
On the Top

"She reigns in the office much well than anyone in here." ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Cara Evangeline Dietrich, a gifted Filipino-German woman, having her destiny at her side. She had everything going for her, a leading project leader in the engineering world, four friends at her side, and family that loves her, it seems that everything is going into plan. Well except, in life there are ups and downs, this is one of them. Three men from various parts of Cara's life all came to her, one day. Antonio De Luca is the newly boss of Cara, which exudes charisma and flirt I was. But for some reason, despite the crowd, he is interested in someone. Alfred Dean Hartman is Cara's best friend since second grade. He's been in love with her for too long but always backs down in confessing. John Robert Van Buren is Cara's sister's friend. She sees him around in birthday parties and family reunions and thinks nothing about it. With three guys around her, drama is about to be bound around Cara and can she handle it or not? ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Cassie_BM · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: New Boss on the Block.

Years later.

Cara woke up from a long night of drafting and checking her equations carefully. It's now 9:30 am, and her alarm went off for the tenth time. She finally woke from an unavoidable moment.

She grabbed her clock and saw it's now 9:32 am. Cara can only panic, getting up from her bed and rushed out to her bathroom, quickly getting herself ready. Forget makeup, she just needed lip balm and her hair ready, and all is going swimmingly fine.

She looked at the clock, it's now 9:45 am. "Shit!" Cara yelled, now immediately multi tasking around the kitchen and walk in closet. She managed to get noodles for breakfast and and at the same time, looks good in a nude blouse and black pants on.

Now it's almost 10 o'clock, she is definitely late for her job and her boss would absolutely kill her. Cara went to the garage and drove off to work. Then she was in a traffic jam and is ready to be fired from her job.

Cara can only sigh from the disastrous traffic jam and her phone rang loudly from since morning. "Jordan, I am on my way to work," she replied back, "don't worry about me."

"Oh I'm not worried about that Cara, the boss is mad!" He exclaimed. She can only sigh at this comment, "tell him that I stayed up working the final touches at the dome!"

Then Jordan heard said to her old boss and then sighed some relief, "He said that you are good but he has to tell you something very important." He said. "Okay, I'll be there soon, and please do get me my matcha latte!" She pleaded.

"I will Cara but hurry up! I'll meet you at the entrance." Jordan replied back. Then finally traffic cleared up and she puts her feet in the gas and they quickened the speed more. She served in upcoming cars, making her way to work.

Then she found a parking spot and there to greet her, Jordan. "Oh my gosh, thank the heavens you are here! Do you have the drafts with you right?" He questioned. Cara can only laugh, "you should be a Project Leader and I'll be your assistant! Let's see how you'll go about the day now." She teased.

"Oh shut up, I'll be an assistant now." He replied back.

They hurriedly head to office and went to her boss's office, handing her drafting paper. "Finally you are here now!" He yelled. Cara tried to catch up her breath, "I stayed up 2 in the morning, just to look around any errors in here." She explained.

Her boss carefully examined her work, from top to bottom, left to right. One little mistake and she has to redo the whole process all over again, which she doesn't want to spend all of her time working.

"Mr. Croft," A raspy voice called out, "are you almost done with that sir?" He looked up, "oh yes, Miss Chelsea," he looked at her up and down, at that revealing outfit of hers, "give me three minutes."

"I'll be waiting." she winked, making Cara very much uncomfortable, and also Jordan too, holding her latte. Chelsea closed the door, getting back where he was. "It's all good now, I'll submit them to the higher ups, but this is not what I came to you."

"Oh really sir? Am I being fired from the job?" Cara questioned nervously. He laughed at her, "Oh no! You are one of the best employees that this company has ever had. I just want to let you know that this is the last day of work, and will be retiring as your boss."

Cara had a little of shock in her system, but it is soon replaced by the total happiness that she is currently experiencing in her body. "Really sir? This has come at a shock," She sarcastically remarked, "right Jordan, this came as a big shock to us both!"

Cara looked at him, awaiting an answer for him, "Cara is totally right, this pretty much a big shock for me personally. You are actually a great boss that we actually have." They both smiled, "oh I don't concur, I know you kinda hated my guts, mostly of advancements with you Cara. You were a hard person to catch."

Cara remembered all the times that she almost fell for his advancements. "Well Mr. Croft, I'm very much into work and nothing else. I prefer to stay this way and nothing can change my mind." She firmly replied back.

"That's what I like about you, the drive to do your best and come at the top. That's why I made you a project leader. You specialize in everything, that no one here has ever done." He explained. Cara can only smirk at that compliment, "What a fucking creep."

"When is the new boss coming in?" Jordan questioned, reading my mind for some reason. "He's coming in tomorrow. But I can't say anything more because it spoils the fun." Then he walked off his office, well going to Chelsea, for some "busy" time.

"Let's go, I'm kinda hungry." Cara complained. "And I've been holding your latte for a very long time now, I think it's already cold." Jordan said. Cara can only roll her eyes and they headed out for an early lunch.

