
one an alien female 's sensitivity.

Pigrilexi informs her friend about that world.Pigrilexi is very sensitive. So she talks to her friend very peacefully and spends the whole day.That friend is also very emotional so he also treats Pigrilexi well and it makes him happy.Pigrilexi falls in love with him.The two are not in a position to live without each other so Pigrilexi thinks of taking her love with her. But it doesn't happen.The two are talking about living together now. No firm decision is coming.

kiranparmar30 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

(7) There is no government on my planet

We all live independently there.We don't have a government there, but we have parents like government at home.

If we want to go for a walk, we get permission to go out of the galaxy only after our parents scan our brains.

One of the characteristics of our people is that we cannot be of any color or shape.This magic is in our DNA

We are the first to know that there is a threat in space.

And "yes" hurts us no more(With other galaxies)So we throw asteroids at them.Man makes up 0.5% of our DNA.

Which is why man tries to reach and contact us.

Unless man understands our languageIt is impossible for a human being to reach us until then.