
On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized

Cui Ti is a blind woman who has grown up with the constant mistreatment and belittlement from her parents and servants. They take pleasure in laughing at her expense. However, her life takes a sudden and unexpected turn when she is welcomed into the Pei family by the most glorious son, Pei Xuan, carried in a palanquin. Despite her confusion on why Pei Xuan would want to marry her, as it couldn’t be love at first sight, she is grateful for the respect and kindness he shows her. Not only did Pei Xuan give her respect as a human, but he also held and protected her. He would support her in time before she fell, and patiently removed small fishbones for her. He would hug her, kiss her occasionally, and never scold her. As a blind person, there is only so much you can do. So after getting married, she lets go of her restraint and thought about raising children for Pei Xuan to repay his kindness. But Pei Xuan refused to consummate their marriage. … Minutes later, she was being pushed into the lotus pond as she thought: ‘Forget it, he pities me and cherishes me, but it is not love’. Opening her eyes, Cui Ti went back three years ago. … In her new life, during her wedding night, she accidentally touched the candles, and made a pained groaned as Pei Xuan came out of the tub in a panic after hearing the sound. Seeing the waterfall-like long hair of her “Good Husband” and the graceful and hot body that cannot be concealed by his snow-white underwear, Cui Ti trembled physically and mentally, blushed and felt hot, and soon realized…

Nakahara1 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Beautiful Portrait

"This kid," Mrs. Pei muttered under her breath, not giving it much thought as she let her go.

Besides, when Pei Xuan heard the news that Mrs. Xining was going to choose a husband for her daughter, she was both shocked and impatient, but she behaved very well, and when she left the courtyard where her mother lived, she stopped in her tracks.

She was well aware that the society she lived in placed great emphasis on the conduct of men and women. Her previous behavior, such as climbing trees and sneaking into the compound, would be deemed inappropriate. Now, with the top scholar official position appointed by His Majesty, her actions would definitely be criticized.

Thus, Pei Xuan ordered her servants to fetch a few things, and make all the necessary preparations.

In the Xining Mansion, located in a secluded and run-down small courtyard in the south, Cui Ti was using green and tender willow branches to write and draw on the ground.

Bai Ge took a moment to glance at it, but didn't understand what her mistress was drawing, so she turned her head and continued to sew.

The spring breeze was quite strong and a kite suddenly flew over the wall, floating in the sky above the small courtyard.

Huh? Where did this kite come from?", Bai Ge wondered.

However, she didn't take any action and instead focused on mending the holed spring shirt, feeling sorry for her mistress who had few clothes to change into during the spring season.

On the other side of the wall, Pei Xuan was so anxious that her forehead was sweating, and she cut the kite string at the right time, allowing it to fall into the small courtyard.

The sudden drop of the kite caught Bai Ge's attention and she put down her sewing tools, heading towards the kite's location and picking it up.

"Hmh? There's writing on it?."

Unfortunately, she couldn't read and didn't understand the message Pei Xuan had written on the kite.

"Mistress, a kite with writing on it landed in our yard."

Cui Ti sighed lightly: "What does it say?."


If Cui Ti is blind, then Bai Ge is also blind. Well, she is just a maid, so how can she know how to read?

She had a troubled expression on her face, and reluctantly said: "I don't know, you...I..."

"You hold my hand and guide me through the letters."

Bai Ge's eyes immediately lit up: That's a good idea!

She forgot that although Cui Ti was nurtured as a scholar, she did not receive the treatment of one. Bai Ge herself was not very literate, and Cui Ti was born blind, so obviously, the mistress should not be much better at reading than her, right?.

Cui Ti's handwriting was taught by Pei Xuan in her previous life, and he taught her for three years starting from the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Bai Ge held her hand and gently brushed her fingers across the last stroke, and Cui Ti was able to connect the words into sentences—-

'How are you? I'm coming for you!.'

The youthful and handsome scholar from Xijing, Pei Xuan, felt anxious and pressed her ear against the gray wall with a guilty conscience, fearing that she would miss the girl's response and possibly never hear her voice again.

