
One's decision can either destroy or make you

In order to achieve the best out of life, you have to weigh everything"how is this going to affect my life positively or negatively"if the negatives is more choose positive.

DaoistVVKlhL · Teen
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6 Chs


First term has come to an end waiting for results.report card was handed to each student present.

O my God my results was bad same with my brother,how will I show my dad such a result

I sat down and was thinking of the reason why I failed so much,is it because I don't talk in class,or it because I don't have friends to really teach me.. o God help me

So I made a decision to put in more effort in my reading and not blame any situation

I started reading books, story books novels and so on and the next term my result came out quite well.

Primary 4 I and my brother got separated,no more in same class he was in A class while I was in B class.my results improve so we'll and I started making new friends.

I started hearing rumors of how student are into relationship (primary school).I was so irritated by it because I don't see what they can offer aside giving you petty gift (cookies and sweet).thank God I have direction I can't belittle myself.

There is this boy who always comes to school with lot of money and juice and girls usually sorround him because they are entice by the petty things he gives them, therefore they let him touch their sensitive areas,I wasn't really enticed because I have placed rules for my self and learn to be contented with what I was given by my parents and also the promise to God.