
Chapter 3: Memories: Diary: Part 1

Jungkook's POV

I watched as the beautiful young lady left. I was attracted to her. I can just picture us both together.

I went to King Seokjin. "Hey Jin!" I exclaimed. "Hey Kook!" Jin said back. Me and Jin are very close.

"So I've met Knight Lee." I said making conversation. "Oh have you?" He asked. "Yes, she is very beautiful." I said smiling to myself. "She is." He said giving a small smile. "Hyung do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked him. "O-oh um, I suppose so. A lot of people's lovers are they're love at first sights. So I suppose you could say I believe in love at first sight." He said. "Did you ever fall in love?" I asked him smirking. "Ah yes. King Brad of California." He said. "You mean you're-" "Yes." "Wow." "No you idiot, I admire him but I am not in love. Truth is I've never fallen in love." Jin said. "Sad. You'll be forced alone." "Shut up."

"Hey can I explore the castle?" I asked Jin. "I supposed you can." Jin said giving me permission. I left him and went to look around the castle. I saw a door that had the name 'Knight Lee' written on it. I smiled to myself. I know I shouldn't go in there, but something told me that I should go in there. I turned the knob and went in. It was a pretty luxurious room. I suppose it's since the King is close with her and that she is the top Knight.

I looked around her room until I saw a book on her bedside table. I went to pick it up. It had the words 'Diary' engraved on the cover. It felt king of weird. But if I read it I could get to know her better. I opened the book and started reading. I read the first sentence. It was so interesting that I had to continue.

In Diary:

'Is it possible to revive and reborn into a new life? Is it possible to remember that past life? How does this all make sense? Why did this happen to me? I guess since this is a diary I should write about what happened in ... my past lifetime'


Hey luvs! Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed spending it with your family. Don't attack me on the major cliffhanger 😓. Next chapter update will be on Tuesday. It will get only more intense from here on out. Make sure to vote, comment, and share this fanfic. Byeeee~
