

Self-made billionaire Jayden Williams would never forget the sizzling encounter he had with society princess Maya Charles. But his empire comes first—anything more than a night is an indulgence he can’t afford. Months later, at a hotel in Los Angeles, he gets the ultimate shock. Maya isn’t just the waitress in the clubhouse there—she’s carrying his child! Pregnant. Devastated. With the support from her aunt, Maya is doing whatever it takes to protect her unborn child. But coming face-to-face with Jayden throws her plan into chaos. Because he has his own…demanding Maya comes live with him in his mansion!

Authoress_Bella · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Three

Jayden drove into the family mansion, it was a mansion to behold with Common features, including luxurious finishes, spacious floor plans, multiple bedrooms, and bathrooms.

They also have pools, outdoor entertainment areas, high ceilings or rooflines, expansive windows for natural light, and impressive views. maids and bodyguards were everywhere around the house to attend to their needs.

Theo and Ryan were seated beside their mother laughing and chatting when suddenly Jayden walked in angrily screaming at Theo's name, immediately they heard his voice, they stood up and hid behind their mother's back.

"Theo!, where is that good-for-nothing brother of mine". he yelled and the voice echoed around the house which made everyone frightened and the noise made his father come out of his chamber.

" Son, calm down". Mrs. Williams said trying to calm him down because he could see the angry look on his face.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Williams asked as he moved closer to them.

"Mom, out of the way and let me deal with these two brothers of mine". he said.

" Big bro is not--Ryan got interrupted.

"You be quiet! I am so disappointed in you". he yelled.

" Son, what happened?".Mr. Williams asked.

"These two ungrateful Brothers of mine set me up". he said.

" We did nothing wrong, we were just trying to help you". Theo said and Jayden tried to hit him but his mother stopped him from doing so.

"You call that help, you made me ruin an innocent girl's life ".

" What are you talking about son? Let's sit down and talk about this".Mr.Williams said calmly and they sat down."What happened?".

"Dad, it wasn't intentional, it was all the second bro's doings". Ryan said defending himself and Theo frowned at him.

" You backstabber of a brother". Theo said.

"He is right, I know Ryan would never agree with your silly act if you hadn't forced him into it". Jayden said staring hard at him.

" I was only saving your sorry ass".

"Did I ask for your help?". He yelled.

" You two, calm down and make us understand what happened". Mrs. Williams said.

"Mom, Theo drugged me and had me lay with someone I don't even know". he said and their parents were surprised.

" What?" Mr.Williams said

"Why did you do that son?" Mrs.Williams quarrels with Theo.

"I did nothing wrong, I was only trying to help his boring life, do you know your son here vows not to have anything to do with women but rather choose to have a child through intrauterine insemination(IUI) and in vitro fertilization(IVF), so I decided to save his ass from doing that".

" That's wrong of you, you shouldn't have done that ". Mr. Williams said.

" You see the reason why I am going to kill him, you made me lay with someone, I don't even know who she is ".

" Relax son, I can understand how u feel, we can sort this out, but let's find the girl and then see what we can do next". Mr. Williams said.

"Did you hire the girl to lay with your brother?"Mrs.Williams asked.

"No Mom, although I hired someone to do it but it didn't work as I planned". Theo said.

" What? You hire a prostitute to sleep with me?".

"Don't jump to conclusion, bro, she is not a prostitute, she is just a normal girl who needs money to settle some bills". Theo said.

" What girl in her right mind will wanna do such a thing all in the name of money? ". Jayden questioned

" A lot of girls are ready to do worse than that because of money". Ryan said.

"I only ask her to lay with you and then come back to say she is pregnant with your child". Theo said and his parents were surprised including Jayden.

" You moron". Jayden yells and throws a pillow at him.

"Relax bro". Theo said

" I didn't support you on this son, don't you know that was risky, do you want to tarnish the reputation of this family?" Mrs.Williams quarrels with Theo.

"He already did, how can I find the girl".

" We do, we know who the girl is". Ryan said.

"You do?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"Yes, she works as a waitress in the club". Theo said.

" What? A waitress?"Jayden questioned surprisedly

"Yes". Theo replied.

" This will be easy, we can pay her off". Mr. Williams said.

"I don't think so, it will be rude to pay her off".Mrs.Williams said.

" That's the only way, Mom, I will sort it out on my own". Jayden said and walked away without looking back.

"Don't worry people, he will come around". Theo said and his parents frowned at him and he looked away quickly.

