

Shou is a wealthy 16 year old in the country of Japan. He loses his twin sister; Nao, and her death causes nothing but loneliness and pain, but a chance in the form of a bloodied wall presented itself. A message from Nao calling upon Shou to come save her and Shou is immediately steered into the mission of finding his sister. He comes closer to that goal when an exorcist saves him after his search for Nao. Shou is suddenly attacked and the exorcist tells him to stop looking, but he pushes forward, driving himself to lengths his never encountered whether he steals, manipulates and gets injured to get her back.. but when shes finally returned more tragedy and calamity follow them, so how long will take for him to regret the decision of bringing her back.

pentacost · Horror
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Pushing forward!!


The only way to go was forward. Bowdren, with a new found strength struck the distorted chain of limbs in one go, breathing intensely, he gave a quick glance at Shou's confident countenance. "*Huff* Let's go!*"

And they both surged forward with ferocity. Shou took the lead, his movements fluid and purposeful, while the chain-like limbs seemed to anticipate their every move. Hurdles of clustered arms lunged towards them, bypassing Shou and targeting Bowdren with deadly precision. *SLASH!* Bowdren swiftly severed them, his actions fueled by sheer determination as he pushed forward relentlessly. *SLASH!*

Shou halted abruptly, standing by Nao's room, his intense red eyes scanning the rooftops. "It's not inside. It's, in the ceilings," he declared with urgency.

Bowdren, still catching his breath from the relentless onslaught, approached Shou with an exhausted jog. "What do you mean?" he demanded, his voice filled with urgency.

"The key to stopping its growth…"

Bowdren doubled over, his breath ragged as he struggled to form words. "What... are you saying... if we want to stop this... we have to confront it head-on. We need to go to her room... where your human eyes could see it clearly," he managed between gasps.

"It's not about weakness!" Shou retorted, his voice cutting through the tension. "I passed out remember... You just have to look closely," he insisted, his eyes blazing in the darkness. "Trust me."

Though Shou spoke with confidence, Bowdren couldn't shake his skepticism. Doubt gnawed at his mind as he weighed Shou's words.

"You have no proof_no basis for what you're saying—" Bowdren's words were cut short as a chain hurtled towards him. *Slash!* He narrowly avoided it, his reflexes honed from countless battles.

"Aren't you tired of this yet?" Shou's voice was chillingly calm as he drew nearer to Bowdren. "They won't hurt me. You, on the other hand, are in trouble. You'll die if we don't make a decision."

Bowdren fell silent, unsettled by Shou's ominous words.

Shou walked away, not needing an answer but assumed he practically knew the response.

That environment did something to him, but what, only he could tell, otherwise his attitude towards this situation changed.

Bowdren gave a fatigued sigh. "Lead the way… kid."

They hurried back towards the hole Bowdren had created, the hallway a blur of motion and tension. Shou took the lead, his presence alleviating some of the pressure as the eyes on the chains followed them with palpable fear.

"How do we get up there? It's going to—" Bowdren's words were cut off as Shou swiftly moved aside, redirecting a massive wave of limbs towards him. "What the!?" Bowdren reacted with lightning speed, obliterating the threat in an instant. The mound of flesh collapsed from the wall, and Bowdren, seething with anger, stomped towards Shou, gripping his collar tightly. "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to kill me!?" he spat out, his frustration boiling over.

Shou's eyes remained impassive, the red glow intensifying his unsettling aura, yet his demeanour remained calm. "*Sigh*... look, it's sturdy enough and big enough to reach the hole like a ladder," he explained calmly, gesturing towards the chain.

"Do you just expect me to forget your attempt to murder me!?" Bowdren's voice echoed in the tense silence. Shou remained silent, his lack of response adding to Bowdren's frustration. Looking around at their dire situation, Bowdren reluctantly released his grip on Shou, watching as he walked towards the edge of the clustered chain of limbs.

"... Very interesting.." Shou muttered. "You're cutting these things in the correct spots."

Bowdren scowled, rolling his eyes, still irritated. "'Oh really how can you tell?'"

Shou gave it a kick. "..Don't you see the yellow glow that's coming off some parts? those are like some kinda weak points right?"

(*Ack!* He can see that clearly!?) "Hey kid." He stepped forward. "Your sister gave you those eyes right? She's a human spirit. How the heck is she that powerful?"

"... She told me a lot of things, but that's not one of them... I had no idea there's a power ranking," Shou remarked with a light smirk, bending down to pick up the dislocated limb. "Aren't you going to help?"

His demeanor seemed oddly detached, a stark contrast to the gravity of their situation. Bowdren couldn't help but notice the shift in Shou's behavior. In the midst of danger, Shou appeared almost serene, a far cry from the trembling mess he had been earlier.

"Yeah..." Bowdren replied, reluctantly joining Shou in handling the grotesque tangle of limbs. Each limb felt repulsively slimy and heavy, emitting a putrid odor that made Bowdren's stomach churn. After a flurry of vulgar expressions exchanged between them, Shou and Bowdren finally managed to construct the makeshift 'ladder'.