But Cara has to organize papers and fixed her desk and drafting table, telling Jordan that he can go ahead to finding a restaurant that he likes. She grabbed her bag and headed to a elevator. The doors open and immediately went inside, closing immediately.

"Wait!" Someone yelled. Cara instinctively put her hand between the doors. Then she looked up, the light shining, is a man, specifically. The stranger entered inside and entered the button.

Cara can only examine him and will not lie to herself, there is no words other, hell saying a simple word that describes a man, handsome, could not compensate what she is seeing.

Cara calculated at the width of his lips, nose, forehead and his eyes. The mind went blank when she laid her eyes at him. There was some distance between them and is having some thoughts of moving closer to him. "What am I thinking?! What if he has a girlfriend." Her mind spoke.

Then the elevator started to malfunction, not moving. Now the stranger pressed the help button multiple times. "Don't worry, this kinda happens more or not often around here." Cara spoke. He looked at her, "Really? Well they have to fix this immediately." He replied back, making her laugh a little.

"They always postpone fix the elevator around here," she explained, "but are you working here? I've never see you around here?"

"Oh, I'm starting work around here tomorrow. Executive just toured me around here, and I'll just get lunch," He replied back to the question, "the name is Antonio De Luca and I didn't catch your name." His hand extended to be engulfed into a handshake. "Cara Evangeline Dietrich, it's weird to meet you."

Antonio laughed at the comment, "The meeting is weird," he spoke too soon when the elevator shook, making Cara fall on his arms, "are you okay?"

Now she had a better look at him, handsome was not the word she would describe but his physical features were much proportioned, holding tightly his much muscular arms. "I'm okay, quite used to it." She quietly said.

Then they heard the elevator ding and opened up to the lobby. Antonio let Cara first of the elevator, and they are finally out of there. "I forgot to ask but what position are you doing?" She questioned. There was a silence for awhile, "I can't really tell you, the execs can't really tell you here." He replied back.

That wasn't the answer Cara was looking for but accepted what given response was, "alright, I hope I get to see you tomorrow?" Antonio flashed a smile at him, "I'll see you around." Then they said their goodbyes and separate their ways.

Jordan texted Cara to meet her at a restaurant that he always goes. They talked about any news that's happening around the world, life and over course, hear her assistant complain about being single.

"I wish that I could meet a guy that would just sweep me off my feet." Jordan dreamed. Cara can only roll her eyes at him, "Why don't you sign up to I don't know, Bumble or even Grindr?"

"Are you kidding me?! I don't want to be back in that dating app! They tried to rob me in the dark alleyway, I am never coming back there anymore," He explained. "How about you? Ever thought of going on to sites?"

"Nope, I don't even think about dating, just wanted to focus on counting all of equations and spending time with integral calculus." She softly said. "I swear, you are one of the weirdest people that I ever met." Jordan exclaimed.

"But there's this guy I saw in the elevator, where it malfunctioned..." Cara spaced out a little, Jordan looked at her weirdly, "Cara, are you okay?"

She snapped back to her reality, "oh sorry, I was thinking about how the guy I saw looked like." "Tell me, how does this guy in the elevator look like?" Cara recalled eye catching features that Antonio possessed.

"Well, he has those brown or golden eyes, olive skin, dark brown to black hair, and his muscles were much defined, when I saw him in that checkered shirt. The grip on his hand is quite strong," Cara explained, "he said he's working at the company tomorrow, but he was far too secretive about his position now."

Jordan noticed Cara playing her hair and the tapping of her heels. "For an independent woman like you, seems to be enjoy the fact that this man you met at the elevator, is working tomorrow." Jordan smirked at the comment, making Cara be a bit more defensive.

"Excuse me, I am not enjoying the fact that he is working at the company. And I have some kind of feeling that he might be a player." She defended. "Cara Evangeline Dietrich, you don't know, something might happen between that." Jordan sent a wink at her, making Cara slapping him in the arm.

"You are such a tease Jordan."

They continued on eating their lunch and they headed out of the restaurant, finishing the work for the day. Night came by much quickly than usual, and Cara was preparing for her to end the shift. It was now 8 o'clock at night, and everyone is now out of the office by now.

She grabbed her bag and is ready to head out when she sees a Antonio still in the building, particularly in this part group.

"Antonio," Cara called his name, "what are you doing here still?" I questioned. "I was fixing the new desk I will be working on." He replied back to her question.

"Oh yeah, you are going to start your job tomorrow. Good luck on your first day on it. She smiled and was ready to head out, "wait Cara," he called out, making her look back, "the job, I was appointed as a City Engineer, replacing the old boss who he said is retiring."

Her eyes widened with surprise, her new boss is this hunk here?! This is going to be a fun work experience.

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay of this story. I hope you guys love it and if you can, please vote, comment and tell everyone about this story, this means alot to me.

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