
One Another Chance to Love Rachel

When Rachel gets drunk at a bar, hurt letting herself fall in love with her boss, even after knowing it would hurt her the most in the end. She doesn’t like alcohol because it takes her emotions out of control. But on that day, she’d rather be drunk than remember the one she loves. She knows Jayce wants nothing but the occasional sex they have from time to time, and that her feelings will only make matters worse. Rachel doesn’t want the same fate as her mother, but she can’t stop following in her footsteps, falling in love with somebody who can never love her. But the thought of losing Jayce makes her forget all her troubling past. Later, when Rachel was all drunk and lost, Jayce came to her rescue. That led Rachel to confess her feelings for him, making Jayce realize that falling in love wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. Later, he takes her to his home, promising to confess her feelings to her in the morning when she is sane. But in the morning, Rachel remembered her silly confession. In her mind, she thought that this could be the end of their relationship and left Jayce asleep, with the commitment of never seeing Jayce again. But on waking up, when Jayce can’t find Rachel. He came to know that she was gone, leaving him alone with no sign of her whereabouts. But he can’t leave her, not now, when she’s the only hope of happiness in her life. He wants Rachel back in his life, in his arms, where she really belongs.

SiaSage · Urban
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6 Chs



I sighed happily, stretching my arms, although I am tired as heck with all the work, and babysitting but at the end of the day, I'm happy and satisfied with myself.

Nowadays, two things make me forget that help me forget Jayce, one of Brandon and Jane's babies, and two of my late nights at this restaurant.

I don't know why seeing people happy and satisfied with my work, either by eating something I cooked or the time they spend with me, makes my days fulfilled. Even though food and cooking remind me of my time with Jayce and every time I'm cooking. I don't know, but it seems even far away from me there is part of with me every time, I hold a knife or spatula, or see the happily satisfied look on the people's face that comes and devours my food.

And that is something I will always be thankful to Jayce, it's because of him that I've so much, if it's not for me then I would have never discovered that I've some kind of thing with cooking too.

I remember the first time I was at his house when my ankle was sprained and I didn't have anywhere to spend the night, At that time Jayce lend his hand to me, allowing me to stay at his house but me being a fool, I mistook his attempt causing a fight and misunderstanding in between us.

Damn I'm still a fool I guess somehow, I don't know. I smiled remembering my very first night at Jayce's house, our very first misunderstanding, and the very first time that I've ever cooked for someone other than myself.


Tonight is the worst day of my life. I lost my job the very night I started working. I sprained my ankle so badly I couldn't even walk on my own and worse of worse the person who helped me and whose lap I have fallen on is technically the real boss.

I don't think my words make sense, because hell I'm confused, and my mind is blank. I don't know what to do; I don't have time to rest. I barely have enough money to survive and now I've got a sprained ankle. What am I going to do?

I sighed, hopelessly seeing no solution to my problem, being completely helpless on a cold winter night.

I wish that I have a brother or someone that has always been for me. I shook my head trying to avoid the thoughts, because technically I do have a brother whom I hate stepbrother to be fair, and not only do I have a whole step family for whom my dad left me and mom without looking back. I just hate it and even if I die I won't get any help from them.

"I might regret it later,"

I glanced up looking at the person helping who calls himself my ex-bosses boss, wondering what the heck was going on in his mind. Why doesn't he leave me and go away wherever he wants to be?

I don't care, as long as I'm alive I can do something, but what that's I'm questioning myself. I don't want to ruin my dignity by doing something I will regret later, but I'm here cold, hungry, and worse sprained.

"Come," said the stranger, holding me in his supportive arms.

"Where?" I questioned, not knowing the exact meaning behind his words.

He sighed, rubbing the back of my neck with one of his hands while the other held me. "To my home,"

I stared at him questionably, "Why,"

"Because I don't have the heart to leave her all alone and worse injured,"

"But why do care, just leave me," I argued, even when deep inside I know that I'm a fool rejecting his offer, it's just I don't have a hard trusting someone, damn I hardly trust my mother and he is a stranger nothing else.

"You are an employee and it's my responsibility to see if you're fine or not, mostly when one of my staff is responsible for your condition,"

I still don't trust him and stood still with my eyes glaring at him.

He sighed again, "See I don't have a whole night to argue with here, you came whether you want or stray here, choice is yours," he replied as his foot tapped the ground, desperately waiting for my answer.

This time I sighed, not finding any choice but agreeing with him, "Fine,"

He nodded without saying a word, taking me with him to his car.

And that was a night that changed everything in me and my life, making me discover things that I would never know I had in me until my time spent with Jayee.

