
One and Only You

Hers is not a complicated life. She actually has what people see as a perfect one. She was born rich, like so very rich. She has loving parents, sweet brother, thoughtful grandparents, and kind relatives. She has loyal and fun best friends. She owns a successful shop and an elegant home. She has what a lot of ladies her age wants in life. And yet, she has not experienced what most girls her age already have. She hasn't gone on a date with a guy she can call boyfriend nor has cried a river of tears after a real break-up with a guy she, again, can call boyfriend. She hasn't had a boyfriend. She has never been in a relationship because apparently, her 13 year-old childhood crush and 22 year-old first heartbreak aren't counted as boyfriends. They are just the boys she used to know. All she has ever wanted to have before she turns 30 and ever single person in her life knows that is to be in a real relationship. Even him. Him who has kept her real feelings for her - his childhood crush, his first love, his best friend's sister - for like forever. Him who has seen her grows up to be the woman that she is now. Him who has witness her cry on sad moments and smile on happy ones. And when they get their chance in love with everyone around them approving it, her fears rise up and a girl from the his past shows up, troubling the relationship they both desire to have. Will she be able to let go of her fears and be able to have the only thing she has ever dreamed of? Or will the dream just fade like the memories she work so hard to keep and remember?

missrainlover · Urban
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


Despite sleeping late from the movie night she had with her family that Sunday evening, Abby still woke up with a big smile on her face. It was going to be a very busy week for her and her staff but she was sure that they were all be very excited and passionate in doing all their job before Friday came.

"How are you feeling?" She asked Michael as soon as she got on his car that Monday morning. She insisted on taking a cab to work since Apollo had to leave earlier than usual but Michael was more firm into taking her to the shop.

"I'm definitely much better now that I saw you again." He answered then leaned toward her for a kiss.

"Did you take your medicine?"

"Yes, ma'am." He enthusiastically said as he started the car.

"Did you bring some to take at work later?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Abby smiled when he turned to look at her after he answered.

"I love you."

Michael made a bigger smile after it.

"I love you."

They kissed again before Michael began driving.

The real work began as soon as Abby arrived in the shop. They had an early meeting with the assistants that they hired and trained for the past three months to make sure that they were all ready to take charge as soon as they left for Spain. They were all done with their earlier projects but they were expecting to receive more now that the holiday season was coming up. Their August collection was on display while the upcoming month's products would be taken care of by their interns as their very first real project for the shop.

"So," Megan began after Joey presented all the previous and current products that the shop were selling. "You guys know the drill. As soon as you are done with your proposals, send it right away to us no matter the time of the day it is here or there. Any new inquiries for the holiday season has to be entertained but remember to get every single details and then send us your proposed project for it. Clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." All the five interns answered in chorus.

"Good." Megan glanced at Abby who was sitting next to her, "You want to add anything more, boss?"

They all looked at Abby who stood and flashed a smile to the new members of her staff.

"Just have fun creating your own projects. And don't worry, as soon as everything is settled, you will all have a chance to see the second store of Memories in Spain."

She saw how the faces of the interns lightened up and became excited. Her senior staff were also very happy to hear what she just said because they knew that she meant it. She wanted everyone working for her to experience the joy not just of traveling but of seeing the place they work for be loved by other people and nation. And she had the money to do it. She had more than what she needed so she wanted to share it to the people she loved and cared for, especially those who also loved her shop.

"So what's next boss." Irish asked with her eyes twinkling as she looked at her. They were in the rooftop of the shop having their lunch while the interns chose to eat out.

"Next to what?"

"This. We're done with the interns and ready for the trip on Friday."

"Okay?" She was still confused as she looked everyone around her who seemed to understand what Irish meant.

"Don't tell me you have nothing in mind for Michael's birthday?" Megan said directly what Irish was trying to say around the bush.


"You won't be here in his birthday."

"I know."

"So?" And everyone's eyes and ears were all on hers waiting for her to say something. She looked at them one by one and sighed.

"I do."


"I have a plan."

Megan, Irish and Maya showed excitement on their faces as they leaned closer to her.

"What is it?" They all asked.


Abby already had a plan in mind every since they found out that the only flight Megan could get that was close to the schedule her grandmother gave was the day of Michael's birthday. She wanted to surprise him with a candlelight dinner date on the rooftop of her shop, the only place where she could do the surprise without him suspecting it happening. Besides, she had already done one in his pad so that's too cliche to do again. So the plan that she shared to her team was happily and excitedly volunteered to be executed by Irish. Abby allowed her to do so since they didn't have too much work to do now that they were just waiting for their flight this Friday.

That was Monday. Tuesday came with an unexpected call from his cousin.

"Good morning, cuz."

"Hey, Cart." She was already in the shop checking on the new products that arrived yesterday afternoon right before they were about to close the shop and didn't get a chance to open.

"Are you busy?"

"Nope. Not really. Why?" She signaled Minho to check the others first before she excused herself and went out to the counter.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that your home is almost done."

She was surprised and her wide eyes could definitely tell anyone that. It was only three months since they started the demolition and she couldn't believe how fast it was built again.

"Wow. Really?"

"Yup. We are just waiting for the tiles that you approved last week for the balcony and once finished, we can start with the repainting."

"You guys are truly amazing."

"I know." And he heard him chuckled but they were just really being honest. Her cousins were the best at what they do and she was even more grateful that they didn't accept any other projects until hers was done. "So, when are you going to pick your colors?"

"Ahhmm, this afternoon?"

"Sure. We'll be at the firm so feel free to come anytime."

"Okay. Thanks Cart."

