

Hyunbin walk to his class and sit on his seat before Shima walk to him . But , Jaesoo stop him and get to his table , " Hyunbin- ah ! Let's go to the library " say Jaesoo and Hyunbin him , " Shima , wanna join?" ask Hyunbin and Jaesoo become blue . He sigh quietly and say , ' Only two of us ? Please ?" Shima look at him and sigh " Fine fine .. bye .. " say Shima and walk away . Hyunbin hold Jaesoo's arm while they walk to the library .

Hyunbin flinch when he is pull to the top of Jaesoo's hip and Hyunbin blush as Jaesoo hug his waist . Jaesoo kiss his neck , ' Why are you avoiding me ? " ask Jaesoo and Hyunbin blush , ' I-Its nothing .. nothing .. " say Hyunbin and Jaesoo hum , " Nothing ?" ask Jaesoo and widen his hip . Hyunbin gasp and moan as Jaesoo palm his pants ( just act like you know , silent ! ) . Jaesoo enjoy his moans and Jaesoo moan a bit as Hyunbin arch his back .

" Jaesoo ! I-i feel weird .. Uhn ~ " whisper Hyunbin and Jaesoo hum . He stop rubbing and kiss his cheek , " We will continue this at home , key ?" whisper Jaesoo and Hyunbin breathe heavuly . He nod and Jaesoo smirk .

the next one is spicy so .. beware eh .. key , bye !

amlazy_26creators' thoughts