
7. Chapter 7: Five Points To Gryffindor

A/N: Yes, there were clocks around 1485 but they were rare and situated only in castles or cathedrals. Watches were not invented till around 1510. You can look up history of clocks on the net for more info. Who says fanfiction isn't educational? *grins*

Chapter 7: Five Points To Gryffindor

            "May we have a word with you about the visit, daughter?" said Lord Granger, after breakfast.

            "Yes, father." said Hermione. Her father had just told the assembled breakfast table about Lord Camvile's visit. She wondered what her parents could have to say to her in private.

            The family went into a side room which her father treated as his study.

            Her mother held her hand. Lord Granger looked sternly at his daughter- he looked so much like her own father in the future that she felt quite at ease with him. But Hermione was beginning to notice slight differences in the physical appearance of her mother and father that assured her they were different from her future parents. For example, Lady Granger had tiny feet, whereas her mother in the future had size 10 feet. Lord Granger had a larger nose than her future father.

            "Yes father?" she asked politely.

            "Sweeting," said her mother, petting her hand, "Your father and I don't want to be hard on you but…" her mother glanced at her husband.

            "Hermione, daughter," he said gently, "This will be the seventh suitor we have visiting…"

            "Suitor?" Hermione exclaimed in shock.

            "Sweeting?" her mother looked surprised. "Are you all right?"

            Hermione held her tongue. She supposed that she was expected to remember the other six suitors who had come previously.

            "Yes, mother. Of course."

            "Ahem…this is the seventh suitor who has asked to visit…I ask that you consider him seriously, and treat him with respect. Not like…ahem…Lord Mannerly. I'm sure you remember."

            Hermione's mother turned red. Hermione had the good sense to hang her head. She wondered what she had done to Lord Mannerly?

            "Or like you did with Baron De Labeche." said her mother, softly, shaking her head.

"You are no longer young. Most others of your age are already holding their first babies on their laps. We have been soft with you- we did not want to force you into anything. We did not see the need for an arranged marriage- you are so beautiful, Hermione, that the best suitors have been lining up for your hand. Any of those previous Lords and Barons would have made the Granger name even more powerful…So, do not abuse our trust in you. Choose soon, consider seriously Lord Camvile. His estate is large, his purse is heavy."

            This was the longest speech her father had given her since she had appeared in this time. Hermione nodded slowly. "Yes father. I will treat Lord Camvile with utmost consideration."

            Her mother beamed. "I have already asked Mary to lay out your best dresses and finest jewels. You will shine like a star when Lord Camvile is here. I am sure you two will find each other's company most charming. A marriage with the Camviles will be extremely advantageous."

            "Thank you mother," said Hermione, having no intention whatsoever of ever considering marriage to any Lord or Baron, however rich or powerful they were. God, she had to get back to Hogwarts quick!