
Once A Nuisance

I felt like my hard work has finally paid off and I’m one step closer to my dream, it made me happy. It has been my dream since childhood to be here that finally came true. I was both nervous and excited as it was my first time outside my hometown, my sister kept telling me about a lot of things I might have to face there. Till then I never imagined what she warned me about was the first thing that awaited me on my first day of university life, TROUBLE

Nuy_Deil · LGBT+
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5 Chs

New Day, New Trouble

Again late….I wish there comes a day when I don't have to get up and rush like this. Ashi was already in his uniform when I woke up and by the time I got down, he was already waiting near the hostel gate for me

"Had breakfast?"

"I don't think I'll be on time then so…"

"Its really good today, I liked the taste. Will you be able to concentrate in class if you are hungry?"

"Hmm…" I was about to say something when I noticed a familiar face, Arya was here. Smiling bright she walked closer to the gate, "Avin….you seem to be in a hurry," she said looking at my hair

"Seniors asked them to do that" Ashi replied quickly

"So that explains yours too….by the way how are you?"

"I'm all good, Akhil is doing great too." he said as all three of us started towards the university

"Where is your car?" I asked her

"Near the uni gate, but then as I texted you and you didn't reply I understood you are still in hostel. I know my brother well.

Ashi…you grew up in to a handsome man"

"Me too" I said my chin up

"But you aren't him, my Ashi still looks as cute as before." she said placing back a strand of hair that fell on his face.

"I am not a kid"

"Oh my god" she started her overacting, "You are always a kid to me. Even now when I see you guys together, reminds me of that day when both of you played on that muddy ground and got your uniforms dirty. I still remember the way you both looked at me when I scolded and then I had to wash it off you."

"There were many things even more embarrassing, I know." Ashi said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like the night you guys sneaked out and we went to the police station? Or is it when the whole neighbourhood had to hear you both singing terribly to impress Avin's crush? Or is it.."

"We are here" Ashi said before she reminds us of something more.

"Ok then, I won't say more. Just wanted to see you both and check on him." she said looking at Ashi and then me "Ashi, we have all known eachother since childhood so please don't hesitate to talk. You are still that old little kid for us."

"I know sis….I just." Arya might have felt it from Ashi, exactly the way I did. He grew distant, so I think she decided to give him some time. Not waiting for him to complete, she asked me "Had breakfast?"

"I didn't get time to"

"I thought so…just look at you." she said setting my hair a little "don't skip breakfast, how many times have I told you."

"I told him too and tried to wake him up, at the end its me who gets tired calling him. He won't even budge." Ashi complaint

"Next time why don't you pour water over his head, no one will blame you and he is like your family so do whatever you want but wake him up." she said patting him "Ok then, I don't want you both to be late. Eat well, sleep well. Stay healthy and focus so that you can study hard."


We turned around to find the girl I met that day when we went to the girls hostel, Ashi's girlfriend. She gave my sister a death stare and then tossing her bag to Ashi she said "I'm getting late let's go". The surprise and discomfort he felt was clear from his face. She gave my sister a very dirty look "ASHI, COME". We were shocked for a second but I knew my sister won't keep her mouth shut any longer. She for sure didn't like the way she was ordering Ashi and she doesn't even know that's his girlfriend. I slowly kept my hand on her elbow pulling her back a little, getting the sign Arya kept quiet.

"This is my girlfriend Mithra." Ashi said quickly "Mithra, this is Avin and this is his sister Arya."

"Who doesn't know Football. You are so famous but I don't have time to waste meeting people." she again gave my sister a disgusting look. What is she even trying to do?

"Ok then…I'll get going. See you Avin, bye Arya." he dragged her away from there.

"Seriously? That's his girlfriend? Why is she like that?" my sister couldn't believe it.

"Maybe she isn't in a good mood."

"This isn't about her mood. Can't you get that? By the way…I know Ashi grew distant but just…take care of eachother and have your breakfast."

"Yes your highness"

"I'll get going then. Bye" waving at me, she jogged towards her car which was parked at a distance.

I was leaving when I heard someone calling me "Avin" it was Jen. He was with Taran, jogging towards me he said "Hi, goodmorning"

"Morning" I really don't understand what's with this guy. I mean…he is so nice and is a little extra nice today for some reason I don't feel it's out of kindness but something more.

"Who's she? The one you spoke to?"

"That's my sister."

"Is she…I feel like I have met her before, her name?"

"Arya, she is a doctor at Treshcon State Healthsure. Might be you saw her there."

"Ha might be there" he said with a gentle smile "Ok then thanks, see you around" he hurried off leaving Taran and me.

While having a protein bar he said "Sorry but by chance I heard you didn't have breakfast"

"Ya, so?" I wasn't feeling like having a conversation with him at all.

Taking a few steps closer to me he looked straight into my eyes, we didn't have much height difference but it made me feel smaller in front of him then. With a smirk he leaned towards me "Don't you know its bad to skip breakfast?" I felt a chill run down my spine as he whispered. Wtf. Swallowing hard I looked away taking a step back "I have to go"

He was about to say something but stopped as he saw a few of his friends approaching and I recognized one or two of them. He went straight back to his frowning face and started "I'm full, I don't wanna waste it " holding his protein bar in front of me "Why don't you help me finish it?"

"A senior is being kind to you kiddo" one of his friends, the guy with green coloured hair said.

"Why don't you accept it, freshie" I recognized Jim, the guy who messed up my first day here.

