

Somewhere in the Middle East.


Soldier 2: Yeah well we need to keep watch we've got a major visiting the base.

Soldier 1: Yeah I know but it's dark and it's cold and it sucks.

Soldier 2: I can't disagree with that.


Soldier 2: What was that?!

Soldier 1: I think that was a gunshot. I'll call it in, you look for where it came from.

Command, this is patrol 16 I think I just herd a gunshot be advised, 16 out.

[ALL UNITS, ALL UNITS, This is command we have a sniper somewhere, the major is dead. I repeat the major is dead.]

Soldier 2: I FOUND HIM! Up there on that ridge about 1 click out.

Soldier 2: Command this is patrol 16 the sniper is on the ridge at 127 about 1000 meters.


[Understood 16, all units be advised the sniper is at 12-]


Soldier 1: SHIT they got the commander.

Soldier 2: can you get his range?

{Soldier 1 peeks over the sandbags with the rangefinder}

Soldier 1: Yeah. Ok about 879 meters


{soldier 2 looks over to to se that his friend just got shot in the head}

Soldier 2: FUCK! Ok ok let's see if I can hit him with the rpg.



{soldier 2 falls over, he was shot in the head}

Sniper: 07 tell command the the mission was a success.

07: [Copy that sir]

Spotter: nice job Reaper

Reaper: I've asked you to please not call me that.

Spotter: I know but not many people get the title of reaper.

Reaper: whatever let's pull back now and group up with the squad.

Spotter: Understood Mr. Reaper.

Reaper: (Sighs)