
one an alien female 's sensitivity.

Pigrilexi informs her friend about that world.Pigrilexi is very sensitive. So she talks to her friend very peacefully and spends the whole day.That friend is also very emotional so he also treats Pigrilexi well and it makes him happy.Pigrilexi falls in love with him.The two are not in a position to live without each other so Pigrilexi thinks of taking her love with her. But it doesn't happen.The two are talking about living together now. No firm decision is coming.

kiranparmar30 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

(9) Comparison of our planet with other planets

Our planet is very slow in rotation.In comparison to other planets.But our people are very fast, compared to the people of other planets.I can say that our planet is far ahead of all the worlds, in all respects.Our planet revolves around the pink sun.

We don't want people from other galaxies to fight us.

Because we are all very sensitive. We don't get angry quickly but make decisions.We all love to eat and walk.So our galaxy is happy.Our planet is also sensitive.