

A university student was sent to another world to find her soulmate. Together with an unreliable system watch how she kicks ass and becomes the number one woman in this Matriarch world as an overpowered character. System: "now that you have found your soulmate it is time for me to leave" FL: "......" 'you don't say~~' a few days later System: "host I saw your struggles and as a kind-hearted system I have decided to come back and help you conquer this world" FL is now the leader of the number one base: "..."

bluerabbit_141 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm Anna a 19-year-old orphan and a freshman at Mauvy University of fine arts, I live in the school dorm and work a part-time job at night. For the past 19 years of my life I've lived a pretty normal life, well that was all until today for the last two weeks, there has been news about a rapist running rampant every night and attacking innocent girls, honestly, I never thought I'd encounter this criminal but boy was I wrong.

This evening on my way home from the part-time job I was cornered by said criminal but thanks to my trusty pepper spray I managed to escape, but who'd have thought that during my great escape I fell into a manhole such horrid luck is what I'd like to say but I didn't die so don't worry lol. Even if I didn't die there is still one slight problem.....the thing is...I've been falling for the past TWO HOURS FUCK!!!! How do I know it's been two hours? Oh, it's because my cheap one-dollar watch is still working.

"Ding a host has been found! Compatibility at 98%! Commencing bonding"

"....what? Hello anyone there?! Hey, I heard you! Don't ignore me!" (well shit, I guess falling for so long has started to mess with my mind)

"Ding! Bonding complete! Hello, host"

"yay, I'm not crazy yet! Hey there crazy robot-sounding voice in my head"

"my name is not a crazy robot-sounding voice."

"oh, then what is your name"

"I am called matchmaking system!"

".....hello blue(it'll be annoying to always be calling out the matchmaking system every time I want to talk to it my watch is blue so I decided to go with that), so then do you know how to get me to stop falling?"


"great then please hurry up and get me out of here"

"as you wish"

oh I was sent back to my dorm room cool it was like teleportation

"I don't know if I should be glad that there is no one here or if I should be angry at the fact that they left the room in a state of utter chaos"

Ah screw this I ignored the messed up room and jumped up on my bed, I needed a break this night has been very crazy I even met the legendary system. I slowly drifted to sleep.

The next morning on my way to class I met my dorm mates

"Anna where were you last night? We tried calling but you never picked up"

"I had to do an overnight shift and I didn't notice that my phone was dead sorry"

My dorm mate May stared at me for a bit before accepting my excuse and it's not like I can straight up say oh hey I was almost raped but then I escaped and then fell into a manhole and kept falling for a few hours haha.

"Well make sure you don't fall asleep in class, after all, the first hour is miss Hera" I nodded my head in response.

Miss Hera is our math's lecturer and she is known to be very very strict the last unlucky person that slept in her class last week is still doing the homework she assigned to him till today and the foolish soul that had the balls to skip her class last month has been doing the assignment she gave him till today so you can guess how she I, classes ended and we all ran off.

"Classes felt a lot longer today," May said

"yeah tell me about it, I felt like time was slowed down" responded Angel one of my classmates

"My brain can't handle anymore I'm going back to the dorm to sleep," May said

"yeah me too. How about you Anna?" asked Sally

"I still have my part-time job so I can't rest now"

"ah yes, the life of us poor people. I'll be heading out too" responded Angel

"kay bye!"

We separated at a corridor, to be honest, I don't want to go, not like it's a bad job it's just that my co-worker has been hitting on me for the past two weeks, he is good looking, yeah, but I like being the one heading the relationship adding to the fact that I'm a huge ass sadist every guy I hit on always runs off after the first week of dating, not to brag but I'm quiet infamous To top it all of I'm not interested in stud horses and used goods, well whatever.

After work

"Arg my aches have aches, and my cramps have cramps. I didn't even know this was possible. And I still have assignments to complete"

" Does the host wish to look through the system?"

Ah! I totally forgot about this thing in my head I cleared my throat a bit.

"So tell me what you are used for"

"as you wish. The system is a matchmaker system designed for the personal use of the host"

"wait! Am I to believe that someone personally created you for my sake?"



"it is a way of repaying the host for saving the system world in your last life"


"during your past life you were a tasker, going through different worlds to complete a few set's missions and at the end you saved the system world. I was sent here to help you because, the Lord God saw that your soulmate is in a different world. My job is to let you shuttle between this world and his and after you two get together the system will return to the system world"

"...holy shit! I was actually part of the quick transmigration group in my past life? Holy shit!"

the amount of information I just received is enough to make me jump.

"wait you said that my soulmate is in a different world, what sort of world? And how do I find him?"

"the host will find out after going."

"oh" well that's great and all but I still have things to do here.

It's been a month since my discussion with the blue this time I've learned more about blue and its rules so I guess I'm pretty much ready to go look for my soulmate, yep you heard right I'm going to look for him apparently there is no such thing as a soulmate tracker to make easier the only good thing is that I don't have to go through different worlds only one and I can go back and forth between the two and I can get the information on that world from blue after I go there. Hurray for the system. Anyway, it's a beautiful Saturday morning a good day to cross worlds.

"Blue let's go"

"as you wish"

a few minutes later shit! This sucks!!



"Fuck! Blue come out for me!"

"yes host"

"yes your mom! What kind of shithole did you send me to?!"

"collecting world information"

I don't need you to collect any information for me to know that this world is in the fucking apocalypse, oh and by the way yours truly ,I, am currently being chased by zombies.

I ran into a building and shut the door, my legs feel like jelly, damn if I had known I would have brought some food supplies with me worst part is I can't leave this world for the next 24 hours and I can't communicate with blue until it's finished collecting the world's information so I started exploring the house I was in.

".....this place probably belonged to a rich family" Holy macaroni! As I looked through the house although there was no food the things inside were all high tech stuff that I've never seen before, the house was still fully furnished, and there were no traces of struggle inside so it's either the people living here left in a hurry or there was no one living here to begin with, welp that has nothing to do with me. For now, thanks to the zombies outside I can't leave the house and blue is still busy with the info collection so ill take a nap.