
On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles

Waking up after the accident, I found myself in a world where everything familiar to me was gone: blue sky, sun, green grass, and so on. Instead, there was an endlessly gray sky, black sand everywhere, and a forest of dead trees stronger than any rock. My body was as black as coal and covered in wounds... All of this made me think that I had entered another world, where I had become an unattractive undead. I would have laughed if there had been a god, a princess, or a great entity next to me. However, looking around, I saw no one. I was alone in this dead world. I also noticed that saying the magical word "System" caused me excruciating pain. But this was my chance to fulfill my desires. I wanted to become a necromancer, and what I found lying in the sand would help me achieve that.

Vallynor · Fantasy
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100 Chs

False Death of the Ancient God

"Dwarves from the very beginning of their existence were forced to mate with women of other races. If a girl was born, she followed her mother's path, inheriting her race and many traits, which often made them resemble young copies of their mothers. There was even a story about a daughter of a dwarf who started dating a guy, and at some point, they decided to get married. The guy got acquainted with the girl's parents and stayed overnight with them. I don't know how it happened, but on one of those days he spent with the girl's parents, he mistook his beloved for her mother and spent the night with the mother. And in the end... well, the guy ended up with two wives, and the dwarf got divorced..."

"Is that all?" Vallynor asked.

"Of course not. A few days later, the dwarf returned home at night when the three of them were having a group orgy, and he began to torture them with instruments he created himself. At first, he tortured his wife, accusing her of infidelity and becoming a whore. Then he turned to the guy who took everything away from him, and to the daughter, where it all began. In the end, he killed all three of them and wrote a note to himself. Why a daughter, not a son?"

"Horrible... But it's better than just disappearing without a trace. I would do the same," Vallynor said.

"All dwarves know this story. And after their daughter has a chance to get married, they carve beautiful scars or make tattoos on the face, hands, and buttocks of their wives, so that no one would approach their spouse. They also make the daughter tell the story to her future husband so he knows what might happen to him. And if a dwarf has a son, it becomes a celebration for both him and the whole lineage. If the child of a dwarf is a son, with a 99% probability, he will also be a dwarf, and that means the father can pass on his skills, and the lineage can continue its existence."

Vallynor listened carefully to Horkim, but inside he was thinking about how candid this story was, reminiscent of scenes from hentai or a pornographic film, except for the last part that turned into horror.

Meanwhile, gnomes began to disappear from the bar one by one, and new faces took their place. When they noticed Vallynor, they quickly approached, but something stopped them halfway. They paused for a moment, realizing what held them back. Shaking their heads, they turned towards another table, regretting not having had a chance to get to know Vallynor.

Henry suddenly appeared, his lips marked with traces of kisses. Seeing Vallynor, he headed over and took a seat on an empty chair.

"Vallynor... Tell me about the ocean. I've fulfilled my part of the deal, and I don't know when I'll be able to see you again. After all, your training and lessons start tomorrow," he said.

Vallynor nodded and began to share everything that came to his mind about the sea, oceans, and even various legends. Henry listened with shining eyes, occasionally asking questions to clarify certain points, and otherwise remained silent, not interrupting the story.

Horkim listened with interest to Vallynor's tales, sipping his drink. Truth be told, the entire bar fell silent to listen to Vallynor. Vallynor didn't even notice how attentively they were all listening to him until someone coughed, namely Horkim. He was surprised, noticing Dokod sitting at a nearby table. Horkim and Vallynor noticed how more and more people filled the bar, gnomes, dwarves, and their wives returning to listen to Vallynor. Even in the corners and the darkest places, a few spirits and ghosts from the ethereal realm appeared.

At times, both Henry and the beings from the water world had questions, like why merfolk of both genders appeared, fish resembling humans, frogs, and so on.

Vallynor began to feel that his space was overflowing, and new faces continued to appear. Because of this, the man who sat at the bar pouring beer clapped several times and gestured in all directions. The bar itself began to expand, filling with tables, chairs, and even new employees. However, from the very beginning, Vallynor felt that something was off about these new visitors, but he continued to tell legends, stories, and scientific facts, including legends about Cthulhu, who slept in the ocean according to Lovecraft."

Some people, upon hearing about Cthulhu, or rather, what he looks like and his characteristics, were amazed. Henry and several beings resembling him grew somber. At first, Vallynor didn't notice this, but as he continued to tell the story, he could see that more and more listeners were surprised. He stopped and looked at Horkim, but he was already snoring with an empty glass in his hand, and Henry sat like a statue, unresponsive.

