
Once Upon A Womanizer (Taglish)

(SPG) Monty Guzman is a med school professor and surgical resident who loved to have fun. Besides his mind blowing intelligence, he was known to be a big time womanizer. He successfully charms women with his cunning looks and ways to get into bed with them. Monty absolutely loved the fun he had being with different women and had no interests of settling down at all until he comes across a girl from a bar.

adoreella · Urban
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4 Chs

Kabanata 2


The classroom was empty and I couldn't help but to pace back and forth. Siya nga ba talaga yung nakita ko kanina? She had sunglasses on but her facial features were identical to the girl from last night. I have to find out. I need to. Ginulo ko ang buhok ko sa pagkairita. F*ck! Bakit ba ako nagkakaganito? Naiinis kong tanong sa sarili ko. I've f*cked many other girls but why was I so intrigued with her? What was so special about her?

Screw this. I'm going to find her. I walked out of the classroom and started roaming the halls.

"Putcha naman." Bulong ko sa sarili ko. Pabalik-balik na ako sa buong building, hindi ko pa rin siya mahanap. I was about to give up but right when I looked up, I saw her walking from the opposite direction. Mukha namang hindi ako nito nakita kaya agad akong pumasok sa hindi kalayuang storage room. I cracked the door open slightly and watched her as she walked down the hallway. Should I go out and confront her? What do I do? Think, Monty, think.

Ugh, f*ck it. Before she had the chance to pass the room, I had the impulse to pull her in, so I did. I pushed her against the wall and caged her in with my arms. I could tell she was frightened by how heavy she was breathing.

"S-sino ka?" God, that voice! I've been yearning for that voice to speak to me ever since I had the chance to hear it. It was a drug to me.

"I knew it was you." I whispered just enough so that she could hear it.

"You know what, kailangan ko nang umalis. I'm going to be late." She tried pushing me off but I didn't budge. I stood right where I was. Instead, I pushed myself even more towards her so that she couldn't escape.

"You left me without notice last night. Why's that?" I could tell that the way I said that sent shivers down her spine. I smirked.

"Can you at least turn the lights on?" Sinunod ko agad ito. I walked over to where the light switch was and flipped it on. The room lit up and I could finally see her. Her eyes were shut, probably adjusting to the lighting change. God, she is just so beautiful. No wonder I can't get her over my head. When she opened her eyes, I acted like I wasn't just staring at her intently and gave her an aggressive look. Tiningnan ko siya na parang nanghihingi ng paliwanag. "Look, I-I was going to tell you b-but I didn't w-want to wake you." She continued.

"You know you could've at least wrote a note or something to show some courtesy." I don't care kung mag mukha akong martyr, but I wanted an explanation. I wanted it right this instant.

"Sir, mawalang galang na po. Wala naman po akong utang na loob sa inyo. Last night was a mistake, it shouldn't have happened." I was taken aback by what she just said that I didn't have time to react when she made a run for it. Damnit! I've had many one night stands but I've never been this affected by their words. Bakit ba ako nagkakaganito? Hindi ko na maintindihan ang sarili ko.

"Tol!" I was in the depths of my thoughts when I heard someone speak, "O, bakit nakatulala ka lang dyan?"

Tumingala ako at nakita si Martin, one of my good friends. What is he doing here? "Wala, nag-iisip lang." Matipid kong sagot dito.

"Ang lalim naman ata ng iniisip mo. What's bothering the Monty Guzman?" His face was marked with amusement. Who wouldn't be amused? I'm Monty Guzman, for Christ's sake. I don't have time to think, I just do.

Hindi ko na sinagot pa ang tanong nito at binago ang usapan, "What brings you here?"

"Hmm, about that. Want to hang with the boys at Daniel's place?" Kumunot ang noo ko sa tanong nito.

I was confused, "Nasa states si Daniel, 'diba?"

"Didn't you know?" He paused to see if I had any idea but confusion still took over me. "Kakauwi niya lang a few days ago." He continued.

Magkakatropa kami since high school. There were 6 of us. It was me, Martin, Daniel, Troy, Greg, and Jonah. We were inseparable back then. We went to the same college and did pre-med together. We also went to med school together. 'Yun nga lang, kinailangan namin mag-part ways after med school dahil hindi kami nakakuha ng internship sa pare-parehong lugar. Half of us went abroad to do their internship, while the other half stayed here. It was never the same ever since. Lahat kami naging busy, until one day, nag-uusap kami pero paminsan-minsan at para manga-musta lang. Martin and I were the only ones in our group who actually kept in-touch with each other ever since because we both did our internship in the same hospital.

"Ah, ganun ba? Sige, I'll be there. Just text me when and where. Mauna na ako." Tinipon ko ang lahat ng gamit ko at umalis.

Hindi ako makapaniwala na pagkatapos ng mga apat na taon, magkakaroon na ang grupo namin ng reunion. I always drown myself with work, so I think this is just the perfect way to treat myself for once.

"Bro, kamusta?" Bati sa akin ni Daniel pag-bukas nito ng pinto.

"Ito, buhay pa naman." He sneered and swung the door open just enough for me to be able to fit through. I looked around and saw the others drinking and chatting in the living room. "Nice crib, dude." Puri ko dito.

