
Part 7

Chen Ming look at Shino and lay on his bed . Shino is watching the stars blink and Chen Ming sigh , " Shino " call Chen Ming and Shino hum , " Come join me now .. " say Chen Ming and Shino walk to him . Chen Ming turn to him and Shino look at him . Shino close his eyes and he feel Chen Ming's fingers touch his lips , " Can I touch your lips ..?" whisper Chen Ming and Shino look at him . He nod and Chen Ming move closer . Shino gasp softly when Chen Ming kiss his lips and Shino look at him when Chen Ming pull .

Chen Ming wake up and sit . Shino is still sleeping and Chen Ming sigh . He get off his bed and walk off to his bathroom . He have bath and look up to the ceiling . He start to hum a song and Shino sit . He get goose bumps actually because of the humming and also he is alone . He smile as he heard the hum stop and Chen Ming walk out of the bathroom , " Get bath " say Chen Ming and Shino hum . He get up and Chen Ming hold his arm. Chen Ming pin him to the wall and Shino look up at him . Chen Ming kiss Shino and Shino gasp .


Xiao Yu swing his sword and the sword clang with Chen Ming's sword . Chen Ming back a bit and spin his sword . He smirk and Xiao Yu know what he is thinking so he take out his second sword . Chen Ming also pull out the second sword and Chen Xiao shock as he see Chen Ming stab Xiao Yu but Xiao Yu also stab him and he reliev when they pull out , there no blood because it's type of when-it-pressed-it-get-in ( hell I am suck at type )! Xiao Yu smile and ruffle his hair , ' You've grown up .. " say Xiao Yu and Chen Ming hum . Seriously , Xiao Yu smile and point at his lips . Chen Ming widne his eyes and look down . He look up and smile a bit .

Chen Ming put down his sword and Chen Xiao get in , " It's a tie !" say Chen Xiao and smile . Shino hand him a bottle of water also a towel , " Are you okay ?" ask Shino and wipe off the sweats off his forehead . Chen Ming nod and Shino pull him to sit . Chen Ming look at him and Shino smile , " Are you hungry ? I brought Taksuyu !" say Shino and Chen Ming's face crack , " Tak what?" ask Chen Ming and Shino smile , " Here " say Shino and pull out a container . It's still hot because Shino went out to buy it and go on time . Chen Ming say , " Feed me ?" Shino look at him and nod .

Chen Xiao grip Xiao Yu's sleeves as he watch the two doing lovey dovey things and shake him , ' So sweet !!" he whisper and Xiao Yu laugh a bit , " I also brought that thing , It's Taksuyu " say Xiao Yu and Chen Xiao look at him weirdly ,

" Tas - "

" Tak"

" Tauyu?"

" Taksuyu "

" Ah , whatever " say Chen Xiao and went to their bench .

Chen Ming eat the Taksuyu that Shino feed him and say , " Let me feed you again " Shino nod and Chen Ming feed him . He smile and Chen Ming say , " Can I drink the soup ? It looks tasty .. " Shino hum and Chen Ming smile , it's a DUMBSTRUCK , LOVESTRUCK AND NUMBSTRUCK ( These words don't exist , don't search it up on Google , okay ? ) . Shino look away while his face turn red and Chen Ming drink the soup and his world turn pink .

" It's yummy "

Chen Ming is busy eating and drinking the soup and he choke out because Shino ask , " Can I learn sword art?" Chen Ming look at him and nod , " Sure .. " say Chen Ming and Xiao Yu look at him , " Chen Ming learn Sword Art since he is 8 , and it been 8 years " say Xiao Yu and Shino hum , " So he is 16?" ask Shino and Chen Ming cough , " Yes .. " say Chen Ming and Shino hum , " You are not gonna laugh ?" ask Chen Xiao and Shino look at him , " Why would I ? It's just a number " say Shino and Chen Xiao hum , " Usually people would laugh because they are being controlled by someone is younger than them " say Chen Xiao and Shino him , " I don't care though .. " say Shino and Chen Ming smile as he look at him .