
Chapter 124 " wait till perfect time "

  After they were done with dinner ava looked at anna with pleading eye as if she was trying to say asking anna to do something.

  But anna shook her head.

  Their this little interaction was being noticed by daniel very careful.

  At first he didn't said anything he waited for one of them to open up first.

  But even after 10 min of waiting all he could see he one pleading and another one denying.

  Finally daniel could take it no more so he finally said " do you guys even plan to say anything? "

  Ava standup and said " ok i am going."

  With that ava ran out of the office.

  Anna then smiled awkwardly at her and said " i think i should also go now. "

  Daniel raised her eye and said "Don't you dare."

  Anna stand still and looked at him with pleading eye.

  Daniel smirked and said " you can't go. "

  "Now, tell me what's going in between you guys. "

  Anna started playing with the hem of her tshirt and said " it's not my thing to say. "