The servant accompanying her couldn't bear to watch and waited for a few minutes.

As the waiting became unbearable, Pei Xuan prepared to climb the tree, but at that moment Cui Ti who was supported by Bai Ge asked softly, "Are you still there?."

"I'm here! I will always be here!," Pei Xuan replied excitedly and she was even more nervous than answering His Majesty's questions in the Golden Palace.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her heartbeat.

"Congratulations on becoming the number one scholar."

The two talked through a wall, and the good news of Pei Xuan's achievement unexpectedly arrived at this small courtyard as she replied, "I left in a hurry that day, and I didn't have time to congratulate you on your birthday."

"How do you know my birthday?."

"I..." Pei Xuan was ashamed, and immediately bowed towards the wall: "This gentleman wants to get to know you."

Cui Ti didn't respond.

Bai Ge's ears itched when she heard it: Hey, I never would have thought you were such a man, especially considering you are the number one scholar! Aren't you simply trying to hook up with the mistress?

How brave!

Well, if the mistress can marry this stupid goose, at least she won't be bullied.

"I'm okay."

Pei Xuan, filled with concern, didn't believe Cui Ti when she said she was "okay" and replied worriedly, "I heard from my mother that Madam Xining intends to choose a husband for you."

"I came here to tell you that marriage is an important matter, so don't be hasty. If you can't handle it, just fly the kite above the courtyard."

"When I see the kite, no matter how far away or where I am, I will definitely come on horseback."

Cui Ti knew that Pei Xuan's words, coming from someone she had only met once, would have been considered a lie by others, but she knew him deeply.

Pei Xuan didn't wait for her response, but emphasized, "Madam, you can trust me, I am trustworthy."

"I believe you."

Cui Ti smiled: "I believe you. I will ask for your help if necessary."

Her frankness and trust touched Pei Xuan's heart, and she was reluctant to leave the wall and eager to see through it.

Unfortunately, it was getting dark.

They stood there without saying a word, the sun was dimming, and the willow branches swaying lightly.

"Madam, I'm leaving."


Pei Xuan pressed her palm against the gray wall and smiled happily: "I hope to see that kite fly."

Her concern was like a warm embrace, enveloping Cui Ti's heart. She listened attentively to the sound of Pei Xuan's departing footsteps, and then the sound of her horse-drawn carriage rumbling away.

Twilight has come, and the world has turned quiet.

At this time, Bai Ge exclaimed in surprise, "Mistress, Pei Xuan wants to marry you! If Mr. Pei hadn't told you directly, I'm afraid we would not have known at all."

Hearing her response, Cui Ti hugged the kite lovingly: "There's no hurry."

She trusts him.

Of course she trusted him!

In this world, Cui Ti trusted two people without any hesitation, one of them was Bai Ge who had grown up with her since she was a child, and the other was Pei Xuan who had brought her in eight palanquins to marry her.

Furthermore, Pei Xuan's character was gentle, considerate, self-restraining, and that of a good husband.

"Your Majesty is in a bad mood?."

Lowering down the chariot curtain, the joy in Pei Xuan's eyes dissipated like water mist, and her voice tinged in fatigue: "I want to go back."

She deeply yearned to turn around and hug her, better yet to listen to her voice infused with warmth and trust.

Thinking that Mrs. Xining will choose a husband for the girl, Pei Xuan's jade-like knuckles tightened, and the image of the girl, who sat with a gentle smile, came to mind.

"From today onwards, send people to watch the small courtyard day and night. If there is a kite flying, report it to me immediately. There must be no mishaps!!."

"Yes, Sir!."

Mrs. Xining is selective when it comes to choosing a husband for her daughters. While finding a suitable match for Cui Ti is relatively easy, the real challenge lies in finding the right suitor for Cui Dai.I

Cui Dai wants to surpass her sister, and therefore desires a suitor from a family with a higher social status than the Sun's.

Later today, Mrs. Sun went to the Xining Mansion again, and she came by frequently.

Outsiders would have already come to the conclusion that the two families intended to form a marriage.