Later in the day, Maya was eating at the dining table with her aunt, and she barely touched her food.

" Maya, are you okay?"Ms. Lucy asked staring at her.

"Yes, aunt". she replied.

" no, you are not, you are not even eating your meal, are you sure you are alright?".

"Yes aunt, am just tired that's all"

"Ok, how about taking a day off tomorrow". she said.

" No, we have an important guest coming tomorrow and we are not allowed to miss out".

"Oh, but you--"

"Don't worry aunt, I will be fine".

" Ok, if you say so, but please eat your food".

"I will". she started eating.

The next day, Maya arrived early to work, she entered the staff room changing her clothes when Mia entered.

" Good Morning Maya" she greeted.

"Good Morning". she replied

" Anyway, the manager asked me to inform you to attend to some guests in the VIP room," she said.

"Vip room? Why? I thought we were not allowed in there".

" That's what I thought too". mia replied.

"OK, I will go".

" Sure, see you later". she left.

Maya sighed. a few minutes later, Maya was walking to the VIP room, when she saw a few bodyguards surrounding the hallway, she stood for a while and walked towards the door, she knocked, and entered.

"Good--". she pauses to see three guys in the room, one was standing near the window with his back against them and she was suddenly enchanted by their cuteness

" Good Morning".Ryan greeted smiling at her and she quickly regained herself.

"Um, am sorry, please what can I get you?". she asked and they were staring at her firmly which made her uncomfortable.

" You look beautiful".Theo said. "May I know your name?". he asked.

" Am sorry sir, is against this club's rules to give out names to strangers". she replied boldly

"Am not a stranger, if you know who we are, you won't be standing here". He said and Maya rolled out her eyes.

" Please what can I get you". she said sighing.

"it looks like you are not in a good mood today, or is this how you attend to customers?". Theo asked.

" Can you be specific, I didn't mean to be rude, but I have other things to do". she said already pissed off, and Theo scoffed.

"I like you already ". he said.

" Can I go if you don't want anything?"She said as she turned to leave, Theo called her back and she turned to them, they could see the angry look on her face.

"get us a champagne cocktail". he said and Maya walked away without a word.

" She got an attitude". Ryan said.

"Yeah, and I don't think she knows about us". Theo said and Jayden turned to them.

" You guys can go, I will have a word with her". he said.

"Ok". Theo said as they stood up and left. Maya came to the bar to get their order, Mia saw her and rushed over to her.

" How is it going?" she asked and Maya sighed.

"Believe me, I rather serve the none's Vip sections, they are so rude and proud". she said.

" I know, please be careful".

"I will".She carries the drink along with three glasses and walks away, Mia stares after her, and then she hears some of the workers murmuring to each other.

" Is everything okay?" she asked as she walked up to them.

"Yes, do you know who is in our clubhouse today?" 1st worker asked.

"No". she said.

" The Williams". she said, the rest gasped but Mia was confused.

"The Williams? Who are they?" Mia asked.

"You don't know?" 2nd worker asked and Mia rolled a her head.

"They are the most feared and respected people in this country, and also the top richest people in the world". 1st worker said.

" Really?" Mia questioned.

"Yeah, people trembled at their sight and they are very dangerous".

" Why are they dangerous?"Mia asked.

"Because they operate in the mafia world". she said and Mia gasped. " exactly, no one crossed their path and go scot-free ". she added.

" Oh no, what are they doing here? What if a fight boosts out here? What will we do?". Mia asked confusedly.

"I don't think that will happen, I heard one of the sons owns this place ". 2nd worker said.

" How come I don't know them?".Mia questioned.

"They are always in the VIP room with bodyguards surrounding them". she said Mia sighed and thought for a while and then she snapped.

" Maya!". she called quickly realizing she was the one that could be attending to them.

Maya arrived at the doorstep and knocked before entering, her eyes suddenly met Jayden eyes and she froze to see an elegant man with Viking-gold hair, bristly eyebrows, a hawkish nose, well-defined cheekbones, a concrete jaw, and titan's shoulders. Maya couldn't get her gaze off him, she couldn't believe someone could be more beautiful than a woman.

"Are you done staring?". he questioned and Maya suddenly captured the voice, and she regained herself, and placed the drink on the table.

" Am sorry sir".She stares around wondering where the other two went.

"They left already," he said sensing what was in her mind, then he took the drink and served himself." have a seat". he offered and Maya stared at him confusedly.

"Am sorry sir, I can't sit, but since there is no other thing to do here, can I take my leave now?" she said.