
On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles

Waking up after the accident, I found myself in a world where everything familiar to me was gone: blue sky, sun, green grass, and so on. Instead, there was an endlessly gray sky, black sand everywhere, and a forest of dead trees stronger than any rock. My body was as black as coal and covered in wounds... All of this made me think that I had entered another world, where I had become an unattractive undead. I would have laughed if there had been a god, a princess, or a great entity next to me. However, looking around, I saw no one. I was alone in this dead world. I also noticed that saying the magical word "System" caused me excruciating pain. But this was my chance to fulfill my desires. I wanted to become a necromancer, and what I found lying in the sand would help me achieve that.

Vallynor · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Dance of Necrotic Energy

With a sigh, Vallynor delved into contemplation about the possibility of utilizing necrotic energy as a magnet, drawing opposite forms of energy towards itself. After all, these energetic manifestations are extracted from mana or something else residing at a higher level.

In Vallynor's hands, a violin appeared, and he began to play it slowly. The sounds of music spread everywhere, enveloping all the necrotic energy and gathering it around him.

As Vallynor played, the energy flowed towards him, forming runes and circles on the ground. The Black Skeleton halted several fallen creatures, turned its head towards Vallynor, watching attentively as he, using necrotic energy, created symbols, runes, and circles, turning them into a magnet.

It felt as if the inner energy within Vallynor's body was drawn to him. Strong winds passed by the skeleton, heading straight for Vallynor. These were mana and other forms of energy, attracted by the necrotic energy, like iron filings.

Playing the violin, Vallynor collected this energy. Then he stopped and began to meditate. All kinds of energy passed through his body like scorching magma, destroying the body that had previously accepted only necrotic energy. Mind and soul were filled, as if needles were piercing his mind and soul itself. Some foundation bricks began to crack but were immediately restored using mana and other forms of energy.

While the foundation underwent changes, Vallynor instinctively felt that to become even stronger, he should inscribe runes on the bricks. This would grant him additional strength.

Many thoughts enveloped him, making him ponder whether it was worth the risk. After all, the foundation bricks represented his path of intellect, consisting of knowledge and energy, mainly necrotic. At this moment.


Alexander and Caesar traversed the dark corridors. In Caesar's hand shimmered a sphere of light, while Alexander wielded swords. From a dark corner, a fallen creature leapt out but was instantly cleaved into pieces.

Caesar raised his other hand, holding the city's creation meant for capturing the souls of the fallen. He then collected the corpse's parts in his inventory. Alexander, ignoring Caesar's actions, scrutinized their surroundings, fiercely desiring to find something. At one point, he pulled out a music box that began to play several tunes, then he closed it and returned it.

"Forgive me, friend. She has completely turned. So, there is no..." Caesar, putting away the soul-capturing artifact, gave Alexander a few pats. Alexander, lowering his head, interrupted Caesar.

"I KNOW! But I can't stop hoping that she might still be..."

"There's no hope. She has completely become one of the fallen. So, it's better you help catch her before she escapes into one of the two cities," Caesar said, lifting the glowing sphere, and with his other hand, he pierced one of the escaped fallen with a spell.

While Vallynor was not in the city, Alexander's daughter had fully transformed into a fallen and managed to escape from her cage, freeing other fallen who had previously been rational and used for experiments. This event took him by surprise, as he had not anticipated it. Fortunately, the dungeon was quickly sealed, and with the help of their devices, they found no signs of impurities, indicating that none of the fallen had managed to escape.

Depressed, Alexander again pulled out the box, preparing to open it. Suddenly, a hand struck it with incredible speed, and the music box hit the wall without breaking. A mark was left on the wall.

"She's found," turning, Caesar enveloped himself and Alexander in light. Then he began to recite a spell, while Alexander, clutching his heart, blocked a strike aimed at his heart. For a moment, he saw a girl with limbs like those of a beast, torn and broken. Muscles and tendons were visible beneath the torn skin. The girl, attacking, giggled madly.


The Black Skeleton, attentively watching as the necrotic energy faded, gave way to Vallynor. Casting his gaze over the surroundings, he approached the Black Skeleton, and behind him, soul hands emerged, dispatching corpses to the inventory.

