

Shima take out the vibrator and sigh as he see the faint boy . He run his finger to his hair and sigh . He stand up and wash his hand . He remember what Shima says to him before he drift off , " It's fun .. "

Shima have done his homework and see a letter under his tables ,

[ Shima-kun , Hi .. This is just a regular letter from me , I just want to meet you when lunch at the rooftop please meet me , I will be waiting for you :)

- Izaya ]

Shima hum and say , " So it's just my one of my club mates.. " he sigh and stand up . He walk to the fountain and sit on the bench while watching the water flows out . He sigh and smile . He see someone is sitting on other bench also and he stand up . He take a look and see it's Mori , his senior who always protect him when he see Shima is bullied . He smirk and sit next to him , " Hi , Mori " say Shima ( I will stop using Kun , Sama , or Senpai , this ain't Naruto okeh?) and Mori hum . Even though Mori is naughty or known as a bad senior , he is kind to Shima and he would help Shima whenever he is needed . He just need to call him and he would appear . He would help and be best if he could . Why? Because he want to be a good senior even though in the eyes of a single junior .

Mori ruffle Shima's hair and smile , " What's wrong?" he ask and Shima shake his head , " Nothing .. You know Izaya ?" ask Shima and Mori nod , ' Oh .. Why yes " say Mori and Shima hum . He sigh and Mori ask , " Have you put a single earring to your ear?" Shima shake his head and look to Mori's ear , " I see that your ears are the fullest one here " he say and Mori laugh , " It's makes me cool " say Mori and sigh . Shima smile and hum . Mori look at Shima and pinch his cheek . Shima smile and pinch his cheek . They giggle and Hinata sees it from the window . He does not like it when Shima get along with the bad students in the school so he is angry but he cools down when he see Mori bow to Shima and wave . Hinata smile and walk away .

Mori smiles as he see Shima walk away and Mori shout , " Oi , Shima !" Shima look at him and Mori make a love sign using his arm . Shima laugh and do the same . Shima walk away and Mori smile .

{ Lunch , man am hungry .. }

It's Shima's favourite subject because it's Hinata who teaches them and Shima would always smile at Hinata . Hinata try to ignore it but he can't , so he smile at him and say , " Don't forget about your homework page 20 to 29 " " Yes .. " Yea .. " " Um .. " " Fine .. " that's the laziest answer Shima have ever heard in his life and sigh , " Okay , Teacher " he say and Hinata hum .

He walk to his class and remember about the meeting . He walk to the fountain and see Izaya , the blue hair guy . He smirk and say , " Ohayo , Izaya " Izaya turn around and nod , " Ohayo , Shima " he say and smirk . Izaya sit on the bench and Shima sit next to him , " So , What are you gonna talk about , Izaya?" ask Shima and Izaya hum , " So .. Are you .. still with .. Hinata-sensei?" ask Izaya and Shima ask , " What?" Izaya become nervous and ask , " Are you .. still a couple with Hinata - sensei?" Shima become gloomy and say , " No , I am not a couple with him , okay .. " Izaya hum and say , ' Can I have your number ?" Shima hum and say his number .

Hinata notice that Shima is on with his phone all the time in the car , also in the house . He would go straight to his room and have a change . He sit on the couch and smirk , " Hinata " he call and Hinata sit next to him , " May I take a look?" he ask and Shima look at him , " First of all , don't tell Kai and Sai , okeh?" he ask and Hinata hum . He smile and read from the top to bottom of the texts .

" Hanging out? " ask Hinata and Shima say , " No .. I don't have time to hang out , besides I need to be with Sai and Kai , also you , I have homework you gave me !" Hinata hum and smile , " You can go , but I will pick you up at 9 " say Hinata and Shima hum . He smile and hug him , " Thank you , my 24 years old brotheeeer " he say and Hinata say , " Ey , Don't insult my age " Shima look up at him and sit on him , " But you are still handsome like always !!" say Shima and pinch his cheek . He hug his neck and Hinata hug his waist . Kai walk out of his room and look at them , " OI !!!" he shout and pull Shima , " Hinata ! What are you teaching Shima ?!" scold Kai and hug Shima , ' I ain't teaching him , He is the one who climb ontop of me " say Hinata and Shima hum . Kai hum and Sai walk out , ' Dinner ? Man , am hungry .. " say Sai and Shima smile , ' Hey , I am having a date with Izaya " say Shima and there is a bolt of lightning running to Sai's body , " D-DATE ?!" shout Kaitou and Sai , " Yea , I let him go " say Hinata and Shima smile , " For real ? Bro !I thought you would protect our lil baby .." say Sai and Kai hum .

Shima walk with Izaya along the festival and Izaya pull Shima's hand to hold it . Shima just let him hold it and say , " You wanna eat what? I want to eat some chocolate " Izaya hum and ask , " How old are you?" Shima say , " 13 " Izaya hum , " I am 15 " he say and Shima hum . Izaya pull him to this one stall , " I want this " say Shima and Izaya hum . They buy a lot of chocolate and Izaya smile , " Hey , my bro is picking me up at 9 , and it nearly reach 9 " say Shima and Izaya hum , " Okay , then .. Can I .. kiss you?" ask Izaya and Shima look up , " But , my brothers dont let me kiss anyone or let anyone kiss me" say Shima and Izaya frown , " A little ?" ask Izaya and Shima hum . Izaya cup his face and left a soft kiss next to his lips . Shima look up and smile , " Thank you !" he say and Izaya hum .

Shima silent from the start and Sai say , " I said don't let anyone to kiss you " Kai also silent from teh start and he don't want to scold Shima . Hinata don't want to interfere so he left , Kai have seen Hinata gets angry and it .. does not like the calmest bitch ass guy ( My cousin is a silent guy but when he is angry , he look like a devil , bitch ..) . Shima hold his sleeve , " I am sorry .. " say Shima and Sai repeat that word in his head , " Hinata left you off not to let anyone kiss you " say Kai and Shima silent . He stand up and go to his room . He slam close the door and lock it . Making Kai burst to his other self , he calm down and take a deeeeeeeep breathe . He knock onto the door , " Shima ?" he whisper and hears some sobs , " LEAVE ME ALONE !" he say and Kai frown , " Open this door , please ?" he whisper and Shima say, " You will hit me .. " Kai smirk , " I won't , ok? I won't hit you , remember .. I won't lie to you " he say and Shima open the door . Kai hug him and say , " Now calm down .. I am sorry okay?" Shima pout and hug him . Sai just sigh and walk to his room , he is jealous , angry , sad .. his feelings are messed up .