
Divine escape formula of Transmigrators!

In the family head's living quarters, Jason, together with his grandpa were sitting on a big dining table, as for his father, he was sitting at the far end of it, at this moment Jera was looking at Jason,

"As I told you, you can say whatever you want, even though you have taken almost all my spirit fragments, I can still give you some more other things, I your grandpa I'm not poor" said Jera with confidence written all over his face,

"Father, you have more treasures than the whole family, if even I can give him thirty spirit fragments and don't say that he took too much, then why do you say that, Actually, I think you should give him a hundred of them". Said Dasak, at this moment, he was looking at his father with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Mphh! You stupid boy, what do you know? I was going around the whole world, looking for resources for me to increase my strength, fighting all over for resources, and you tell me to give him that much? Won't he be stuffed to death?" Said Jera angrily, as he was going to continue with his words, they heard Jason's voice,

"Grandpa , I also want three storage pouches"

"Three storage pouches and the previous three Low level treasures, are you going to make an organization? " Asked his father

" No, I can't explain to you what I'm going to do because you won't understand it, but I assure you that it will be very good to me "

After Jason said this, he looked at his grandpa and stretched out his hand, with a motion that meant, 'its time for you to give me my things'

After he gave out his hand, his grandpa got his storage pouch, after two minutes, he gave him three storage pouches and said

"I have put everything you asked for in these three storage pouches"

After Jason caught the storage pouches, he sent his sense in them and as his grandpa had said, everything was inside the pouches,

Meanwhile at this moment, his father looked at him and asked.

" Jason, I think I should ask you now that only the three of us are here, how did you manage to breakthrough from the 8th stage and reach the 4th stage within a few days? "

As Jason heard this question, his heart jumped up for a few seconds, but then as a transmigrator and also a novelist, how could he forget the 'Divine escape formula ' that was used by many fellow transmigrators?.

"Father, Grandpa, actually when I said that I wanted to go to the forest to look for a break through opportunity, I was lying. The reason I went there is because I have been hearing a voice telling me to go there for a very long time, so I used that opportunity to go there"

After his grandpa heard this, he first looked around, after making sure that there was no one else other than the three of them, he got a talisman from his storage pouch and threw it out, then a barrier materialized around them.

As Dasak saw what his father had done, he couldn't help but look at him with confusion, he couldn't understand what was it that made his father use the 'Voice Suppression Talisman '.but all he got from him was a glare that made him shut up, meanwhile Jason continued with his 'narration'.

"After I went to the forest, I made fifth elder wait for me at the entrance of the outer ring, then I entered, I heard a call from a distant cave, then I entered. When I entered, I found a Jade crown that was glowing in golden lights, it was as if it had sensed me, it automatically came on my head, I couldn't escape in time, and After it reached my head, I passed out. By the time I woke up, it was no were to be seen, I had somehow broken through, and had a foreign technique in my head"

"After that, I asked the fifth elder to get back, we had gotten what we wanted after all, and when I came back, before I got the chance to tell you what happened, the first elder brought an argument in the room, that's all that happened "

At this moment, after his father heard what he said, he looked at Jera with gratitude, the old man has made a good choice, if someone heard what Jason had said, then only death will await their whole family.

"I expected it to be something good, but didn't expect it to be this shocking, do you know the name of that technique? How do you use it?" Asked his grandpa, at this moment, his eyes were shining.

"Grandpa, the technique is called 'Divine Emperor's Breathing technique, it has ten layers, as for me, I can't even understand the first layer at all" said Jason.

After his grandpa heard this, he looked at Jason and said,

"It seems that you got a technique from the immemorial era, this is a big opportunity for you, you may reach the realms that we can't reach"

At this moment, his father looked at him and asked

" Jason, if you compare our family's technique to the one you got, how does it fare? "

After Jason heard this, he thought about how to reply to the old man and in no time, he got what to answer, he decided to play it big.

"Trash! Our family technique is complete trash , I may have done a wrong judgement, it may not even be compared to trash, the technique is soo mysterious, and powerful"

"Father, you remember that I had comprehended the whole family technique just after looking at it not so?"

After Jason asked this question, he looked at his father, meanwhile Dasak only nodded his head as that is how it was at that time.

"But you don't know, I can't even get a hang on the first level of the technique even after so long, it's like my comprehension is trash!"



All the two people took in some cold breaths , this information was too much for them,

After Jason made sure that the two of them believed what he had said, he looked at them and said,

"The reason why I asked for that many spirit fragments from grandpa is because the technique required many resources to successfully comprehend it, and if I succeeded, then fighting people two levels above mine is not a fantasy"

At this moment, after the two old men heard this, they could nolonger keep their calm, his grandpa in particular looked at him and asked,

"Good Grandson, do you still need spirit fragments, I can still afford to part with 100 of them, let this grandpa give them to you" at this moment, the old man didn't remember that it was still him who only gave out thirty spirit fragments and said that it was too much, if the old man was asked why he did this, he would only reply

'what a joke, even two hundred spirit fragments are nothing in front of this grandson of his, a person that can fight two stages above him!'

After Jason got the extra a hundred spirit fragments, he felt like it was not hard to get spirit fragments as he thought, then he looked at the two old men,

"Actually there's something that I would like to ask"

After Jason said this, all the two old men looked at him attentively.

"Is there anything that I can use to conceal my martial arts stage?"

After the two old men heard this, they couldn't help but feel that it was necessary for him to conceal his martial arts, if other families heard that he is now a 4th stage martial artist, then they will look for every opportunity possible to kill him, but his grandpa dumped his hope

"Actually, there's a way, if you can get a Breath Concealment technique, then hiding a few of your martial arts won't be a problem, but, even the royal family doesn't have one, so I think the best option is for you not to go out"

After Jason heard this, his hope died out, it seemed that this martial world wasn't as formidable as the ones in novels, but then, he heard his father's voice.

"Actually, there's an item in the treasury that one of our elders picked up from the ruins, it can conceal ones martial arts,but no one wants to use it, because everyone that used it ended up with misfortunes , the person that brought it even ended up losing an arm, later on, he gave it to his daughter, but she died three days after, then from that moment, the jade was brought into the treasury and no One wanted it, that elder became an instructor after that "

After Jason heard this, his eyes brightened, this is what he wanted all along, as for misfortunes? That was a sign of 'Grandapa in a ring '

I didn't update these days because of Uganda's electricity!

It's so problematic that it can go off just seconds after coming back, Sigh!

like it? add to your library.

should I also remind you about power stones? nah, I have done that enough, I won't say it today!

Grand_Void_Daoist_4510creators' thoughts
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