
What are you even doing

In all honesty, Huobai felt like a truck ran him over. He didn't sleep very well. Yixing and Shanshan kept shifting in their sleep too much. Huobai himself was too anxious to even fall deeply asleep. He woke up whenever he heard a noise. 

And because the fans were running around the hotel deep into the night, the team members ended up sleeping in their rooms, three in one bed, and on the couch. 

Now he was standing backstage again, ready to walk up. Actually, all the team members looked as fresh and ready as him. That meant they all looked dead tired. Hopefully, no one would think it was because they were scared of the fans and just think they were nervous. 

"I swear to god, no matter if we win or lose, I'm going to sleep at least three hours after the match," Yixing said and rubbed his eyes. He wasn't alone thinking that because everyone nodded.