
Once Upon A Full Moon ~ {Book 1 of The Wolves of Lockincester}

Verity Reid is a twenty-three-year-old graduate student who lives alone in a one-bedroom cabin. She is a kind-hearted animal lover so it's no surprise she took in a hurt wolf but in doing so she is thrown into a world she never knew existed. Alex Moon is an Alpha who is the only survivor from an attack on his hunting party from the Lockincester Pack and drags himself into somebody's yard hoping to find safety but instead finds Verity sitting by herself. At first, Alex only slept trying to heal but as the days unfold Alex finds that there is more to this human than what meets the eye. Verity saves the life of a wolf and in return, it begins to speak to her telepathically.

JessTheMess101 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

A Trap


I woke up the next morning to find it was pouring outside. Not a dry spot was seen as I drank my coffee slowly watching the sunrise. I kept the wolf on the couch, afraid to move it any further and haven't really heard any noises coming from it other than a whine or two.

It has slept consistently today and hasn't woken up since passing out last night, although I think that's a good thing. It needs time to heal before it can really go anywhere anyway.

I step to get up from my sitting position at the kitchen table and went to the big sliding glass back door and peered into my big empty backyard outlined by the woods. I noticed a pair of eyes watching me from the distance and open the door slowly.

I step outside and in a trance-like state with my heart beating wildly in my chest I step towards the eyes and notice another wolf standing just beside the one that was originally watching me.

"If you're here for your friend. he's alright, if you're one of the other wolves who attacked it, don't even try it. I won't let you hurt him." I said with conviction in my voice and held firm as I stopped within twenty feet of the wolf.

I love animals and to know this poor guy was getting bullied by a pack as if I even believe my crazy neighbor, I wasn't going to allow them passage into my home to hurt him. I didn't know if it was the wolf's friends so in case it was I wanted them to know the wolf would be okay. \

A tight knot forms in my stomach however when I finish my sentence and hear a deep growl echoing from the woods, I notice then the wolves had retreated backward and realize both had knelt down to the ground in defense.

I just walked myself into a trap

The one on the right had a giant scar above its left eyes and the other had a patch of fur missing from its left flank both barring teeth at me.

Before I knew what was happening the wolf standing off to the side sprang forwards and locks its jaws around my leg as I turn around to start sprinting up my backyard, I open my mouth and scream as the wolf thrashes his head about trying to tear my skin apart.

I hear a ripping sound and warmth spills over the back of my leg as I fall and claw at the ground screaming my head off, trying to grapple onto anything that'll help pull me forward. I feel nothing as I am yanked roughly forwards and the wolf lets go only to jerk forwards and bite my middle, hard.

The other wolf sharply barks at the one attacking me but it doesn't have any time to react before another wolf is barreling into the one on top of me. There is a beat of silence before the silence is ripped away from my screams to the snarls of angry wolves fighting.

I see absolutely nothing but a blur of fur and wolf bodies as wolves pounce on each other and notice it was three wolves fighting each other as one springs apart from the others. I concentrate on that wolf and notice it sprang apart and stood in front of me, almost protectively.

That same wolf turns its head to look back at me over its shoulder and I notice the dark almost black eyes whereas the other wolves had red eyes, this was the wolf I had saved.

How had he found the strength to get up?

That wolf should have been bedridden for days after the kind of wounds it had suffered

I think to myself just as the wolf turns back towards the other two opposite him and looks for a weakness as it paces back and forth watching our every move.


A voice screams out just as the wolf I saved pounces forward and I turn around to sprint to my backdoor, not sparing a glance behind ay the wolves fighting, I run into the safety of my cabin breathing heavily as tears well up and spill down my cheeks.