
Chapter one : one hell of a life

Hi my name is loveth, and this is my story

Hi mom good morning why are you packing our bags where are we going to ,eight year old loveth asked mrs Michael

Loveth dear get your siblings we are moving,

Looking at her mother in shock she left to get her siblings Henry and grace,

Henry mom said I should get you guys that we are moving

Five hours later

Kids go to your rooms I need to talk to your father.

Ok mom, guys let's go loveth said leading her siblings outside

They are going to fight again right , six year old Henry asked

Why are they always fighting sis

I don't know ,loveth answered with a sad look

Soon enough sounds of breaking items can be heard around the house, mitchell locked the room holding her scared siblings, who are in tears thanks to their parents constant fighting

In the sitting room

You are the worst mistake of my life, Michael mrs Michael yelled as she broke things

Back at you Stella how I wish I never got married to you, Michael fired

To hell with you go and don't come back, leave now mrs Michael said in tears

And know I won't divorce you, you will continue to be my wife still the day you die Stella that's your punishment, mr Michael said and stormed out in anger.

Mom where is dad did you guys fight again loveth asked at dinner

Mrs Michael looked at her daughter and said his gone and that's it

Loveth was about to walk out on her food when the felt a sharp pain on her face

How dare you walk out you insolent child, you know what leave my sight cause giving birth to you was what destroyed my life you mistake of a child mrs Michael yelled in anger

At that moment something inside loveth broke.