
One Box Man

With boxing gloves on, Steve Marciano Martinez can destroy anything in one punch, yet this power destroyed his path to become a boxer with some strange happening around him that made his family and beloved forget him. One day, he met a billionaire orphaned vigilante, raven man who told him that he was a natural elite and would soon be sent to another world to play a game. The billionaire orphaned vigilante also warned him that he would always start back to the lowest level or he must follow the rules of the game. If he dies inside the game, and because he is a natural elite, the earth will face an apocalypse as he might turn into a deprive creature like werewolves, vampires, Asura warrior, etc. If he fail or did not abide by the game rules midway but manage to keep his life, he would become a fallen elite that will be hunted by elites and would need to hunt elites too. Lastly, if he completed the game, he would be invited to a server that is connected to the multiverse. A server where the fate of all humans in the multiverse were on the line against other races. [[ Servers ]] [ Main Server: Earth. ] [ Server 1: Asura World. ] [ Server 2: Warcraft Magic World. ] [ Server 3: Cultivation Gu World. ] [ Server 4: Dark fantasy Burning World. ] Ding! [ The host completed all the mission the system gave in the Cultivation Sky world, the host managed to open a server in the cultivation world. ] [ Host gained: Server 5, Cultivation Sky World. ] Ding! [ The host completed all the mission the system gave in the Deep water Fantasy world, the host managed to open a server in a cultivation world. ] [ Host gained: Server 6, Deep water Fantasy world. ]

One_Blaster · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The man, who was disgusting to look at, froze.

His eyes were staring lost into the eyes of the towering man in front of him.

He can feel no hatred, pity, disgust, or contempt. 

Only gratitude and pure concentration.

'What is this?'

He thought.

At first, he only wanted to tease the towering man as he was confident in his strength.


The disgusting man cannot understand. 

Gratitude to kill?

The disgusting man's whole body quivered in fear for the first time.

Earlier, he was happily faking himself, faking that he was scared.

However, looking at the towering man's eyes, the fake feeling became genuine.

A genuine feeling of fear.


He shouted.

The disgusting man's voice became high-pitched.

He suddenly stumbled down to the ground with his butt.

Steve stopped.

Seeing the disgusting fellow's uncontrollable trembling body.


Steve asked.

"I thought you wanted to die that badly?"

He continued.

Making another stance, ready to drive his fist to the disgusting man's face.

"If you want to live, pay for destroying the wall of my boxing gym."

Steve stated.

"If not, be prepared to die right here, right now."

He continued with conviction in his voice.


The disgusting man trembled.

Being fallen or a loser, he already spent his merit points on the system. 

He didn't have any more merit points to pay for the damages he had done to the strong giant white gorilla before him.

He will die for sure.

He didn't want to admit it.

Even though he doesn't know the power of this gorilla, he is sure that he will surely die.

His gut feeling kept him alive until this very day he is living.

Suddenly, Steve spoke again.

"It would cause you 70- err- 90,000 dollars."

Hearing this, the disgusting man's body went stiff.

'Am I hearing this wrong?'

He asked himself.

However, Steve spoke again.

"The cost of cement would be 20,000 dollars, and the tiles would be 50,000…."

Steve kept speaking about his overpriced demand.

Not giving a fuck what the disgusting man thinks while having bulging veins on his forehead.

'I am annoyed right now. I don't have money, I need to use my medicinal tools on a kid with a costume, and now this guy kicked my wall?'

He thought while scrutinizing the frozen disgusting man.

'I'll overpriced this so he won't be able to pay for this, and I'll smack him all up.'

Steve knew that a guy that could kick a wall easily, even though he looked homeless, was a dangerous fellow.

So he won't hold back.

Suddenly, the disgusting man lifted his arms and used his finger to touch something in the air.

Steve found it weird, so he went back to his boxing stance.

When all of a sudden, out of thin air.


A mountain of cash, gold and even emerald fell.

Without wasting a drop of a second passed by, the man stood up and bowed.

'Whatever it is, I need to run away.'

Steve felt his eyes telling him that this wasn't real.

When he eyed the disgusting fellow, the fellow bowed to him, turned around, walked to the side and left without saying anything.

Steve did not even care or didn't have the time to think that the disgusting fellow movements were stiff.

When he left, that's when Steve finally woke up.

"What the?"

He said.

Staring at the gold, money, and treasures on the ground that the disgusting man left.

Steve didn't want to look thirsty for money, so he quickly composed himself.

When he was about to pick it up, he sensed someone behind him.

When he turned his head a little, the kid was already standing.

Holding the wall to support himself from not falling.

"Why did you let him go?"

He said.

Cough! Cough!