Looking around, Vallynor searched for someone to ask what was happening. But even that fat dragon wasn't nearby. Maybe he was there, but due to the multitude of different listeners, Vallynor couldn't spot him.

Then he noticed the grim face of Annino, who was sitting alone at a table. Due to the bar expanding several times, or maybe even ten times, Annino looked secluded. Vallynor approached him and asked:

"Annino, what happened? Why is everyone acting so strange?" - Vallynor asked, pointing at everyone and trying to wake up Henry. But Henry didn't respond.

Annino sighed and thought about sending Vallynor to ask his teacher. But seeing Horkim in that state, he couldn't send Vallynor far. After events like these, some listeners might become agitated.

"Cthulhu, you've just told the story of the ancient God. He's one of the gods overthrown by the current deities. However, he was also the god who tore the barriers of our world... Our God... and we... sacrificed much to destroy several gods, both current and ancient. And one of them was the God who called himself Cthulhu. From your story, we understood that he didn't die, but survived, even if wounded. He's alive," Annino explained to Vallynor, feeling pain in his heart.

"... I'm sorry for not responding. Cthulhu is my father and ancestor, who has been here multiple times. We don't know how to react to this. We felt betrayed during the war. And when we were told he was killed, besides happiness, we felt the pain of loss. Hearing the story about my father, I felt happiness and simultaneous pain of betrayal. I don't know how to react now... I'm sorry... Vallynor. But I need to leave and think everything over," Henry stood up, heading towards the door. At the same time, beings resembling Henry also got up and followed him.

Henry stopped, looking at them, and calmly said:

"Don't follow me. I've already said we have no hierarchy. Just leave me alone," Henry said, trying to keep calm, although he was struggling. Vallynor noticed that Henry wanted to leave as soon as possible, alone, without pursuers. And, as it turned out, without servants.

"We will always be your servants, Master..." - one of them began respectfully, but he couldn't finish as Henry interrupted him with a shout.

"Shut up, Henry. Don't call me by that scoundrel's name. I don't even want to hear his name. Just call me Henry," Henry yelled, making the servant fall silent.

Annino, with the corner of his eye on Vallynor, then on the sleeping Horkim, whom not even thunder could wake up, sighed.

"Henry is one of the sons of Cthulhu. Cthulhu formed an alliance with the God of Souls, and Henry became the guarantor of this alliance. At first, he was a proud and troublesome prince, but slowly he merged into this world and started helping. The pride vanished, and he became one of us. The war and Cthulhu's attack heavily impacted Henry... He realized he was just a pawn. Detaching himself from his former name, he called himself Henry. Why Henry? I don't know. I heard that a girl called him that when he was on a mission in one of the worlds."

Vallynor watched as Henry's servants, who had just been talking to him as if he were a friend or an acquaintance, changed their attitude and became servants again. He wanted to serve Henry and worship him, but Henry didn't allow it and tried to stop them.

Listening to Dokod's words, Vallynor felt pity for Henry. Although he hadn't experienced anything like that himself, he had seen enough movies and read enough books to partially understand the pain of betrayal by a loved one.

Henry no longer wanted to look at all of this, so he turned and left, followed by his quickly bowing followers. In a matter of moments, a girl in an elegant dress and high heels rushed out of the bar.

Dokod snorted and headed for the exit, while the others, coming to their senses, started looking around. Some slowly got up from their chairs and headed for the exit, while others stared at their glasses and plates, lost in thought.

Vallynor looked around and asked himself, "What should I do next?" Sitting down at a table, he began to reflect on everything he had learned today. Suddenly, he felt a touch on his back and, turning around, was surprised to see Horkim, who looked quite sober despite drinking a lot. Vallynor realized that poisons didn't affect him, probably because he was partially dead already. He thought that alcohol was like poison for alcoholics.

"Let's get back to Caesar," Horkim suggested.

The bar door opened, and Eryladar walked in. He was dressed in attractive elven-style clothing. He had a bow on his back and several knives at his belt.

Seeing Horkim and Vallynor, Eryladar headed towards them. He simultaneously raised his hand and yelled, "Beer!" Then he sat at the table where Vallynor was and, looking at Horkim, said:

"Why are you standing there and not taking your seat? Let's find out again who's king here... Why are you silent? Scared? If you're afraid of my sister, don't worry, she's guarding our territories now and planning a few raids with the goblins," he said, looking at the silent Horkim and realizing that Horkim leaned toward his friend.

