
The Other Side 183

Editor: Atlas Studios

"Some people pass out. Others feel exhausted and want to sleep, and sleep so deeply that they have trouble waking up."

"What?" Yun Shishi exclaimed and turned ashen.

It suddenly came back to her, the day when Gong Fan was trying to make the desserts to fulfill Youyou's promise to Natalia. However, he had suddenly fainted. When he woke up, he had complained of being tired and sleepy. She had taken him in her arms and coaxed him to sleep, but right up till now, he had not woken up again.

It had been a long time since she last saw Gong Fan. Yun Shishi's heart wrenched at the thought.

Alice saw noticed Yun Shishi's troubled expression. "What's the matter?" she asked worriedly. "You look terrible all of a sudden."

"So it looks like Gong Fan was also hypnotized by Natalia's other personality?"

Alice winced at that remark. "What do you mean?!"