
Chapter 22

“Let me clean up since you paid for dinner,” Zeke said when the movie ended.

Sterling grabbed Zeke’s hands to halt his movements. “Will you spend the night with me? Just sleeping next to each other. No funny business. I promise. I won’t do anything you’re not ready for.”

Zeke blushed and went quiet for so long, Sterling had a strong feeling he wouldn’t agree. Then he grinned when Zeke nodded.

“Yes!” Sterling exclaimed, and that caused Zeke’s face to flush much redder than before.

Sterling got on his feet and gently pushed Zeke toward the front door before handing him the remote control he fished out of his pants.

“What’s this for?”

“I’ll clean everything up while you park your car in the garage. You’ll need the remote to open and close the door.”

“Aren’t you afraid I may steal the cars inside your garage? I know you have six different ones, and they’re all very expensive.”

“I have eight actually. You can take them all. I don’t care.”