
Moment with (2) : Wei Ying

Feng Mian walk around teh mansion just to make it safe and she look to her younger's room door . She walk and hear some talking . Then the door opened and reveal a smiling Wei Ying with smiling Feng Shui . They are holding a freaking big smile and Feng Shui drop his smile . Feng Mian say , " What are you both planning? " Feng Shui sigh and turn his back on her , " None of your business " say Feng Shui and Feng Mian say , " I am your mother , I have right to know " Feng Shui silent and Wei Ying bow , " I'll excuse myself " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui say , " Come with me to the stall , I will go with you ... " Feng Mian sigh and walk away .

Wei Ying smile and hold his arm while they walk through the silent corridor . Wei Ying step Infront of Feng Shui and hug his neck , " Master , You say you want to be yourself tonight , right?" Ask Wei Ying and Feng Shui nod , " So ... What is the first thing that slip to your mind .. right now ..? What can we do now ..?" ask Wei Ying , Feng Shui see a pink zone on his cheek and Feng Shui look around . He smile and hold his neck . He kiss him and Wei Ying blush . He hears Wei Ying muffling moan when Feng Shui suck his tongue , " MH.. mnph.. mwah .. M-master " stutter Wei Ying and smile . Feng Shui smile and since Feng Shui is higher than Wei Ying , Feng Shui hug Wei Ying tighter .

They run to the way and see the festival . Feng Shui fix his expression and Wei Ying see his seriousness . Feng Shui walk behind Wei Ying and the citizens look at them in a confused face ( UWU ! MIN YOONGI , I REMEMBER HIS FACE , LOL ) . Feng Shui paid everythung that Wei Ying want and Wei Ying even hug Feng Shui for paying everything . Wei Ying smile and giggle when he get a stone carved into a cute couple . He look to Feng Shui and say , " It's cute ! Cute , isnt? Uwee.. " Feng Shui hum and look around , all of them are watching them . Feng Shui say " Let's go home , Wei Ying " Wei Ying hum and walk with Feng Shui .

Wei Ying sit next to the bed and look at Feng Shui , " Liu Er' Gungze ( Second Childe Liu ) .. Can we sleep together tonight?" ask Wei Ying and Feng Shui look at him , " Sleep?" ask Feng Shui and Wei Ying nod , " I mean .. HEY ! DONT THINK ANOTHER WAY !" say Wei Ying and Feng Shui laugh , " Okay okay .. you can " say Feng Shui and Wei Ying smile . He can't even think this moment , he can be so close to him and also .. so friendly to him . He hug Feng Shui and tighten the hug when he start to cry . Feng Shui hug him and stroke his head to calm him down " Why are you crying?" ask Feng Shui and Wei Ying sobs . He shake his head and tighten his hug , " I am just thinking how do I get along with you just within 2 weeks ... " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui hum . He chuckle and Wei Ying look up , " I also .. think how do we work out .. " say Feng Shui and Wei Ying nod .

Feng Shui wake up and shake Wei Ying , " Feng Wei .. Wake up " say Feng Shui and Wei Ying whine , " Uhn .. Who is Feng Wei ~?" he whine and open his eyes . Feng Shui kiss him and say , " You , bad boy .. " Wei Ying hum and Feng Shui sit , " Let's go have bath .. " say Feng Shui and Wei Ying hum .

Wang An look at them both , " Pretty please? Bring me too !" say Wang An and Wei Ying shake Feng Shui's hand , " Just let him go with us .. " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui shake his head " Let him he , he is already 20 , it's no use he is having a bath with 17 years old boys " say Feng Shui and say , " My last word , No "

Wang An sigh and say , " Alright² .. Bye " Wei Ying walk with Feng Shui and Feng Shui look at Wei Ying . Wei Ying kiss Feng Shui and they take off each other's clothes . They get into the river and Feng Shui swim to Wei Ying . He kiss Wei Ying , " MN. mn~! Mwah .. M-master , don't ! I-Its embarrassing .. we are - ah ~! outside .. " moan Wei Ying as Feng Shui stroke his member and Wei Ying moan , " Uhn .. I-i.. I feel weird .. " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui see white liquid joining the water , " I am tired .. " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui say , ' Ah .. sorry .. " Wei Ying smile and look up . There he see the blue sky and close his eyes .

Wang An clench his fist when he see the two laugh together and touching each other . He calm himself down and run to them , " Ah ~! Liu Er' Gungze ~! " sing Wang An and hug his brother . Feng Shui smile and hug him , " Yes ?" ask Feng Shui and Wang An say , " I miss you.. You always spend your time with .. Wei Ying " Feng Shui's eyeball become black , swallowing the white space and look at Wang An , " You want to join us ?" say Feng Shui and Wei Ying nod . But , Feng Shui's eyes play shrink and bigger when he see Xiao Yu . Then , Wei Ying hug Feng Shui and kiss him . Feng Shui's eyes swallow the white space and close his eyes .

Xiao Yu clench her fist when she see the scene and look at Wang An . She see the angry face and cough , " Liu Er' Gungze ! If Miss Feng Mian sees this , what do you think she will do?" say Xiao Yu and Feng Shui pull , " I don't ask for your opinion " say Feng Shui and Xiao Yu look down , " Wang An - ah !" say Feng Shui and Wang An look at him , " Let's go , we can have some fun ! " say Feng Shui and Wei Ying nod . He walk to Feng Shui and hug his arm . Feng Shui feels awkward and when Wei Ying hold his arm , it feels comfortable . Xiao Yu hold Wei Ying's hand but then , Wei Ying pull and keep it away from Xiao Yu .

Xiao Yu and Wei Ying look at them as the brothers run around the field , " Whahah ! bro !" say Wang An and Feng Shui giggles . He trip and Wang An fall on him . Wei Ying widen his eyes when they kiss and Wang An enjoy this . Feng Shui shock and push him . He look at Wei Ying and Wei Ying look down . He walk to Wei Ying and say , " Please ... cleanse me .. " Wei Ying blush hardly and kiss Feng Shui . Wei Ying moan because Feng Shui suck his tongue and he pull for air .

Wei Ying do Feng Shui's hair in the room and bite Feng Shui's neck for some reason , " Mngh ! W-Wei Ying , what is that for ?!" scold Feng Shui and Wei Ying pout , " You can bite me .. but I can't bite you? humph... " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui smile , " Ah... " sH Feng Shui and Wei Ying kiss his neck . He hug his waist and look at them both at the mirror , " Look , master .. don't we look good together in the mirror ? " say Wei Ying and Feng Shui say , " Liu Feng , call me Liu Feng .. " Wei Ying nod and say , ' Liu Feng .. Liu Feng.. " say Wei Ying and smile .

Wang An growl as he see them so close together in the lake while he is alone Infront of them and he swim , ' Could you please stop being so lovey dovey in front me ?" ask Wang An and splash the water to both of them . Wei Ying smile and nod , " That is right , master ... I am leaving " say Wei Ying and Walk out of the river . Wang An smile and giggles , " Now we are alone ~ !" say Wang An and Feng Shui hum .