


Tracy: Stacy... Tracy called

I woke up.

Tracy: Guess who are here??

Stacy: Who?? I asked

Tracy: Steve and Justin are here to pick you but Justin left, he said Steve will take you to school.

Stacy: Is that what he said?

Tracy: Yea, maybe he knows you will follow Steve.

I got up, showered, went downstairs, ate my breakfast and left for school with Steve.

On our way...

Stacy: Steve (i called)

Steve: Yes (he replied)

Stacy: My dad said he has repaired my car and he will be taking me to school cos Tracy said she wants to be going to school with me.

Steve: We can also drop her in her school.

Stacy: She won't follow you.

I will be seeing you in school.

Steve: Ok

We got to the school, went to the class, we had few classes.

**** At The Cafeteria****

We went to the cafeteria, ordered food and sat down.

Lucy: Stacy, Justin loves you so much, give him a chance(Lucy said) and wink at me.

Stacy: Sure (i replied)

He raised his head up and looked at me, but I concentrated on my food.

Steve: I thought you came here to eat and not talk nonsense.

Lucy: Like I was talking to you

Steve: I wonder who is gonna love someone like you.(Steve said mockingly).

Stacy: Okay guys, stop it already.

I don't make friends with people that fight everyday.

Tomorrow is my birthday, so the gift I need from you two is to be friends that's all.

Steve: Why do you think I'll fulfill that?

Lucy: And who wants to be friends with a jerk like him.

Stacy: Then we can go our separate ways.

Steve: Stacy, why are saying all these ??

Stacy didn't respond but focused on her food.

After Lunch, Stacy went to the restroom.

Jane: Hi Stacy Max, How did my plan go?(Jane said mockingly).

I told you to stay away from Justin, but you didn't listen, so my next target is your sweet cousin sister.

Stacy: Don't you dare touch my cousin sis.... (Stacy fired back).

Jane: Then stay away from Justin (Jane said) and walked out.

I went back to class...


After class, I went straight home, went into the sitting room

Stacy: Tracy(i shouted).

Tracy: I'm here now.

Stacy: Where is Mom and Dad?

Tracy: No one is home

Stacy: Did anyone visit the house?

Tracy: Yes, they said you should stay away from Justin.

Stacy: They ??

Tracy: Yes, two men and a female.

Stacy: Did anyone touched you??

Tracy: No

Stacy: Are you not scared?

Tracy: Why should I be??

Stacy: That's my lovely cousin sister.

Tracy: So are you going to stay away from Justin ?

Stacy: NO..

She smiled

Tracy: Now, you are talking.

>>> JUSTIN P.O.V >>>

I got home, Lucy told me tomorrow is Stacy's birthday, I will tell her about my feelings and also ask her to be my girlfriend.(i said to myself).

I smiled at my thoughts, i fell on my bed thinking how tomorrow will be, till I slept off.

>>> STEVE P.O.V >>>

Tomorrow is Stacy's birthday, I need to make friends with Lucy that annoying girl. I will tell Stacy I love her and ask her to be my girlfriend (i said to myself) as I got into the bathroom to freshen up and lay on my bed, thinking about Stacy, I slept off.


<<<< STACY MAX HOME <<<<

Mom: Hey, wake up beautiful.... It's your birthday.

Tracy: Happy birthday...(Tracy said) as she gave me a cake.

Dad: Happy Happy birthday my girl.

Stacy: Thanks dad( i said), I cut the cake and fed everyone, when we were done,, we went downstairs for breakfast.

Dad: You can invite your friends to the house.

Stacy: No dad, I don't want to celebrate.

Mom: Are you sure my dear?

Stacy: Yes Mom.

We ate our breakfast, I got dressed and we left for school.


I got to the school, into the hallway, Everywhere was quite, maybe i'm the first, I shrugged and went to the class.

I opened the door.

The class: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".

I heard the class chorus.

My mouth went wide opened.

Stacy: Thanks everyone.

As they left the class to theirs, Did you do this?(i asked Lucy).

Lucy; No, he did (Lucy said referring to Steve).

Steve: Happy birthday (Steve said), and gave me a box.

I opened it, it was a gold necklace, He removed it, put it on me, and kissed me.

Stacy was shocked, the class gasp.

Stacy: (shocked) I stood there staring at Steve.

What was that for ?(i asked Steve).

Steve: Is that a Thank you....?

The teacher entered, we all sat down.

Lucy: Justin was at the door when Steve kissed you. (Lucy whispered to Stacy).

Stacy looked at Justin's seat but he was not there.

To be continued

The main show is about to begin

Steve & Justin wants Stacy to be their girlfriend

And on top of that Steve KISSED Stacy in front of Justin.... Geezzzzz

What do you think guys...will happen next???



