
One and only || Andy Watson ||

Andy_Watson_ · LGBT+
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12 Chs


"Huh? Who? Me?" Ash pointed at herself being a little shocked.

"...Are you by chance..." She walked towards her.

"Mom she's-"

"That's not my name." Ash said with a straight face while Raven was about to introduce Ash. "I'm Ashley and....that's my mother's name. Though I don't know if you are talking about her." Ash walked passed her while making everyone shock with her cold appearance.

"Uhh ha! I was right then!" She suddenly shouted as Ash turned to face her. She smiled at Ash.

"I guessed so. You know what you're just a mirror of her when she was at your age. Just...your attitude is different from her." She sat on the couch.

"I hate it when someone compares me to someone. I'm disappointed that you're used to be my mother's friend."

"You're rude. So, were you on bad terms with her? I don't want you to answer if it'll make you uncomfortable. By the way tell her I'm Carla and it'll be great if she meets with me once after this long time. Oh! And what about your father? How's he?!" She said being a little excited.

"Mom!" Raven tried to stop her. But Carla told her to stop by signalling.

"What? You want to meet with a dead person?" Ash chuckled to herself while showing them her back.

"Wh...what? Eveley is...and what about your father?! You're orphan?!" Worry could be seen on Carla's face.

"He died before her about 5-6 years ago. I don't remember what happened to him. After that my mom raised me. She died about a year ago. Being an orphan...I don't remember clearly who has been raising me after that until now. Oh and...I wasn't on bad terms with her, instead it was good. Very good." She moved forward.

"....Are you not going to ask how I know both your parents?"

"....I can tell that you're an old friend of them. And talking about dad....I'm not interested in any matters related to him." She went after saying that.

"If Logan hears it he'll..." Carla mumbled to herself when Ash went to do her things.

"Mom...You know them?" Raven asked as she fixed her gaze at the place where Ash was standing just a minute ago.

"...Yeah. We all were college friends. Raven come with me for a moment." They both went into Raven's room.

"Ray...Have y-you seen her while she's talking? It felt like I w-was seeing Ash for the first time."

"Yeah...She looked different."

"I never knew it would turn to be like this either Howth." Linda placed her hand on Howth's shoulder.


"What's it Mom?" Raven asked as her mom looked out through the window.

"....You knew about those what she told just now?"

"No afterall I met...her..yes...ter..day.." Raven's voice got lower as she told the last words.

"What...?!" Carla looked at her being completely shocked.

"That's not like you. You never brought someone to house whom you had known for few days and what you just told...it's unbelievable for me as your mother. Most importantly in your own house...." Carla looked at her.

"What's with this sudden change?" She looked away again.

"I...don't know...after seeing her sleeping on my shoulder, I even don't know what happened to me."

"...Can't you tell?" Her mother sighed. "Well I'll leave it to you for figure it out."

Carla meet with silence.

"You know... Eveley, her mother...She was really beautiful. When I first looked at Ashley I thought I was seeing Eveley in her youth again. Just the difference was her daughter's hair and her carefree looks. But still...that same honey brown eyes and that dark orange hair. They're same." Carla smiled at herself while crossing her arms.

"You knew her parents from back then? So...Dad also knew them?"

"Speaking of those time I still remember that Logan and her father...'Logan'...they're on good terms that time."

"...His name's also Logan?"

"Yes that's what make things like how it's now." She chuckled.

"I think I know how her father died but....don't make mistake like your father did back then. Or... another Ashley will born again."

"How he died and most importantly...how you know about that?"

She looked at Carla with her cold glare. Carla was about to leave but Raven's question stopped her.

"Can't you tell? You call yourself Alpha?"

"Just answer my question."

"Ha... You're not disgusted by her scent right? Then try to be closer and open up to her. You'll eventually got to know everything."

"You mean..." Carla was about to leave when she stopped and without looking back she said.

"She's an Alpha. An dominant one. Just she doesn't even know how much her values and powers are 'One and only'."