jay packed board games and cards so he and Erin could teach Kate the little girl how to play poker. Despite Erin's skepticism about teaching a child how to gamble, Kate was actually very good at the game and had decided she was going to play Hank when they returned to Chicago.

"All that poker tired her out." Jay commented, twisting his spaghetti on his fork as he glanced over at his little girl. She had fallen asleep at the dinner table, her head resting gently on her hand, half eaten bowl of pasta dangerously close to her face.

Erin rolled her eyes and slid the bowl back. "It's six." she stated, glancing at the kitchen clock.

"It's nice not getting home at midnight." Jay said, slurping a piece of spaghetti through his lips. "We have, like, hours before we'll be tired." He raised his eyebrows suggestively, "I have an idea that might tire us out."

"Let's wake her up." Erin decided, completely sidestepping Jay's sexytime idea, "Let's go out."

"Out where?" Jay looked skeptically at his girlfriend, who was suddenly excited.

"Outside. For a walk."

"It's like fifteen degrees out. Without the wind chill."

"So we wear jackets." Erin shrugged, tossing her napkin onto her plate after wiping her mouth. "Come on Jay, the wind's died down and it'll be nice."

"And I suppose Kate will just love to be woken up and dragged out into the cold night?" Jay leaned back in his chair, perplexed that Erin would even suggest going outside when she had been adamant that the vacation was about relaxing indoors.

Erin shrugged again. "Come on, it's rare that we're ever home at a decent hour. And then she'll be awake for a few more hours. Remember what we learned…keeping her awake might actually teach her body to not be so tired all the time."

"It's also a form of torture to keep someone awake," Jay informed her. "She's immunocompromised from surgery, too. What if she gets sick?"

"Her surgery was weeks ago. It'll be good for her to get outside a bit, seeing as we basically force her to stay indoors." She paused. "A half hour." Erin begged. "Please Jay?" She put on a puppy dog face and batted her lashes. "You know Kate loves to spend time with us."

Jay sighed. "Fine. I'll clean up the kitchen, you wake her up."

Erin grinned and got up from the table. "Kate." she said gently, softly rubbing her daughter's arm. "Wake up sweetheart."

Kate lifted her head off her arm and off the table. "I'm sorry." she apologized, rubbing her eyes. "I didn't mean to."

"You don't have to apologize baby." Erin kissed the crown of Kate's head. "I know you're sleepy. But right now, we're going out."

"Where?" Kate's eyes were still heavy as she regarded her mother curiously, "We going out?"

"Just for a walk." Erin rubbed Kate's back. "It'll be fun."

"Why?" Kate asked. Erin caught Jay's eye, and he smirked and gave the 'I told you so' look.

"Just for fun. Come on, let's go get your coat on." She helped the little girl off the chair and stroked her head, "And a hat."

"But it's cold outside." Kate said as they crossed the living room to hooks that held their winter jackets.

"That's why we're wearing coats." Erin reached under the bench and pulled out a pair of her boots and Kate's coat and boots. "And boots. And we can wear mittens and scarves, too."

"Okay." Kate looked skeptical and yawned as she pulled her boots over her socked feet.

"Jay!" Erin called. Her boyfriend emerged from the kitchen, looking weary. "Ready to go for a walk?" She laced up Kate's boots after tying her own.

"You bet." Jay gave Kate a sympathetic look and pulled his boots on. "You better bundle up Er, you know how cold you always get."

Erin helped Kate wrap a scarf around her neck and pulled mittens onto her tiny fingers. "Nice and toasty?" Erin asked her.

"Uh huh." Kate replied, yawning again.

"You're not carrying her." Erin hissed into Jay's ear as she pulled on her winter coat, "Will said that walking is good for her."

"I wasn't planning on it." Jay lied after he grabbed the keys and his phone off the counter. "Are we ready?"

Kate nodded tiredly, and followed her determined mother out the front door.

"It's so lovely out!" Erin said for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. She smiled as the cold night air bit at her cheeks. They had been walking for thirty minutes, and had just entered the small town, peering into closed shop windows and enjoying the quiet night.

"It's cold." Kate shivered, tightening her grip on her father's hand. He gave her a small squeeze. She hadn't complained once, but was starting to fall behind her parent's long strides.

"It's a bit chilly," Jay agreed, watching the warmth of his voice suspend in the night air. He spied an open diner slash café at the corner. "How about a hot chocolate to defrost for a little bit?"

Erin nodded in agreement, catching a glimpse of Kate's bright pink cheeks from a streetlamp. "Then we can head back."

The threesome shed their coats and settled into the chairs around a cold table at the diner. "Three hot chocolates." Jay said politely to the waitress before she had handed out the menus.

"That should warm you up." The waitress said sympathetically to Kate as she set the hot chocolate in front of her.

"Still cold?" Jay looked at his little girl with concern, then at Erin.

"I'm o-o-okay." Kate's tiny hands quivered as she lifted the warm hot chocolate to her purple lips.

"C'mere." Jay helped her onto his lap, and she felt instant relief in his warm embrace.

"You're so w-warm Daddy." Kate whispered, finally taking a sip of the beverage.

"Your lips are fading." Erin smiled after a few minutes. "They were blue just a few minutes ago."

