

The rain was still pouring on that afternoon. However, the drops were now as gentle as the falling tears of a crying baby. The cold winds still swept every inch of the palace as if autumn was coming to take the throne from her sister, summer. Cold, very cold indeed that everyone had hot drinks or soup prepared to ease the chill. Queen Parvaneh, cozied up in her suite, had learned of Primarosa’s recovery and immediately ordered her servants to give the Christian princess some new clothes, food, books for her to read, and materials for a tapestry which later on, the princess would enjoy. The queen also instructed them to bring Primarosa hot tea to help her warm up from the cold weather.

When Primarosa was comfortable, she wasted her time weaving her little tapestry. She had a moment of fun until the Moor prince came for his promised visit.

“Buenos tardes.” She greeted, not even looking in his direction.