
Chapter 9

"I mean exactly what I… I told you. I...I don't wanttt… you" I stutter because of our close proximity and as I inhale I can smell his scent which calms my erratic heartbeat.

"So you want to reject me?" he asks his voice soft and emotions flashes in his eye as he looks down directly in my eye.

"No, I don't want to" I whisper trying my best to sound convincing.

"You are confusing me here" he growls out as he releases me in one swift motion and steps back placing his hands on his head.

"I can't..."

"Why?" he questions as he again steps close while I'm glued to the wall for the support.

"You won't get it" I reply unsure of myself.

"Is it because of yesterday? I know I acted like an asshole. I have been waiting for you for so long and then I see you, now that I have decided to mate with Stella. I was confused and then you ran away from me! Damn it!" he punches the wall beside me and spits out the last part, growling.