
Once, I loved you

There is no description to the future. only fascinations . Once dreams were held but now they all vanished. Back then the two friends would always tell each other of there dreams for the future. But now that they are living in the future they dreamt of, all they have for each other is unknown. Is it love,hate ,anger or the burning sensation to take revenge. will they earn back the love they once shared? or will it be impossible. Don't miss out ..... do you want to know what's next? forget about thinking. download now!! Read more. it won't hurt. I promise .

crystal_pearl · Fantasy
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2 Chs

I'll love you forever

Eight years later...

That day Linda sat in her room contemplating whether to go or not. If she missed Daniel's birthday party ,he would surely be upset to the core. Daniel never expressed his anger but she knew well the few things that could upset him. she looked at the wrapped gift box next to her bed. she didn't have an idea that Trisha was looking at while she kept wrecking her brain out. "come on girl grow up! we no longer kids. go there, sneak into his room place the gift and escape back . easy right? am sure I can make up some story if mama Rosa comes in" Trisha probably had a point  in her view.  Linda jumped off her bed and ran to Trisha with a bare hug. "no wonder god destined us to be best friends!". Trisha pushed her away gently. "as far as I know Daniel is your best friend. when did you add my name to the term best friend" Linda just smiled at her and picked up the box and ran towards the window. "from the day I met you" Trisha laughed it off. "go get your man girl I got you".  she said while waving her off. "hey !what madness is running through your head" "go!" Trisha yelled.  Linda jumped out through the window and landed on the grass. Daniel's home wasn't far from the orphanage but it would be trouble if some one recognized her.  The sun is already down and the streets are filled youthful people up for enjoyment. some on dates and some senior students who had there lives in there hands. After some minutes of walking, she finally reached Daniel's house. It wasn't hard getting in since there was a party. every one at school was probably present. even though she and Daniel were on different social standard, he convinced his parents to sponsor her so that they could all go to the same school and his parent agreed since they already knew her and that she was an intelligent girl. she took the stairs and walked directly to his room. she knew every corner of this house like the back of her palm. No one could hide away from her here. she stopped for a second and looked at the edges of the door to see if the lights were on then she placed her ears on the door trying to hear any sounds that could be coming from the room. but it seemed silent with no movements. she gently turned the knob and walked in. she placed the gift on his bed . she hadn't come to this room for a while. Everything has changed. Things are more in order, and the color patterns are different from before. she had always nudged him to stop using  pale colors. she looked  at the bed sheet color. its was blue . a beautiful kind of blue. she felt proud he took her advise. she heard footsteps coming towards her from the bathroom. she panicked to ran toward the door but ended up tripping falling flat on her face. Daniel tried to hold hold back his laughter but it was in vain. he reached out to her and offered her a hand but she scoffed and stood up on her own. she scratched the back her neck out of embarrassment. "i was about to live anyway.  happy birth and good night"  she ran towards the door but Daniel was fast enough to catch up with her. he pinned his hands on the door . "why did come ?" his face was so close she wondered what it would be like to press her lips on his. she was probably breathing in his air. She pushed him a side and took a step away. "how will I speak with you so close!".  he stepped back and raised up his hands as though surrendering. just then, she realized he was shirtless. why the hell would someone stay in his room during his own party. he is supposed to be down stairs partying. Now he  regretted   taking Trisha's advise. "I came to drop off your birthday gift". he let out a sigh . "and you thought it would make me fill better?" .she nodded . he stood up "wait for me". he walked to the walk-in closet . he come out a few seconds later wearing a t-shirt. he then walked to the side table next to his bed. he picked out a shopping bag and removed a shirt out of it. it was identical to his but a different color. it was green. she always like green it reminded her of his forest green eyes. "Go ahead put it on." she went to the walk in closet and changed into it. when she came out, he immediately pulled her to follow him. "wait where are we going? Its already late and mama Rosa might find  out am not in." "to the lake princess"  he replied .she stopped on her tracks and looked into his eyes and smiled. it had been a while since he had called her princes. she herself had left that long time ago. A smile appeared on her face and they continued running. when they finally reached, he stopped  and face her "its been years since we met" he held her hand and gently pulled her an arm distance towards him. When they met, they were kids but now Daniel was celebrating his sixteenth birthday. now they were both teenagers .How time flew so fast is almost unbelievable. "Princess, Dad wants me to go overseas to complete my studies. But I don't want to leave . I don't want to break our promise. he seems to not be understanding what I want he is more interested in what he wants for me". she hugged him tightly as though she was afraid to let go ."I... let's forget about it for now ? Let's do something fun with the time we have left together." She pulled Daniel into the water and they started playing and Splashing on each other water as they laughed there hearts out as they did when they were younger. When they got tired ,they laid on the shore breathing heavily. None of them spoke as they watched the glowing stars. For awhile, the silence over shadowed until both of them spoke in unison." I will miss you" . Both burst into laughter . Daniel signaled Linda to come closer. She laid her head on his bare chest . Her heart beating fast than the drums in the church. Each moment that passed was killing both of them.

"Before I go, I want to tell you something" Daniel spat out suddenly. "I also have something to say" Linda responded. "Linda I ..I.." ."prince your scaring me. Say it already".

"Princess I love you! I don't know how but am sure that what I feel for you is love". Dumbfounded Linda stood up to walk away but his hands took grip of her wrist . "And what do you expect to happen by telling me!" She snapped. At this point Daniel was confused. He really thought that she felt the same way he felt for her. But her reaction didn't show any happiness." Nothing. I expect nothing. I just want to come clean before we part ways". Linda's lips shook and her hands trembled. "Am. ...not angry at all. Am just irritated that it took so long for you to finally tell me how you feel. I love you more than anyone" she jumped on him startling him for he was not prepared for the sudden attack. Both fell in the sand looking into each other's eyes. "There is no one as crazy as you princess. No one" he said. There was totally no distance between them . They could feel each other's breathe as their noses touched. And finally he crashed his lips against hers gently. Minutes later both pulled out to take a breathe as the gasped for air. He held her in his arms while petting her head. suddenly a loud banging sound was heard from behind. She opened her eyes only to see tears flowing down his face. When she looked at the direction his eyes were fixed at , fear ran through her as she could see the blood oozing out of him. Two masked men came and cover her mouth with a piece of cloth . She tried to hold her breathe but it was too late . The third masked man threw Daniel in to the lake. And that's all that she could remember. The sun rays pierced through her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked around the room . But that room didn't look familiar at all. When she looked at herself, she was able to realise that she was in the hospital. A knock on the door interrupted her train of thoughts. "Who is it?"

"It's me Mama Rosa!! My child."


Ohh mama Rosa. Can you tell me what happened? How did I get here. Is Daniel okay? He..he was shot".

"What are you talking about daughter? We didn't find anyone there . It was only you we found near by the lake!". At that moment, cries were heard. "No!! No Daniel you promised to never leave me!!". The next day, the divers were able to find his clothes. His white collarless long sleeved shirt stained with blood. When it was shown to his mother, she broke down not knowing what to do. Every night she would cry silently and her husband would comfort her. Linda would go to the lake everyday hoping that a miracle would happen but everyday she came back disappointed. Five months later, he was declared dead. "Prince, I know that you are somewhere out there. You can't be dead right?.. Even if heaven and earth united to tear us apart, the stars are witness that our love will never perish. I will love you forever" her cries could clearly be heard . She buried her face in his shirt. "Why would my fate be so cruel . Why does everyone I love live me".