"He's really putting me in a difficult position," Mrs. Sun said pitifully, then continued, "My disappointing son is eager to see Cui Ti, as he doesn't believe my descriptions of her beauty being like a flower and a jade. I must take the blame for praising her beauty so highly, making him fixate on her day and night."

"See her?"

Mrs. Xining's face was slightly hesitant: "This..."

Mrs. Sun was direct in her intentions, "If we don't let him see her portrait, I can give you his in exchange for your daughters. That way, we can both have a clear understanding of what we're getting ourselves into."

Her throat was becoming dry from all the talking, and Mrs. Sun promised for her son to marry Cui Ti in exchange for the portrait.

After the portrait was exchanged, the marriage was considered to be half-finalized.

In the evening, Mrs. Sun intended to hand over Cui Ti's portrait to her husband. But it was quite a coincidence that the portrait which was intended for someone else was inadvertently given to her son.

Fengming Tower.

"Why are you taking so long?" The scholars sitting at the same table began to mock Sun Ze from the Sun family, teasing him for his lascivious behavior and also poking fun at his academic rank.

Despite Sun Ze's rank not being low, it couldn't compare to the top three examinees.

The third place examinee, Song Zizhen, scoffed, "Is it really worth showing off over just a painting of 'Begonia Sleeping in Spring' from the previous dynasty?."

(T/L: A famous painting detailing red mansions, and groups of people drinking wine while witnessing fairies flying around, also painted in the Late Ming Dynasty.)

"Look at the people around him. Well he does have a decent family background and good academic talent. What's more, the number one scholar Pei Xuan is here, so why wouldn't he try to brag?."

He then sighed: "Still, he should act low-key."

(T/L: Will be using he sometimes, since the author is trying to mix he/she according to the scenario. The text will be a bit incoherent at times because of this but please don't mind it!)

The son of the prime minister, Pei Xuan, is known for his refined manners and easygoing nature. It is a great honor for those present to have the opportunity to meet him.

Recently appointed as Jinshi, his official title, it makes it easier for his classmates and colleagues to address him.

"Jinshi, why do you seem to have something on your mind?," asked Zheng Wuji, the second place examinee, as he filled Pei Xuan's cup with high-quality, ripe grape wine.

Pei Xuan, lost in thought and uncertain of how to proceed, took a sip of the wine before him.

Song Zizhen and Zheng Wuzhi exchanged glances, their eyes filled with curiosity. "If you have something on your mind, let us help you, we are here to offer our advice," they spoke in unison.

"That's right, Zizhen will also help!."

They were Pei Xuan's friends, and they were of good character.

After thinking and hesitating about it, she lowered her gaze and said, "It's about a girl..."

Song Zizhen, who was known for his love of gossip, leaned in with excitement and muttered, "What's wrong with this girl? Tell us more!."

Zheng Wuji, who was more reserved, gestured for Song Zizhen to calm down and said, "Let Jinshi continue."

Pei Xuan fell into inexplicable emotions and couldn't extricate himself: "It's about a girl. If there is a girl who makes your heart race every time you see her, and you can't stop thinking about her, even when you're not with her, and you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life protecting her, but getting married will not be good for the girl, so what should I do?."

Song Zizhen looked confused and asked, "What do you mean by 'may not be really good for her'? Of course, if you decide to marry her, you should treat her well. What's the point of marrying her otherwise?."

Zheng Wuji chimed in, "Marriage is one of the most important events in life, Pei Xuan. So, who is this girl that has captured your heart?."


Pei Xuan frowned. Some words could be said, but some words could only be hidden in the depths of her heart.

She can't be direct with Cui Ti, and she can't let her family get persecuted because of her own selfishness.

What's more, once the crime of deceiving the emperor is exposed, no one involved with her will be safe.

"I just don't want to see her marry someone else."

"It's simple." Zheng Wuzhi put down his wine glass and explained, "Then propose to her, then marriage comes in and you could worry about everything else later. If you really want to marry her, do it with sincerity, and protect her with your being, then take that step."