"Forgive my lack of manners. I'm Eryladar Illaharis, the King of the Elves. But you can call me Eryladar. And what's your name, new friend?"

Vallynor looked at Eryladar skeptically. When he spoke to Horkim, his tone was rough, but when he addressed Vallynor, it softened, while still maintaining pride. This immediately made Vallynor think of gay people. He remembered a time when he met a guy who proudly declared his homosexuality, beating his chest and making others kiss his feet like they do in black cultures. That person became disabled after that. Why try to hit on me?

"Vallynor," he replied.

"Hmm..." Eryladar looked around the bar and sensed a heavy aura. Turning his gaze to Horkim, he asked, "What happened?"

Horkim sighed and said, "Henry's father is alive. He now calls himself Cthulhu."

Eryladar looked at Horkim in astonishment, then at Vallynor. Shaking his head, he took a beer from the waiter and started drinking it.

Vallynor watched all of this from the side and didn't know what to feel. He was shocked that the elf could drink better than most dwarves. But from the expression on his face, Vallynor understood that he was grieving.

Horkim tapped his fingers on the table, sat down next to Vallynor, and said, "Eryladar was involved with a girl from the water kingdom. But a large part of the seas and oceans of this world were destroyed by sea gods, including Cthulhu. His girlfriend was eaten by one of these gods, and Eryladar, remaining alive, realized she was one of Cthulhu's servants. At first, he hated Henry because he was Cthulhu's son. But later, he realized that he himself had been a victim and forgave him."

"I heard it all," Horkim said with a sad smile, ordering more beer. Then he began talking to Eryladar, who was already demanding a second glass of beer.

Vallynor listened silently. He also ordered a beer with a snack, so as not to turn into an alcoholic, even though he couldn't get drunk.

Gradually, the sad Eryladar began to smile, even making jokes about Horkim's beard, while Horkim maliciously recounted his sexual relations with Eryladar's stepsister and the various positions they engaged in. For this, he received an arrow to the head.

"Shut up! I want to live the remaining normal life until Judgment Day, not run away from a crazy sister who can turn my life into hell."

Vallynor listened attentively to Horkim and began to feel regret when the conversation suddenly ended. He was intrigued by what was happening and watched with interest the discussion between Horkim and Eryladar. However, he suddenly felt a strange mood. Looking around, he didn't notice anything unusual.

While Vallynor was drinking something other than beer, he continued to listen to his friends' conversation. Caesar entered the bar, looking around joyfully. He headed towards the table where Vallynor, Horkim, and Eryladar were sitting, and sat down next to Vallynor. Then he asked the waiter to bring him something.

Everyone fell silent upon seeing Caesar and began to watch him. He paid no attention to all those glances, looked at Vallynor, and asked:

"How do you like this city? The last city where cowards, lustful beasts, and the dead who have forgotten who they are live, and now only want to live," Caesar said, briefly glancing at everyone, including Horkim and Eryladar.

They all felt his penetrating gaze, but no one objected, because his words were true. They were ancient and mythical beings even the lesser gods feared. Some of them fought on par with the higher gods, like the Queen of the Forest or Caesar.

However, now they were leading peaceful lives, and what remained of them was beginning to decay inside. This process couldn't be stopped. They were remnants of their former selves. War dragons, whose bodies used to be fortresses, had turned into plump and soft chunks of meat. Warrior girls and sorceresses had stopped developing their powers and began to worry only about their looks or how to seduce someone. Before, they used to contemplate such things three times before taking action, because for them, sex was a symbol of love, where two souls and two bodies became one whole and were capable of creating new life.

They all understood this, but couldn't change anything. That's why some of them didn't want to stay in the city, because the pride they once possessed didn't want to fade away.

Vallynor slowly began to realize why he was sent to this city on the first day. Not to see its greatness or anything similar, but to see the filth that had accumulated over millennia. Even legends lose their power. He immediately thought of Neffan, a half-dragon, almost human, a martial arts master, who now became an alcoholic, much like Horkim. Even Eryladar, an elf, drank more than a dwarf. Nothing in this city could be normal.

"You said what needed to be said, and that's enough. It's time for us to return and start training you, as well as ourselves. Let's leave these two friends and everyone else, so as not to waste what's left on trivialities like alcohol and sex," Caesar said, standing up and looking closely at everyone. Vallynor followed him. Vallynor noticed that behind the door was an office he had entered before.

