An image of him, donning yellow robes and sporting a bald head, kneeling in a temple while hitting the wooden with an ashen face full of resentment and devastation suddenly appeared in his mind.
The very thought of it sent him involuntarily stifling a shudder once more and crying, "No! You can't be so cruel to me, Chairman Mu!"
Isn't it just a haircut?
Is there a need for him to come all the way here and exert pressure on me over this matter?
The manager's regretful feelings were written all over his face.
"You shouldn't be so cruel to me, too," retorted the other man. "This is my order. You're not allowed to go against it."
The star agent's eyelids twitched hard before he suddenly started snickering when he recalled a certain matter. He smugly said, "You have no right to give me orders now."