
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantasy
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31 Chs

What's wrong with my face?

'Was I imagining it?', she thought. The moment she took a closer look towards her newborn child she noticed that the baby had Heterochromia.

The eyes were both of different colour, one of blue and the other was red.

However, after the commotion from the father upon realising that her child was a boy and the magic spell casted for both her and her baby, the eyes were no longer of those colour. Instead, it was giving her an eerie feeling as she discovered that the colour was instead dull and grey. It wasn't black like the eyes of the father, it appeared to be darkish grey.

As she looked out towards the window, perhaps it was the moonlight that reflected upon the boy's face which gave her the impression that he had different coloured eyes. After all, the day that the city was celebrating, commemorates that day where a special eclipse were to happen between two moons and the sun. And, both of the moons happen to be the colour of reflected on the eyes.

'It's just a coincidence..' she believed, as she was unable to find any hint of the colours that she mentioned to convince the people to the room earlier.

'For some reason I'm completely exhausted after trying to focus the effects of the spell and the magic that was being scattered. I can barely move my body at all.'

'If I had to guess, in the beginning I had about 20-30% of motor functions that were of use for my body, but now it's about 5-10%.'

'I can still look around and somewhat close my fingers, but I could barely lift or wail my arms.'

"Hey Liz, are you sure that he had different coloured eyes? I don't see it."

"I.. guess I was wrong earlier. My mistake."

"Haha! If my great Liz who's one of the best observers in this country is seeing things, maybe she's getting too old!"

"Ouch!", he yelped as he received a pinch from the side from his wife.

[As they continued speaking in a language that was foreign to me, I began looking around the room to get a better grasp of my surroundings.]

'It seems they only speak in English for spells, otherwise it's all just alien to me.'

'The more I look at the surroundings, I'm increasingly certain that I'm in a medieval era. Some of the attire that the people in the room are wearing, looked as if there's cosplay in an anime convention.'

[I began to look at and assume that the man who just received a pinch from mom, is my father.]

The man with a scruffy beard and short tapered brown hair begins to make a big grin and seemed proud of himself.

"Look at him! My boy is cute, as expected of my child. Although he looks a little slim, I'm sure he is fit to be a great warrior!"

"Ouch!" he yelped again, receiving another pinch. This time from the other side, as the midwife lady looked at him with a frown expression.

"I believe the child's career should be of his choice. Although I was mistaken in him being a girl earlier, I believe that perhaps he may have affinity towards magic."

"As expected from my child! Having magic affinity from his mother and the blood of the warrior hehe."

A shot of a scorn look was made towards the man from the midwife lady as she turned to her aide.

"How are you feeling? Are there any other pain I should be worried about?"

"I'm better now that he's finally out, just a little thirsty. I'm just glad there weren't any complications but why isn't he crying? Is that normal?"

A puzzled look was on both the newly parents but the answer was then arrived.

"It's usually normal for a child to cry but given his condition, he seems to be more curious than to cry about."

The parents then observed how the boy was looking around the room and the features of its surrounding.

"A curious adept is befitting of a mage. Hopefully he won't be of trouble in the future.

Jenny could you fetch Liz a cup of water and the spare towels the we've brought?"

"Yes, High Mage Tessa."

"Thank you again for this, Tess."

"Yeah, thank you really. We owe you big time."

"The pleasure is mine, Arch Magus Elizabeth. There's no need for a debt Grand Warrior Gareth, it was an honour to be of aid to the both of you."

"There's no need to call us by our titles now, aren't we close? Besides, we've already retired."

"Of course, Liz. If there are no further issues, I will leave after observing for awhile incase any implications were to occur, otherwise I would need to leave for another appointment."

"So soon? Will you and Jen be joining us for dinner?"

"I'm afraid not, Gareth. But we thank you for the offer."

'If there's magic in this world, I wonder how advanced are they? Looking at my surroundings it seems like electricity isn't being used at all. Instead there's a weird gem edged at eye level in each corner of the room radiating light. Also the water being used to help with the birth is filled in a wooden bucket. Although the craftsmanship is superb, are plastics buckets yet to be invented?

Haah, so many questions. I need more information on this world.'

Not long after, with the murmurings of thanks being used left and right again. As Liz remained resting by the bed recuperating, Tess and Jen were seen leaving the compound of the house. It's noted that the child who was born bears the maternal family name, is known as Avel Winters.