He scoffed, "Bahay 'to ng dad ko."

Tumigil ang iba sa pag-inom at pag-uusap nila nang makita ako. "Sup, bro. What happened? Hindi ka na nangangamusta." Bati sa akin ni Jonah, one of the guys who went abroad.

I laughed slightly, "Sobrang busy lang."

"Anong gusto mong inumin? Merong emperador, tanduay. O ito, imported, sam adams. Take your pick." Lahat naman sila natawa sa akto ni Greg. Malakas lang maka-trip ang g*go. I just scoffed and shook my head.

This gives me so many memories of the good old days. Noong chill lang ang lahat. Noong wala pa kami masyadong responsibilidad na kailangang gampanan. It feels good to look back to those days, especially when you're stressed. We all worked hard and we deserve to have something like this to reward ourselves.


Lahat kami napa-tigil sa pagtawa nang marinig na lang namin ang malakas na balagbag ng pinto. Everyone turned their head to see who it was and seemed to be shocked. Ako naman, hindi ko makita kung ano ang pinagtitinginan nila dahil nakaharang ang mga ulo nila. Ang lalaki naman kasi ng mga ulo, tsk.

"O, bakit nandito ka? Akala ko ba gagabihin ka?" Naiiritang tanong ni Daniel dito. More curiosity sparked in me. Sinubukan kong silipin sa pagitan ng ulo nila kung sino 'yun pero ang nakita ko lang ay ang buhok nito. I was taken aback by surprise. It's a girl. Who could she possibly be?

"Bakit, bawal na ba akong umuwi dito? This is my house too, kuya. I can go home whenever I want." Kuya? She must be Daniel's little sister. He has talked about having a sister before but I've never had the chance to meet her. "And what is this? Ilang araw ka pa lang nandito, nagkakalat ka na agad. Our house is not a man cave!"

A feisty girl. I like it.

"I just didn't expect you to be home this early. And don't worry, maglilinis naman kami." Daniel responded in a calmer tone this time. I moved a little more to get a better view and my eyes widened by who the mystery girl revealed.

It's her.

Leia Mercado and Daniel Mercado. I'm such an idiot. How did I not connect the dots?

Her eyes wandered but stopped when it met mine. Tila nagulat din ito nang makita ako doon. Her lips parted and she stood up straighter. I looked her up and down. She was wearing a simple white spaghetti strap dress along with white tennis shoes which suited her tan skin well. Her wavy ash brown hair was draping down and tucked behind her ears. She had on silver earrings along with a silver necklace that made her whole outfit pop. She was as beautiful as ever, even with such a simple attire. Ilang beses ito kumurap-kurap bago binaling ang tingin sa iba.

"Remember me, Leia?" Mapanlokong tanong ni Troy dito. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows. What does he mean by that?

Leia chuckled, "Of course I do, kuya Troy." I couldn't help myself but to feel intrigued. Magkakilala na sila? The thought made me snarl under my breath.

"Ouch. It's 'kuya' now, huh? Hindi naman 'yan tinawag mo sa akin nung sinabi mo na in love ka sa akin." He pouted with his hand on his chest. I felt my jaw suddenly tighten. I looked at her intently. In love, huh?

She blushed, "You still remember that?" Tugon nito habang nakayuko at pinaglalaruan ang daliri.

He chuckled, "Syempre naman. Who wouldn't?" Is he flirting with her right now? I scoffed at the thought. Napalakas ata ang panunuya ko dahil nakita ko muli ang pagsulyap nito sa akin.

Binaling nito ang tingin sa iba nang makita niya akong nakatingin pa din sa kanya, "Fifteen lang kaya ako noong sinabi ko 'yun. That was, what? Eight? Nine years ago? Hindi ko naman inaasahan na maaalala mo pa. And you rejected me kaya." She replied.

"Well, you were fifteen and I was nineteen. Hindi pa tayo pwede noon, that's why I turned you down. But now that we're both legal adults, pwede na." He smirked while wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Tsk, ang landi. Medyo nakakasuka.

Binatukan ito ni Daniel. He kind of deserved that one, "Ouch. Dude, what was that for?" Tanong nito habang minamasahe ang sariling batok.

"Wag mo ngang idamay ang kapatid ko dyan sa kalandian mo. Look at her, she's a child. Papatol ka talaga sa bata?" Lahat sila ay natawa sa pagtugon ni Daniel dito, except for me and her.

Nagsalubong ang mga kilay nito at sumimangot, "Kuya, stop calling me a child. Hindi na ako bata. I'm 24 years old already." Her whining caused my lips to curl up. I found it quite cute.

Ano ba 'tong iniisip ko? Daniel is right, she's a child. I shouldn't even be thinking about such things.

"Asar-talo, little sis?" Pang aasar ni Daniel dito. She glared at him.

"Che, bahala ka nga sa buhay mo! Magpapahinga na ako." Ani nito bago tumalikod at naglakad palayo sa amin.

Hindi ko mapigilang mamangha sa kanya. She was definitely something else. Before I knew it, I was smiling to myself.