
in a land far far away

Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a beautiful royal family. They were the rulers of Kinoko Kingdom, a beautiful place filled with many different buildings like Minkas.

Minkas are the houses most people live in. However the royal family lived in a beautiful red palace with wood ceilings and beautiful gardens. The  interior was as exquisite as the outside, beautiful paintings filled the rooms. Gold and other jewels could be found engraved into the walls and ceilings. The people claimed the royal family were as beautiful as the palace inside and outside. They were dearly loved by all.

There was the queen Amidalya and her husband king Edward. The two had four kids whom they dearly loved. The oldest was their son George, next in line were the twins Princess Hannah and Prince Eret, their youngest was their son Karl. All kids were known to be well behaved and caring towards the people.

Near the Kinoko Kingdom existed a beautiful castle where it was said that a dragon lived. No one ever went there no matter what. But one day a corrupted royal guard went there to make an "offering" to the beast . It gave it gold and jewels only if the dragon promised to kidnap the royal Prince Karl. The dragon agreed so the guard decided on a day the dragon would attack. The guard brought the jewels and the dragon prepared itself.