Approaching the Black Skeleton, Vallynor discovered the bodies of powerful beings nearby. Without a word, he collected them, then turned towards the dome protecting Baba Yaga's hut and asked, "How can we penetrate it?"

"I don't know myself. But, having studied the barrier, I've learned that keys are needed... Maybe you, as her last apprentice, know something?"

Initially, Vallynor wanted to refuse, but recalling a technique, he fell silent and approached the barrier. Touching it, Vallynor closed his eyes. He then extracted from his inventory several bones, herbs, and magical iron, and from the created corpse, made an undead with a soul. On the ground, he drew a magical circle, placing the bones, herbs, and magical iron within. Controlling his undead, he made it extend its hands towards the circle.

The undead began to recite a spell, but suddenly, with one hand, tore off the wrist of the other. Blood dyed the circle and all materials, which merged together. When the undead finished reciting the spell, keys made of bones and iron appeared on the magical circle.

"This is the most important part." The undead took the keys in hand and approached the barrier. The barrier, which allowed nothing through, easily let the keys pass. Then the undead turned the keys counterclockwise.

The barrier began to emit a strange creak, and cracks appeared, enveloping the entire dome. At the same time, the keys disintegrated, and the undead exploded.

The Black Skeleton, having observed all this time, reminisced about Baba Yaga, who also possessed a similar curse. Many believed that the curse served only to harm others and oneself. But the truth was that, as in alchemy, service requires payment. Many saw narrowly, considering the curse only as a means of inflicting harm.

Baba Yaga managed to use the curse not only as a weapon but also as a tool. Even this barrier was created with her aid. Likewise, the keys were the result of this type of magic.

Vallynor closed his eyes, sighed, and headed towards the entrance of the house, noticing the door creak familiarly. Looking around inside, he saw many familiar objects covered in dust.

Sad eyes glanced over familiar photographs and items. Taking a few steps, he felt something strange at his feet. Looking down, he saw a small pile of dust, with a familiar energy. Kneeling down, he sadly looked at what remained of Baba Yaga.


In a dark room, where light did not penetrate, stood an old bed, not shrouded in dust. On this bed lay a man and a child. The child opened his eyes, and his gaze was empty, directed towards the ceiling. Then he turned his head to the person sleeping next to him, whose arms and legs were black. This was Vinson Galstane, known as Black Tooth.

The girl, standing up, displayed her long hair and neat figure. This girl was her. Her empty gaze did not leave Vinson. Then she approached him, slowly opening her mouth.

But with a snap of the fingers, the girl continued to slowly open her mouth and whisper in her ear, caressing her with her finger.

"Daddy! Wake up!" she whispered, shaking him by the shoulder.

Vinson opened his eyes and saw the joyful eyes of his daughter, shining like stars. They warmed his cold and cruel soul, reaffirming that he had made the right decision. He smiled and got up from the bed, stroking his daughter's head. She giggled and hugged his neck.

"I'm so glad you finally woke up, daddy. You've been asleep all day. I was so bored without you," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

Getting out of bed, he headed to the table, where lay the dismembered corpse of a young woman. Cold light filtered through the curtains, revealing a gruesome scene - the lifeless body, like an object of grim painting, was scattered around, creating a somber palette in the room.


Sighing heavily, Alexander carefully laid his daughter on the ground. Her body was mangled, yet despite this, she continued to attack, uttering strange words as if ensnared by some dark force. It nearly cost him his life.

Caesar, holding a scroll of prayers in his left hand, supported the girl's head, detached from the body. Suddenly, light pierced all present. Alexander and Caesar, miraculously healing their wounds, witnessed chains forming around the fallen girl, created from the power of light and faith.

"I thought that after the death of our God, you had forsaken these powers," said Alexander, looking at his daughter caught in a chain.

"Just because I don't use some form of power doesn't mean I've forsaken it," Caesar replied, regaining his strength. Approaching the girl, he directed both hands towards her head.

