
Chapter 57

"Yes. Yes we can. In fact I want him included in this matter of humans. He has some necessary information too." I assure and Christie nods slowly walking towards Ron and standing beside him. Christie is Ron's sister and twin, they are my advisers.

"So what do we know about them? Beta Ron told us that you know why they are here?" Gamma Nick questions and I nod in reply.

"Come with me." I command and walk towards my office with the four of them closely following me behind.

"Everyone in here already knows about my healing abilities. Yes Kael knows it too." I say answering everyone's silent question and they all nod.

"Those Humans want me for it." I reveal receiving surprised glances from everyone.

"How, I thought it was just between us?" Ron questions surprised.

"Apparently the words are going out about it." I answer, pointedly looking at Kael.