
Once,I loved you

There is no description to the future. only fascinations . Once dreams were held but now they all vanished. Back then the two friends would always tell each other of there dreams for the future. But now that they are living in the future they dreamt of, all they have for each other is unknown. Is it love,hate ,anger or the burning sensation to take revenge. will they earn back the love they once shared? or will it be impossible.

Crystal_Pearl4 · Urban
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4 Chs

i promise

At the sunset, a young girl of seven years sat by the lake shore. She picked up small stones and threw them in to the water. Tears rolled down her face. Then suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. When she turned to see who it was, she couldn't see anyone. "Is anyone there?" She yelled. A little boy came out of the bushes and walked towards her. "Are you a mermaid?" He asked while looking at the girl from head to toe. He got confused as the person standing in front of him wore boy's clothing but she looked like a girl. "No . i am not. And mermaids are not real " she replied nonchalantly. The boy came and sat near her and he looked at her with glowing eyes. "My name is Don. What is your name?" She smiled at him exposing her white teeth that could melt any heart. "My name is Linda but everyone calls me Lin." After awhile both got lost in there little chat that they didn't realize that it was getting late. "ohm no Dani, I have to go home mama Rosa might be looking for me" she quickly ran away. The two didn't get a chance to meet again until one day the orphanage that Linda lived in held a charity event. During the event, many businessmen and women came to give there donations.

On that day in a mansion, a boy sat on the couch watching television. His mother called out for him but he kept on saying he didn't want to go to the party. He hated parties.

Daniel was the only son of a prestigious family in the city. His parents never missed such events as it would boost there appearance in the eyes of the public. He had always sought for their attention but all in waste his mother would always tell him that it was for his own good. He had given up on the hope of getting his parent's attention and love. He spent most of his time reading books and drawing. He never liked going to parties or even talking to girls. He found them too petty.

"Dani!!? Are you ready. Time to go".

"Yes mum".

When they reached the orphanage, reporters came rushing to them. Before they could ask any questions two strong men in black suits came in front of them. They could clearly understand that they would not be getting a headline from the mayor. It's a shame they had to come here to get sweet news that everyone wants to hear but now they were dragged out of the place by the strong body guards. They left the place with great disappointment .

As the body guards were dealing with the reporters, Donnish and his mother, Anna Cecil got in . Daniel sat down and started looking at the place with boredom. He never found the reason why they had to hold a party to give money when they could just deposit it in the orphanage bank account. As he was looked around and saw a familiar figure. He walked to the person and tapped her shoulder. "Linda?" "Don!" Both said in unison. Both looked at each other's surprised faces . "What are you doing here? Are you here with your parents?". When Donnish mentioned parents he noticed the glow in her eyes became tears. He wondered if he had said something unpleasant. "What is wrong Linda? Why are you sad?". He put his hand on her shoulder . "My mummy and daddy are dead. I live at the orphanage with mama Mercy. She is a really kind person."

"Don't worry Linda, you can always my mother and father never too when they off work. But it doesn't matter we can keep each happy. Just like prince charming made cinderella happy."

"But you are not a prince".

"Yes am not but I can be a prince for you. lets play pretend. you will be cinderella. i be prince charming"

"Am prince Dani. And your my princess Lindarella. But Lindarella is too long. So I will call you princess".

"I love it. And your my prince!!". He smiled and pulled her outside. Before he pulled he took grip of his tablet. When they reached out, he opened his tablet .

"Princess, I have a secret I want to share with you. Promise to never tell anyone."

"I promise!!". She said while using her hand to show that her lips where zipped and threw away the imaginary key. Daniel laughed at her action. "I don't have any friends who are girls apart from you. And you what is your biggest secret"

"I don't have any secret" she replied.

"you are being mean! i told you mine you have to me too?."

"ok I will tell you but promise you wont tell anyone okay?" he nodded

He laughed at her for a while not realizing it was getting to her nerves. She took grip of some soil and threw it all over him. Dani did the same and they ended up getting dirty. As they were busy playing , they heard someone calling out to Daniel.

"Ohhh.... You kids!! What have you done. Ohh...look how dirty you two are!".

They stood staring at each other before running away into the bushes holding hands and giggling.

She was still in shock when Mrs. Cecil came next to her and asked her about Daniel. But she didn't know what to say. As hours went by, everyone was looking for the kids. As it was getting dark, the kids decided to go back. When they came back to the orphanage everyone burst into the laughter seeing how cute the two looked. Mrs. Cecil took hold of Daniel and Linda ."where have you been kids? Do you know how worried we were? And why are you covered in mud?". Both kept quiet and gave each other questioning looks. But the servants couldn't help themselves take pictures of the cute children." young boy you have a lot of explanation to do!"

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