"Anytime, cuz."

And they ended the call with both of them feeling really happy.

"Are you going out?" Megan asked from behind the counter.

"Yup." She turned around and rested her elbows on the beam while looking at her best friend with a very happy face. "My penthouse is almost done."

"Really? Congratulations."

"Thanks. I just need to choose the colors for them to paint this afternoon. Will that be okay?"

"Of course. We can handle the shop and the surprise." Megan winked after and she couldn't help but just smile. She was definitely blessed with the kind of people she had around her, especially her two best friends.

"Thanks." She leaned forward toward her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "You're the best."

"I know."

"I'll go back to the storage room."

"Aye aye boss."

Wednesday was the day of Agatha Kim's contract signing with their family's company. The day that Abby promised Storm that she would attend with him so he could see her once again after the last time that they were left alone in his bar. They have to be there before 11 but she was caught in traffic from her meeting with the company that would produce the collection they would sell in their Tenerife branch. The only company that her Abuela trusted her works in and she personally recommended for them to contact.

"Storm, where are you?" She asked right away as soon as Storm picked up her call.

"Outside the building. And you?"

"Still stuck in traffic. I'm sorry. I'll ask Michael to go out and let you pass security."

"Oh no. He's too busy to go down here for me."

"But you'll be late."

"You really think they'll start on time?"

"Well, it depends on my brother's mood."

"I hope he's in the mood for lates today." She and Storm chuckled.

"Oh," Abby looked outside after Jorge got her attention and pointed at the company building already visible from where they were. "We're almost there Storm."

"Thank God."

Abby arrived at the entrance of the company after ten minutes and immediately grabbed Storm's hand to get inside the building. The company guards already opened the door after seeing Abby coming and walking fast.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"Good morning." She greeted back with a smile and Storm did, too. They went for the service elevator which was just usually used by their family or the VIP's.

"How nice is it to be best friend's with the president's daughter." Storm couldn't help but be happy as soon as they got into the elevator without other people. Abby just smiled. "And why are you dressed up?"

"They won't recognize me in my shop's uniform."

"Who? The guards?"

"And all the other employees."


"And mom said I shouldn't go here underdressed."

"Oh, but you do in my bar."

"Can I not?" She asked genuinely curious and Storm shook his head. "Why?" All this time, Abby really thought she could come in his bar wearing any kind of clothes she liked.

"Because that's a bar, my friend and everyone who comes there dresses up really well."

"Agatha didn't when she came there last time."

"She's famous. She might be recognized."

"Ah," she nodded but her eyes squinted as she glared at him. "Don't you wish to see her again today anymore."

She saw how fast his reaction changed from surprised to an adorable smiling one.

"I was joking. You can wear anything you want and I'll personally welcome you with your favorite cocktail, for free all the time."

They exchanged looks for a second and Abby smiled once again.

"I'm okay with I can wear anything that I want."


And the elevator opened just in time on the floor where the contract signing would happen.

"Good morning, Miss Abby." The two of them were surprised to see her brother's secretary waiting for them.

"Liberty? A-are you going to use the elevator?"

She asked as soon as they got out of it and the elevator closed.

"No, Miss. Sir Apollo asked me to wait for you and Sir Storm."

"How did you know I'll use it."

She pointed at the service elevator with her thumb.

"He said that you'll be late so you will surely use this one."


"Apollo really knows you." Storm whispered to her.

"You still doubt that?"

And Storm just shook his head.

"This way, Miss."

"Thanks Liberty."

They followed Liberty to a big room full of press people and other guests Abby had never seen before. Some even looked foreign to her. Liberty guided them to the table where she finally saw familiar faces. She greeted her relatives and the board with a 'Hi' and a kiss on the cheek before she sat next to Storm.

"Look how famous she is."

"I know."

And the two saw how everyone in the room looked so excited from the moment they arrived up to the time that the french door opened and it showed Agatha Kim looking very pretty in a dark blue cocktail dress and messy bun hair. Abby glanced at Storm who already so very smitten watching her walked to the stage where her brother, uncle and Agatha's manager were waiting. The entire contract signing itself was just quick but the press conference after almost made her leave Storm and just eat out. Thankfully, Michael showed up from the side door and she was the one he saw as soon as he got in to the room. They smiled at each other and having no vacant seats for him to take, Abby excused herself from Storm and walked toward where Michael was standing.

"Hey, babe." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug before they stood next to each other, with Michael's arm on her waist. "How are you with all these people?"

"Good as long as their eyes are not on me."

"Well, I'm pretty sure they did when you arrived. You're the first girl I even noticed when I arrived."

"And should be the only one you'll lay your eyes on."

"No question. You look doubly beautiful today."

"Thanks." Michael kissed her on her temple after they exchanged smiles and brought their attention back to the main event.

A private lunch with just the executives and special guests were prepared on the room next to where they were now after the presscon. When the dessert was served, Agatha left her table and joined Michael, Abby and Storm. The four had a good talk before Michael asked Abby to go somewhere leaving the two alone.

"Don't they look so good together?" Abby asked Michael while they watched Storm and Agatha talked and laughed together from the room's balcony where they chose to stay, away from everyone else.

"They do. Do you think Storm will push through with her?"

"Maybe. He wouldn't come here if he isn't really interested."

"Right. And you?" He looked at Abby. "Why are you here? You could just ask me to accompany Storm inside."

"I came here for lunch." She gave a half-meant joke and smiled.

"Ahh." Michael pinched her nose and they both chuckled. They spent the rest of the time there talking about random stuff until lunch was over and Abby had to go back to the shop.