
On The Same Page

"Luke..." gasped Brandon as he pulled him into his embrace. "Don't you ever leave," he whispered as he buried his face into Luke's shoulder. A normal college life with a little spice is what Brandon thinks he signed up for when he joins college and moves into the dorm with his new roommate, Luke. Trying to hide the fact that he is a romance author from everyone and realizing that his zero experience in romance in real life may pose a bit of an issue, his life takes a turn, when he decides to take inspiration from his roommate and bases the protagonist of his next book on him. Read on to see what he brings upon himself as he mixes up his fiction with real life!!

MaskTheHiddenOne · LGBT+
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6 Chs


Luke's POV

I cracked my knuckles as I stretched myself to relieve all the build-up from hours of sitting at the table. While twisting my neck, I used the opportunity to glance at Brandon through the corner of my eye.

He was still on call. Huh. He had been on call from the time I'd come back and that was a few hours ago.

Must be a popular kid, I thought with a shrug, as I heard him make another call.

It was taking time to settle into this new lifestyle of living with somebody else. But it wasn't that bad. Brandon was quite a nice guy. A very vibrant, talkative and popular kid, especially on campus.

He gave me the space I need and I respected him for that and made sure he got his too. I was better off than others I thought, as I had heard complaints from friends about their roommates not being considerate in general.

My eyelids drooped a little as I stifled a yawn and with a hazy view, I tried concentrating on the words in front of me.

Brandon's POV

"Yes, yes, thank you... Yep, yep. Got it... I've noted everything down... Do tell me as soon as you're done with the last check. I'll do the proofreading... Alright, thank you once again... Yep, Good night to you too." I said as I finally hung up the phone.

I let out an audible sigh as I sprawled myself on the bed. It always took extra hours for me when it came to settling things with my editor about the final draft for some reason.

Didn't help that on top of that, I drained all my energy talking to my hyperactive younger sister in the middle. I chuckled as I remembered bits of the conversation.

"- please tell me at least this time that it's BL." She whined. "Nope, this one is as straight as a pole," I replied with a laugh as I heard her whines intensify.

"PLEASE make the next one boy love based bro. Knowing your skills. It'll be gooooood. Just give it a go. Or rather DO IT FOR ME." She screeched in my ear.

It should be clear by now that she was way into BL or boy's love. And this wasn't the first time I was hearing her complaints that I always write straight romance.

"Fine, I'll think about it" I laughed, as I said my goodbyes quickly on seeing the missed call my editor gave me. And on and on it went till I finally put the phone down and ended up with jaw pain from talking way too much.

I slowly woke up and crawled out of bed to get some water as I glanced at Luke. His back to me, I saw he was still at the table studying or working on something.

Slowly walking towards him I saw that he actually dozed off while sitting there. Muffling a chuckle, I remarked to myself that this was so him.

Luke's POV

With a throbbing pain in my head, I woke up to see that the time on my table clock was six in the morning. Ah great, I thought, as I realized I fell asleep while studying last night.

Stretching a bit I saw why I was so comfortable, that I didn't wake up earlier. My soft blanket was wrapped around me, hanging from my shoulders snuggly. With a smile, I turned to see Brandon, who was fast asleep on his bed.

Like I said before, considerate but also sweet.