Mouth full of blood escaped from his mouth, indicating that he was still severely injured and was just pushing himself.

'Earlier, this madman is forcing me to become his boxing student, I almost died that I couldn't even say what I wanted to say.'

The kid thought. 

The hair all over his body was still feeling fresh from the memory when this madman snapped his neck.

Now, this bastard is over there salivating for money like nothing happened.

"You will regret it."

He continued.

Not just because of letting the man go but also snapping his neck earlier.

However, the kid was a little afraid of this man since he didn't expect to meet a 10th order human so he decided to play it cool and act like he didn't hold any grudge.

However, he will sure tell his superior.

Steve only gave him a look.

Earlier, this kid didn't want to become his disciple so he injured the kid more to be worthy of his medicine scam business.

However, the kid doesn't seem to remember anything so Steve decided to play it cool like nothing happened.

He eyed the kid and then the money and treasures. His eyes returned to the kid, the capital, and treasures again.

After a few minutes, Steve snorted.

"Kid, since you're already healed, you can now leave."

Steve said while walking towards the kid.

When he reached the kid, he picked the kid up using one arm on his neck.

With his height and massive arms, he could do it quickly.

"What are you doing?"

The kid asked while being carried like a pet, slowly walking out of the destroyed wall of the boxing gym.

"Are you not worried that he might return and take revenge on you?"

Steve is not listening to him.

He looked down at him and stared into his eyes.

"Kid, the medicinal fee is 40,000 dollars. You better pay me, or I will find you and kill you."

The kid's face changed.

He was looking at Steve with his mouth wide open.

Seeing that kid was not reacting. Steve turned around to leave.

He is not scared that the kid doesn't pay him. He already got a lot of money on the ground.


The kid shouted.

However, Steve ignored him and walked to the pile of money and treasures.

"Hey! Didn't you see his profile on the server?"

Steve brushed him off.

He thought of wanting to send this kid flying, so he could be alone.

When Steve stood in the pile of treasures and money, he reached out with his left hand, which didn't have boxing gloves.

However, as soon as the hand made contact with the money and treasures, all of it exploded.


Dust spread everywhere as the explosion destroyed the shelf and almost half of the boxing gym.

When the dust cleared, Steve stared at the shelf where there were memories of the people he didn't save in time.

Seeing that they were still there and only a few pieces of boxing gym equipment were destroyed, he heaved a sigh of relief.


[ The host received damage, the host received damage comparable to a 15,000 punches. ]

Steve only didn't expect that this would happen.

His eyes could only stare at the system.


[ The host needed to perform 33,972 before fifteen days, or the host will die. ]

The system said.

Making his hands within the boxing gloves clench.


The boxing glove could be stronger. His body was also in the 10th order, comparable to a giant mammoth, so his grip should be strong to rip it.

Hearing this, Steve's face changed, and then he calmed down.

Looking down, he saw the treasures and a pile of money becoming nothing but black burnt ashes.


Steve shouted.

He didn't know why. His body was trembling uncontrollably, not due to fear but frustration.

Seeing the boxing gym he had worked hard to build, where he killed a lot of unknown beasts, he could not help but feel enraged.


He said.

His voice was like thunder when he asked that. 

His eyes scanned the direction of the disgusting man that fooled him, ready to come and follow the man.

'I will find you!'

Steve stilled in his heart when suddenly, his eyes constricted.

He saw a massive technological advance black car that looked like it had broken on top of it coming closer to him.

'Another enemy?'

He assumed.

Steve didn't want to let his guard down anymore; he was only lucky earlier as he was still wearing his boxing gloves when he wore them.

If not, he would've died in the explosion.

Steve places his left foot in front of his right, with his feet angled in slightly, yet still pointing towards where the black ship was.

He put his hands up to protect his chin, tucked his elbows down, kept his chin down, and ensured his hips were above his feet.

My body and hands were relaxed.

Have a slight bend at his knees and bring up his back heel. 

Steve bounced a little to become comfortable in his stance. 

His feet are around shoulder width apart, his front foot mainly points forward, and his back points primarily out.


He said in his mind.

'I'll crush you all!'

Suddenly, he saw something familiar come out of the raven-flying car.


A body of an unconscious man, with his eyes white, a bloody nose and mouth.

The unconscious disgusting man that made a fool out of himself was now flying down from the high technology car.


Steve didn't know where it landed, but it sounded awful.


Steve wants to find the man and kill him with a single punch, yet it seems everything is too late.

The little boy or the injured kid emerged from the smoke beside him. He stretched his hand as he was giving a signal to the flying car.

The door of the flying car, while flying, opened.

A shadow of a man came and jumped out of it.
