
The Plague of Hypnos

The dawn was quiet—

Too quiet and uncanny. In the usual morn, servants were out and about inside the castle doing all their duties before having a short break by the afternoon. Yet as Princess Primarosa’s beautiful amethyst eyes opened, no one was there preparing a bowl of water and a dry cloth for her to wash.

“I guess the servant girl is late. Well, I think she deserved some more time to rest.” She said to herself as she rose from the bed and went to the door.

As she explored to seek some bowl and water, Primarosa noticed that it was indeed very silent. The hallway seemed like a ghost town instead of a vibrant and busy place like she usually observed. The birds were tweeting somehow, yet instead of the sparrows greeting her, some crows were lining up in one of the rooftop ledges, and find this scene quite eerie.