"My hand is hurting…so take it" Taran repeated

"No thanks" I was about to leave but there stood a huge guy blocking my way "Eat it"

"Football, have it now." Taran's tone changed, does he have multiple personality disorder or something? I knew there was no way out of this. I'm nuts to think he won't mess with me again, I mean I really thought that. Why do I always have to be his prey? I shut my eyes tight and taking a deep breath, took that protein bar. I hate having to eat something someone just bit, I refuse when my sister shares her sandwich even if that's my favourite just cause she had a bite. Having one from a stranger…that too someone I'm not so fond of is like my personal nightmare. I took two huge bite and finished it off, staring back at the one who made me eat it. I really wanted to spit it out, thinking of it even made me vomit. My parents would faint if they come to know about it, they might even think this isn't the real me because I'm too disgusted with what I just did. All their faces lit up and the one blocking my way moved aside letting me leave. I had a one last look at his smiling face, Taran you started this. I got so angry that my eyes filled and a senior girl who came there right then asked me to leave looking around at what was happening. She went and held Taran's hand, seemed like thats his girlfriend. As I walked away I could hear her asking him why he did that to me.

I just came out from the washroom after rinsing my mouth god knows how many times when I ran into Kiran.

"You were in the washroom? I have been searching you everywhere. Wait, I just need to pee " he said moving past me.

"You went to class?"

"Nop, we have to go according to classes in timetable. The one we got previously was just for lectures mainly so they just gave us a copy of timetable for other classes. We were all noting it down, Tara made us division group on WhatsApp and sent a pic in it. I don't have your number yet so you are left to be added." he said washing his hand "we have class at 10, so…what are we gonna do?"

Having a quick look at my watch I replied "we have almost an hour left, wanna look around the campus? Let's call Adi and Tara too."


I was sitting with my token, waiting patiently for it to be my turn when my phone rang.

"Hey, where are you?" Taran asked from the other side.

"Why do you care?"

"You are my dear cousin and my favourite senior. I'm worried about you."



"Remember I told you about a girl I met at the bar two weeks ago…"

"Ya I think…might be"

"That's Arya"

"Who Arya?"

"Avin's sister, the one we saw talking to him today. Wasn't that the reason you were pulling me to walk quickly, to find out if that's his girlfriend"

"Her? Is she the one you said you found cute?"

"I'm sure your Football doesn't know"

"She drinks?"

"She was drunk that day when we met and went home together. It felt so nice"

"You took her home? Are you for real?"

"Isn't is surprising that we cousins who are like siblings, fell for siblings."

"I told you there is nothing like that….who..who fell for whom. You fell, not me"

"We'll see about that soon…"

"I doubt if she'll let you enter her clinic. She might not even recognise you."

"I have a stomach ache and I'm sure it was too good to forget. She left before I could ask her for her number. No way she doesn't recognise, she has seen every inch of me" I replied laughing.

"You are there this early in the morning just to ruin her whole day…what a devil and that laugh..God save her."

"I'm sure she is gonna think of me the whole day. No way I let go of this chance again. Its almost my turn. Bye"

"Bye, I hope to see you alive."

Disconnecting the call, I continued to wait. Not long and I was called into the clinic. The nurse rushed out asking me to get in.

"Ya, I'll sent Sr.Dina there….no no its fine I can do that." Dr. was on the call when I sat there, still looking as pretty as before even in her uniform. Her silk black hair tied in beautiful bun and those long eyelashes….I could still feel her soft skin, those heated moments and kisses. The nurse came back to the clinic saying "Dr. I gave that 5 year old patient medicine about 20 minutes ago. Is it time to call her in to check?"

"Ya after this and Sr. the head nurse asked you to meet her"

"Right now?"

"Ya she needs to get those papers she gave you" Arya was only paying attention to the nurse. Agreeing to her the nurse was walking out the door when doctor's eyes fell on me. I could see her eyes widen a second, sure she never expected to see me there. Quickly looking away, she touched her mask trying to avoid the awkwardness and took her pen in her hand. Making her brown round rimmed glasses proper, she asked "Good Morning. Name? Age?"

"You seem so interested to know" I asked flashing my best smile

"I have to write it."

"Jen K.Rais, 23"

"What's wrong with you?"

"It hurts…" she started to pay attention as I said


"All over my body."

"Did you do something which involves a lot of body movements or heavy work like for example a new exercise or something?"

"I just had an amazing night with a wonderful woman, but it was two weeks ago. I don't know why it still two weeks ago. I don't why it still hurts, is it because…"

She sat back on her chair rolling her eyes "it's not so recent, so I don't think that's why your body hurts. Why don't you go home and take a rest and if there isn't anything more you may leave."

"No, no umm…stomach ache I have stomach ache."

"Did you eat anything new? Something that you never tried before or had something from outside?"


"What kind of pain is it?"

"I don't always get it, just got it this morning once so I came here."

She motioned me to sit on the chair closer to her's "I'll just press and check, tell me where it hurt and what kind of pain you feel." she tried pressing the sides of my stomach.

"Is there a camera here?" I asked leaning closer to her

"Why do you wanna know? Have plans to steal something?"


"If you don't have anything why don't you just leave?"

"Aren't you curious to know how I found you? Or you think it's luck?"

"I think you are a creep. Leave, get out."

"Is this how you talk to your patients?"

"This is how I talk to people like you. OUT" she said pointing to the door. That's when the nurse entered "Dr. is this over? Can I call that kid in?"


"Does he need any medicine now?"

"No, he's ok. He'll leave now." she scribbled something on her note and gave it to me "you can buy this from the pharmacy on the left side of the block. Get well soon"

"Thank you Dr. Arya" I said with a wink. There is no way I'm gonna miss a chance with her. Seems like I'll have to be closer to Avin. I wanna see her face when she finds that out. I was so happy, have been thinking a lot about her and trying to find her and now I finally did it.I left with a wide smile.