None of us at times knows that our weird encounter might result in something so sweet yet sad at the end, making things pretty much unforgettable for me for this whole time.


"Sit," the moment we entered his house, he ordered, "Don't move," leaving me alone in the living room as he left.

I roamed my eyes all the space I'm in right now, questioning if he is who he claims to be, owner of such a big ass restaurant, but his house has nothing that makes him seem like he is rich, maybe he likes simple living. Who cares? But the place is very cozy and homey.

I hear footsteps coming in my way and enter him, dressed differently, wearing a comfy t-shirt, and PJs holding a first aid kit in hand.

He sits beside me, touching my ankle and placing it over his lap.

"What are you doing?" I asked because this is the first that anyone hold me with a such caressing touch that tingles down my spine.

"Keep quiet," he replied, diverting all attention to my sprained ankle. His fingers lightly touched the area that was bruised, pressing it gently, "Not much swelling," he mumbled, not leaving my feet and spraying something cold on them.

With my mind all so focused on him and the way he gently caresses my skin, taking care of me, my pain suddenly seems to disappear. So how, as my heart started pounding in my chest rapidly, even my breathing also does seem to increase. I don't even know, why I reacted like this to him. Maybe because he is the first man in my that ever even once cared for me.

I shook my head, wanting to remove any unwanted thoughts from my mind.

"You're fine, two to three days and you can walk normally," he replied, gently placing his feet on the ground. "Just don't apply too much pressure for a few days,"

"Are you a doctor," I asked, out of curiosity watching him attentively caring for my feet.

"No, but I know two or three things about sprains and injuries from personal experience and treating my sister."

"Oh," I nodded, not knowing what to say, and just in moments like this something embarrassing happened and my stomach groaned loudly. Shit, I sighed hiding trying to avoid his stare but to my surprise, he said nothing but laughed carelessly.

"Let me get some food," he said, still smiling as he ruffled my hair with his palm as if I were a child.

I watch his ass disappear in the kitchen and touch my head where his hands touched a few seconds ago, smiling on my own.

WTF is happening to me?

He appears a few moments later looking a bit disappointed, as he ran his hands over his rumbled hairs, "Sorry, right now there isn't anything appetizing or fulfilling in the figure right now," He stooped as thinking something and then his face lights up with a smile forming on his lips, "On the good side it's actually better, right now I'm cook something for you,"

He finished, trying to move but I stopped him with a hand wrapped around his wrist. "Wait, can I come with you," I asked hesitantly, not wanting to be more of a burden on him than I already am right now.

He nodded, giving me his hand and holding me, as we made our way to his kitchen. And to my surprise is quite bigger, and more fully functional than what his house seems to be, like a restaurant kitchen. I mean even by looks it seems that this guy cooks regularly, or he is passionate about food.

"Hey," a hand landed on my left shoulder diverting my attention to the man beside me. "What are you thinking, in your mind?"

I shook my head trying to avoid the question but then decided to answer anyway. "Your kitchen is beautiful and quite big as compared to your house, why"

He smiled, making me sit on one of the kitchen stools. "Well because I live alone, and big houses need a lot of maintenance, money, and people to run. So this for me is enough to live,"

Good point, I guess.

"And as for the kitchen, this is where I spend my maximum time, so I want the best I can afford," I nodded, watching him as moved around the space, getting things from here to prepare food.

I look at the ingredients that he places on the kitchen table, raw veggies, meats, different types of seasoning, and spices, and can't help myself from asking the question roaming in my mind watching him. "Are you from scratch,"

"That's how I like my food," he ripped with a lopsided grin. Starting to chop some vegetables in a very fast and precise manner, so beautiful that the view is hypnotizing for me to watch.

"Are you allergic to something or are you on a special diet like vegan or vegetarian," He asked, placing a pan on a burning fire.

I shook my head, "NO,"

"Great," He grinned again, putting some veggies into a sizzling pan, making a pleasant sizzle sound.

He looks so focused on his work giving his full attention to nothing but food around him. The aroma of food is tantalizing around the whole house, making my mouth watering, and my stomach more hungry than it was before. He is some kind of food genius. The way he works makes things seem easy yet so mesmerizing.

And before I knew it or reacted, he placed a plate full of mouth-watering, tantalizing food in front of me.

"Have a taste," he said, putting a fork in my hand.

Not wanting to wait anymore I nodded, putting a spoon full of the tantalizing food in my mouth. The moment the food touched my mouth all my senses were awed as my eyes closed without even my knowledge, with moans escaping from my mouth without even my mere knowledge. I don't even know, what I'm doing and only came to my senses, when I heard the sound of throat cleaning, making me open my eyes. Only to see dark almost serious feral eyes staring at me watching all my reactions.

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