Kate smiled at her mother. "I liked the walk Mommy."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Erin shot her partner an "I told you so" look of her own, then finished off her hot chocolate. "Ready to head home?"

Kate nodded slowly, setting her empty mug back down on the table. "Tired?" Jay said knowingly as he helped her up her coat on.

She nodded again, steadying herself on the back of the chair.

"Are you okay to walk home?" Erin twisted a scarf around her neck, nervously regarding the little girl.

"I'm fine," Kate smiled, then yawned, "I like walkin'."

"Alrighty then." Jay left money on the table. "Let's head home."

Not even ten minutes into the trek home, Kate started to fall behind Erin and Jay's slower pace. "Are you alright baby?" Erin stopped and turned around to check on her daughter, who was holding Jay's hand a few paces behind.

"Uh huh." Kate yawned. "Just a little sleepy."

"Okay well I don't want you to fall asleep while we're walking. Do you think you can make it to the cabin, or do you want Daddy to carry you?"

"I'm okay Mommy." Kate said bravely, her teeth chattering.

"Erin, she's freezing." Jay pointed out, finally fed up by going along with his girlfriend's frigid plan. Jay scooped up his little girl and placed her on his back. "Come on, let's head home."

"She's going to fall asleep." Erin hissed, gently adjusting Kate's scarf around her neck.

"So be it." Jay shrugged, shifting slightly. "You okay up there?"

"Yes." squeaked Kate, her teeth chattering.

"We should start walking." Erin said quickly, suddenly realizing that her decision to keep Kate awake past eight was going to fail.

Jay took Erin's mittened hand and the family headed down the dark street to the cabin, path illuminated by the flashlight on Erin's phone.

"Are you still awake baby?" Erin looked up over Jay's shoulder. Kate was struggling to stay awake, but had managed to continue talking to her parents during the forty minutes it took for them to get back to the cabin. They were approaching the long driveway to the cabin and the familiarity had caused Jay to quicken his pace.

"I'm awake." Kate said softly, her eyes drooping. "Are we almost back?"

"Yes." Jay replied, stopping in his tracks. He winked at his girl, then swung his daughter around so that she was in his arms.

"What are you doing Daddy?" Kate giggled quietly.

"Keeping you awake." Jay tossed her up in the air, then caught her again in his arms. Kate squealed with joy, holding tightly to her father's neck, giggling incessantly.

"Careful Jay!" Erin grabbed her partner's arm. "You'll hurt her stomach."

"I'm fine Mommy." Kate laughed as Jay carried her up the front porch, "Daddy's just bein' silly."

"If you had dropped her…" Erin shoved Jay's key into the lock and twisted the knob. "Jay, I swear to God…"

"She's fine." He set Kate down. She was shivering slightly as he helped take her heavy coat off and remove the mittens from her tiny fingers.

"Kate, baby, can you go put some warm pajamas on? Socks included," Erin instructed while shedding her many layers onto the hooks. "I'm going to make some tea."

"You and your herbal tea." Jay teased.

"It keeps me warm at night, since my partner is such a hot body and likes to throw the covers off around one AM." She poked him in the ribs before starting the kettle.

"You know you love it." Jay took her by her hips and planted a kiss on her lips.

"That's why I wanted to go for a walk tonight." She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's strong torso and rested her head on his chest. "Thank you."

"I enjoyed it too." Jay smiled at his girl's sudden affection. "I'm glad you're happy."

"I'm so happy." Erin turned her face into his neck and breathed deeply. "And you smell like hot chocolate and cologne."

"Sexy, eh?" He tipped his head down and tenderly kissed her forehead. She shivered. "Are you still cold, babe?"

She shook her head and held him tighter. "I'm just glad that I'm here with you. And with Kate."

Jay ran his fingers over her soft hair. "I'm so glad that we're here too." He paused. "Where is she?"

Erin pulled away from her partner. "I sent her to put on warm pajamas like five minutes ago."

"That was five minutes ago." Jay said seriously. He had become increasingly nervous of Kate's whereabouts since she had gotten sick, and more so after she had ripped her stitches.

"Kate?" Erin's voice echoed through the quiet house.

"She might have fallen asleep." Jay pointed out, trailing after Erin. "I'll check our bedroom."

"Kate!" The voice of a worried mother came sharper this time.

"I'm in here Mommy." A soft voice murmured from the living room. Jay quickly turned to see his daughter curled up on the couch in her pajamas with the stuffed lion and tiger, little face illuminated by the glow of the fireplace.

"You scared us for a minute." Jay said honestly. He sat down next to her and put his arm over her tiny shoulders. "Mommy and I got worried."

"You don't gotta be worried," Kate stated simply, "I'm okay Daddy. I'm getting better."

"I know, kiddo. But you scared us a few weeks ago, and that's why we worry. So just make sure you tell us when something's wrong, okay?"

Kate nodded, snuggling closer to her father. "I like it here with you and Mommy."

Erin emerged from the kitchen, bearing mugs of tea. "Me too baby." she agreed, "How about some herbal tea before bed?"

Also if you're interested in a continuation of this story let me know! Next chapter is my personal favorite, so stay tuned!