
Chapter 122 "I will never leave you "

  Looking at anna daniel felt more guilty.

  He went close to anna in his wheelchair and took her hand made her face toward him and said " I am sorry, I can't explain why I did that.

  Doctors said I can't walk for the rest of my life, but now thing is that swan said there is still a 90 percent chance for my leg to recover.

  But all I know is I had lost my mind, I thought you deserved someone better not someone like me who can't even walk on his leg.

  I don't want you to suffer, I don't want you to be teased by someone for the reason that your husband is crippled.

  All I want is you to get everything you deserve my fairy.

  You are everything to me anna before making this decision I didn't how would I live my life without you.

  But now even thinking about you being another man makes me suffocate,

  I have been trying hard to push this feeling but I can't live my life with the feeling of you not being mine but someone else,