"Ladies first," Bowdren quipped with forced charisma, gesturing for Shou to climb first. With a resigned sigh, Shou began the arduous ascent, muscles straining against the weight of his injuries. Eventually, he reached the roof, and Bowdren followed suit, pushing through the pain to join him.

As they stood side by side on the firm ceiling boards, Bowdren couldn't help but feel a shiver of dread run down his spine. "I told you it was here," Shou reiterated, his voice laced with urgency. "Are you ready to face this?"

Bowdren let out a strained chuckle, his laughter tinged with bitterness. "... Are you crazy? Look at it!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief as he surveyed the looming threat before them.

The ceilings were wide and spacious, almost like an attic… What was unsettling about it was the cascade of Webbed arms, legs, sense organs and torsos.. in a few metres what looked like a coughted heep of flesh, stood etched to the board and a dreadful aura in purple was what it inducted.

(it's protecting something.). "Disgusting," exclaimed Bowdren.

"Do you see it-" asked Shou.

"Of course I can see it! It's horrible-makes me want to puke, and worst of all, there aren't any more weak spots I can exploit."

"...I can see a lot of them actually…"

" look if I can't see what makes you think you do!?"

"It's because I'm seeing it right now!" Shou started to look strained, his face caving in as though he were in pain. "Just_just trust me.."

"You'll get me killed! I can't 'just' trust you with my life,

"Look you've already broken into my house, the least you can do is listen to me otherwise you will be dead!"

Bowdren gave a deep sigh, (how much more do I have in me?). "..Fine, I'll hunt you if I get a scratch on me."

"..We gotta reach the end.. right there," said Shou with undoubtful determination. "And all of this will end today."

"Yeah I know how to do my job


Bowdren summoned a reserve of strength, every movement accompanied by a symphony of pain. His hand remained firmly pressed against his shattered rib, the adrenaline failing to dull the agony coursing through his body. But Bowdren refused to yield. (I'll push through the pain... I'll burn my way through if I have to... But can I handle it? *sigh* I have no choice... I can't afford to die now!)

Taking a peculiar stance, Bowdren positioned his left hand over his injured abdomen, his traditional dagger held firmly in his right hand, his legs primed for swift movement. "Shout where it is, I'll strike swiftly. My ears are sharp," he declared, determination etched into every word.

"Wait!" Shou's interruption caught Bowdren off guard, confusion clouding his features as he awaited an explanation.

Shou's cheeks tinged with embarrassment as he spoke hesitantly. "Um... is my mom okay? You said you knocked them out."

Bowdren's initial confusion gave way to laughter, the sound tinged with pain. "Hahaha! You're worried about your mom!? Hahaha," he exclaimed, his smile broadening.

"Shut up... I'm serious," Shou retorted, his tone firm.

Bowdren's laughter subsided, replaced by a reassuring smile. "Even laughing hurts... I know you're serious. Don't worry, they're all asleep and safe. Nothing bad will happen to them."

"... I see." Shou replied, his expression softening with relief.

Bowdren returned to his usual posture, determination shining in his eyes. "Alright, if that's settled... let's go!"

"Yeah... The first web is at the centre. Hurry," Shou instructed, his voice clear and commanding. With renewed determination, Bowdren surged forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Bowdren surged forward with breathtaking speed, his movements a blur of determination as he struck at the heart of the webbed figures. A primal scream echoed through the air, but Bowdren paid it no mind, driving his weapon deeper until the web collapsed beneath his relentless assault. (Just the first set down... Four more to go! Damn it!)

Suddenly, the situation escalated beyond comprehension. The hands sprouting from the webs grew to monstrous proportions, their gaze fixated on Bowdren as they launched a coordinated attack.

*Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!*

Five massive limbs converged on Bowdren with terrifying force. Shou's command rang out in a panic, "Run!!", but Bowdren stood his ground, his resolve unyielding. As the closest limb closed in, Bowdren pivoted to the right with lightning speed, executing a precise slash that severed it cleanly. (Lucky. Number. One!)

But there was no time to revel in success. Limbs closed in from all sides, their relentless assault relentless and unrelenting. With reflexes honed by years of combat, Bowdren leaped above the converging mass, causing them to collide with each other in a chaotic frenzy.

"Cut their wrists!" Shou's command pierced through the chaos, and Bowdren obeyed without hesitation. With calculated precision, he descended upon the clustered arms, each slash precise and deadly. (Four down!) he thought, his breath ragged with exhaustion. "Where's the fifth one?"

Shou ran forward, his heart beating with utter urgency, "above you!!!"

His urgent cry jolted Bowdren into action, his eyes scanning the sky above. Too late, he realised the danger looming directly overhead. With a sinking feeling of dread, Bowdren braced himself for impact.

It was clearly death descending upon him… a merciless finale to the relentless onslaught.


... thank you for 1k like fr I didn't expect that so quickly. My posting isn't consistent but I implore you to keep coming back, leave an honest rating of the chapters and I'd Be really excited if you were to comment !!!!

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