It seems the number one scholar in the whole city has encountered the most difficult problem in her life, romance.

A few minutes later, a bizarre discussion broke out at the adjacent table.

"Brother Qiuming, why is there a portrait of some young lady?."

"Who is this woman? She can be described as a national beauty!."

"That's not it, brother Qiuming, is this the "Sleeping Begonia in Spring" you mentioned?."

Hearing that, most laughed.

There were also people who were confused by the woman in the painting.

Realizing that he took the wrong painting, Sun Ze was stunned, and quickly rolled it up.

As expected, he took it accidentally and mixed it up with the other portrait.

The person in the painting is his future wife, Cui Ti.

Sun Ze didn't want to expose her appearance, but it seems some people still wanted to see.

"Why are you rolling it up? Let me see." The person who seized the painting was the 39th place examinee, and the second son of a third-rank official in the court.

Sun Ze couldn't offend him, and could only watch the portrait go through the hands of the scholars several times, and hear his future wife being judged. He couldn't get angry, and his face flushed red.

"What are they passing around?"

"Looks like a painting."

"A painting?."

As the portrait made its way through the group, Pei Xuan, the prime minister's son and newly appointed Jinshi, couldn't help but glance at it and was immediately struck by the image of the woman in the painting.

The woman dressed in luxurious and new clothing, her appearance meticulously groomed. She has jet black hair and a porcelain white complexion, with a strand of silk covering her eyes. The spring breeze blows her hair around her ears, each strand of hair exuding a sense of delicate tenderness.

There is no doubt that she is beautiful.

However, she doesn't look happy, and the addition of this quiet melancholy makes people's hearts tremble even more.

"What a gentle and beautiful girl! Sun Zhe, where did you find this beauty? I want to buy this portrait!."

"No, it's not—"

Sun Ze, flustered, tried to defend himself but was interrupted by a gust of wind as Pei Xuan rushed over, her face displaying dissatisfaction and anger.

Pei Xuan, who is usually elegant and dignified and an extremely gentle demeanor, now has coldness radiating from her eyes, making people feel a chill down their spines, not knowing what they did to incur her anger.

"Give it."

Zhou Ye sneered: "Fellow Scholar, I bought this painting first, a gentleman doesn't take what others want, so you—"

"I said, give it!."

She was very rarely angry, and there was thunder in her eyes. Not only was Zhou Ye afraid of her, but Sun Ze was also scared to death.

Song Zizhen and Zheng Wuzhi are the only people who talk to her, and yet they don't dare persuade her right now. Only god knows why the star-studded No. 1 scholar is so angry.

Reluctantly Zhou Ye handed over the portrait, and Pei Xuan gently stroked the eyebrows and eyes of the person in the painting and commented, "She's not someone you can have."

Then, she left abruptly while holding the most precious item to her.

In the past, many had described Pei Xuan as a kind and gentle person, however, today it was clear that he was capable of anger. He could be as warm and inviting as a spring breeze, but also as fierce and tumultuous as a thunderstorm.

"We–we didn't offend him, right?," Someone swallowed silently.

"What? It was you guys! I didn't do anything. It was Brother Zhou! He caused this incident!."

"How could it be me?" Zhou Ye broke out in cold sweat, then tried shirking responsibility: "Sun Ze, it's all your fault!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Ze's body trembled with fear and he found himself unable to speak.

"Jinshi was extremely upset today. I've known him for years, but this is the first time I've ever seen him like this," Song Zizhen exclaimed in shock, exchanging a concerned glance with Zheng Wuji.

Immediately, they both guessed the same reason why he got angry—the girl Jinshi likes is the person in the painting?

"What does that girl look like, did you see clearly?."

Zheng Wuzhi replied, rolling his eyes at Sun Ze, "Are you kidding me? I would have been killed if I tried to stop him, and even if I had the chance, I couldn't have gotten a good look at the portrait with him being so angry."

"That makes sense," Song Zizhen murmured in agreement.

(Advance Chapters in Kofi) [Share your thoughts below! I'll try to respond] (Next Chapter: Tuesday 9:00AM PST)

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