Horkim and Eryladar watched as Vallynor and Caesar left and closed the door behind them. They looked at each other and asked themselves, "What just happened?"

"What happened to Caesar?" Horkim asked, looking at Eryladar and wondering what had happened outside the city.

"Nothing unusual. Don't look at me like that. We found nothing, and nothing unusual happened," Eryladar replied, immediately catching the hidden meaning in Horkim's look.

"Then what happened? What destroyed Caesar?" Horkim asked.

"I don't know. But his words, though offensive, were true, and I can't deny them," Eryladar replied silently, looking at his half-filled beer glass and pushing it away instead of finishing it. Instead of thinking about drinking, he pondered Caesar's words.

"I don't feel like drinking anymore," Horkim said, doing the same with his beer mug, biting his lip, and contemplating the words Caesar had spoken.

The entire bar seemed to lose its appetite. Their appetite was already spoiled due to the news that the God they believed was dead was actually alive.

At the neighboring table sat a man in a black suit with gold glasses. He held a glass of beer and smiled, looking at the backs of Vallynor and Caesar.

Looking around, Vallynor felt that something had changed in the room, but what exactly remained a mystery. Pushing away these thoughts, he followed Caesar, who silently left the room.

Caesar sighed, looking at the spot where the portrait of the God should have been, but which was now missing. Stepping out, he led Vallynor to show him his room. At first, Vallynor didn't catch on, but after considering all the possible options, he concluded that it was the most logical explanation.

While Caesar silently led the way, Vallynor examined the walls, on which hung portraits of various beings. Below each portrait was a name written. He even saw a portrait of Horkim on one of them.

Caesar noticed Vallynor lingering and melancholically said, "Do you think I spoke cruel words? That my words offended someone? But look at these portraits. Portraits of heroes who, for centuries, fulfilled their duty to our God, helping him maintain balance. But what about now? They have turned into shadows of their former greatness. They have fallen so far that they've become nothing but pitiful renegades. These portraits were created by the God himself, as one after another they were recognized. Each painting symbolizes this acknowledgment."

Vallynor scrutinized each portrait carefully, recognizing many familiar faces, even a necromancer, Baba Yaga, who appeared younger, and even the Spider Queen, who apparently had a daughter. "Let's continue on the path, you still need to inspect your room and think about everything so that next time you can scrutinize each painting attentively," Caesar said.

Vallynor didn't want to be distracted from the portraits and followed Caesar. After a few minutes of walking, he accidentally bumped into Caesar's back.

"This is your room," Caesar said, opening the door and showing it to Vallynor.

Vallynor peered through the open door and saw a huge room with a large bed for two. Plain yet expensive furniture lined the sides.

Stepping inside, Vallynor carefully examined the room, while Caesar watched him. A little while later, Caesar said, "From this moment on, you will live here. Tomorrow morning, they will come for you, and after you learn the paths, you'll be able to move around on your own without an escort... I'll leave you at that," saying this, Caesar closed the door and returned to his office.

Vallynor watched as Caesar closed the door, then carefully surveyed the room and activated his sense of magic. Although he wasn't very skilled in it, this method allowed him to see the circulation of mana and where it accumulated. However, he didn't notice anything unusual, apart from the fact that all the furniture was magical. Then Vallynor remembered that technologies existed in this world as well, and he began to scrutinize for spy devices, having some experience in that field. He checked hidden corners where bugs could be concealed, but found nothing.

Sitting on the bed, he began to contemplate. His search for bugs had been intuitive, as he often encountered such situations. He found the most bugs in Korea, where even bathrooms had cameras installed. It was there that he learned how to find them.

Thinking about everything that had happened today, Vallynor remembered the unfinished tasks. Summoning his panel, he saw three quests before him. The first involved reaching the city at a specific time. The second required taking the first step in development and learning more about the so-called "Hero Effect." The third task was about strengthening his soul. The first task was highlighted with a golden light. Pressing it, Vallynor opened the description of the conditions for completion, and below appeared the "Confirm" button. He pressed it, and a new message appeared.


Congratulations on completing the "Path to the Last City" quest. As a reward, you receive 1000 Necro-Coins, which can be traded with necromancers.


At the bottom was a "Close" button. Closing the panel, the previous task table reappeared before him.