

A story of two brothers who wanted more than what their society offers them but inorder for them to do that they have to pass through hell. It is a story of they sufferings,pain,rise, betrayal and revenge. They never knew that life had a lot of plans that encompass they dream. One brother must fall by another brother.

Carsondellasanta · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 3( The scammer and the Aggrieved street fighter)

A wise man once said"one can never understand how one feels unless he must had been in the same situation or condition"that was how it was for Ethan. He for that moment understood how it must have been for De Angelo during his father's death especially when you knew that he was killed. Although Ruffos was never Ethan's father but he was the only thing he had close to it.

Ruffos was an ailing man who suffered many heart disorders. Ethan was meant to buy him his already finished medication the day that he was attacked. Mr Ruffos waited and waited,he was dieing but just on picking his phone,he was informed that his boy Ethan was in a very bad state he collapsed instantly and died of heart attack.

Ethan was consoled by De Angelo,it was like nothing happened in the street, everyone was busy going to they various activities. To crown it all,their apartment was under demolition,the owners wanted it down in order to mount a new one.

It was a new phase for this orphans,they have lost everything that once gave them hope."where are we going to start?"it was a simple question from De Angelo with no expectation for a soothing answer, perhaps the answer must be a difficult one. Ethan moved in with De Angelo to Texas to start their new life. They started out with menial jobs to keep themselves fed and alive. They worked in many restaurants washing dishes, cleaning toilet and many others. They also worked as errands boys for certain individuals and also newspaper distributors for news company. They threw rubbish from time to time. They planned to save up so that they can open up a store were they could start up a small business.

After a year,they were able to save up something for themselves. They met a man,Jango,who introduced himself as an agent. He was paid by Ethan and De Angelo to find a good store for them."meet Mr Tommy the owner of the store"Jango introduced a weird middle aged looking man."good afternoon sir"the two boys greeted. After some close negotiations they reached a price and the boys paid. They signed some documents to finalize the transaction. They were told to start in two days time to allow them clean up the store .

It was a Saturday morning,the two boys headed for the store but as they approach they noticed that some individuals were there."They must be the cleaners"De Angelo commented confidently.

On reaching there, they saw a very different thing from What they thought,this guys were busy stocking the store."Good morning sir"Ethan greeted one of the workers there. He continued "sir please what are you guys doing in our store"."your store,I beg your pardon,I don't understand " the owner of the store asked perplexed.

At this time, Ethan and De Angelo realized that in the next few seconds or minutes they will be in serious pain."sir we bought this shop day before yesterday"De Angelo replied showing the man the documents."I am the owner of the store and I can't recall setting this place for rent" the owner responded. This was the outcome they feared most.

"We are scamed"Ethan shouted in a wailing and painful tone,they have lost they year suffering and pain just like that. The people working pitied the two agonizing boys but what can they do for them,it was an unfortunate situation. They went home in silence and in pain,it was just like a movie scene to them. They plans to save up for University was now inevitable,they were very desperate and at that point were very sure to do anything that could bring money to them.

After some weeks,they were introduced to street fight tournament. It was located in Creekside street,a mile journey from Texas. Ethan and De Angelo was introduced by a friend,Luiz another hustler. Ethan and De Angelo were naturally strong fellas but still there trained themselves in different aspect of the combat. It was never easy going for them,they had to get a lot of injuries and wound on each fight.

A win gets one $50,it was a very low fee for such a violent tournament but to them it was fair. Ethan and De Angelo within couple of months started to dominate the tournament although they had they own share of loss. One peculiar feature of this tournament is that it makes one more stronger and better each time they enter the arena. This tournament entertained a lot of people around Nairobi town.

" The prize for the winner of today's tournament is $500" the fight presenter voiced. That was a huge fee compared to the regular $50 per win in each fight. It was a tag team event . The fighters were Greek warriors; Leonidas and Trevor against the Nairobi warriors; Ethan and De Angelo. It was hyped to be the fight of the year,the very bests against each other.

It was an outstanding fight in which everyone gave their best but still the Nairobi warriors triumphed as to the dismay of the Greek warriors and the punters. The Nairobi warriors, Ethan and De Angelo were obviously the underdogs,there were formidable but not really for the Greek gladiators.

Later that day,in the very thick darkness of the night,the Greek boys came with there armed friends to kill Ethan and De Angelo in their house. Ethan and De Angelo surrendered everything they had to them on sighting their gun,they were very terrified."bye bye"Trevor mockingly waved,he has already told his friend to kill them.

So as he left with Leonidas,the armed guys pointed the gun on the two boys who were pleading for their lives. Ethan and De Angelo at this juncture saw their lives being about to be taken away from them,there weren't really sure of what to do but well they don't really have much option.