But he was stopped by Alexander. Grabbing his hands, he said, "What are you planning to do?" With a threatening look, he continued, "Don't forget, she was one of your only daughter's best friends."

"Do you think I wish her harm? SHE IS LIKE A DAUGHTER TO ME!... BUT SHE IS NO LONGER WITH US. THIS IS NO LONGER FATIMA. BUT A FALLEN!!!..." - Suddenly, Caesar burst out, shouting at Alexander, who listened attentively to his words. Caesar, realizing his rudeness, fell silent. After a few minutes, he calmed himself and continued, "Forgive me for my rudeness."

Alexander remained silent. It was hard for him to find words. His heart clenched at the sight of his daughter. Caesar, looking at Alexander, raised his hand… But lowered it. "Curse the Gods."

"We need to lock her in another dungeon. There we will increase the chains and install holding magic circles," Caesar turned and opened the gates, from which emerged Minker and a multitude of mages and warriors. Following them were Gabriel and Ashley. Ashley, seeing Fatima, turned her head away, biting her lips.

Exiting the created gates, one of the people began to speak, "Why were we called? Another enraged fallen? Could it be… he… is so…" - Confident and slightly irritated, the guy began to persuade the people in front of him. But when the target was surrounded, the guy saw who had fallen. And the look of Alexander, Caesar, and Ashley was threatening. Out of fear, he could only utter a few words.

Gabriel, drunk, sighed with relief. He was thankful that Ashley had gone with him. Perhaps he could have been the source of the crude words himself. Sighing with relief, he suddenly yawned and made a characteristic sound. - "Damn" - Gabriel cursed, looking around. Because they were drawn by his sound, even that brash guy looked at him with gratitude. "Don't look at me like that, I didn't want to save you."

"Let's help these poor souls! Caesar, what do you command?" - said Gabriel, drawing attention to himself. "Apply magical shackles and a seal on the body… No need for the soul, I've already done that for you," Caesar replied, heading towards the gates and giving orders. "Bring all the fallen to the dungeon. Seal it separately, with strengthened chains and magic circles."

Alexander, holding his daughter, realized that she might no longer be his daughter. She had become a monster, capable of turning others into her likeness. Her attempts to devour everyone around created a threat.

He was about to officially declare that his daughter had vanished. The last remnants of hope disappeared, and pain enveloped him. He lost consciousness, shouting to the soldiers, "Catch her quickly!" although he no longer cared.


"Hmmm!... What in the world are you doing?" Tiffy observed as Lia, dressed in a purple gown, sat on one throne and then switched to another. Not only her posture changed but also her outfit and even her face.

"I'm in a photo shoot! If that's not obvious to you, I'll gouge out your eyes for being unnecessary!"


Spending some time in front of a small pitcher, Vallynor found solace for his sorrow. Gazing at the dust left from that detestable yet beloved old crone, he extended a finger. Before touching it, he stopped, and necrotic energy began to seep from his finger.

The dust slowly rose and fell like iron filings to a magnet, creating thousands of the tiniest needles. Then they returned, and it all began anew. Vallynor continued to imbue the dust with energy, creating a magical dance of particles.

"These aren't even her real remains!" Vallynor cheered up, realizing that these were just puppets, which he once learned to make from Baba Yaga herself.

However, joy quickly gave way to sorrow, and the fleeting hope disappeared. Recalling that it was only with Baba Yaga's help that he managed to defeat the Forest Queen, using the remains of his own body.

Gathering strength to rise and leave the house, Vallynor remained, closing his eyes. He didn't know what he was searching for, but instead of exiting, he continued to look inward.

Holding the pitcher in his hands, he hugged it one last time, feeling how the demonic part of his soul sought to attract a piece of the soul, using soul hands. Skillfully protecting the soul piece, Vallynor examined it in amazement.

Surprised, he realized that this soul belonged to Baba Yaga – a fragment of a broken soul without a single residual part of the mind. Frowning, Vallynor felt the soul piece striving to connect with him. Thanks to Caesar's teachings, he knew how to read thoughts and memories.

Closing his eyes, Vallynor began to transfer energy into the soul fragment. He wanted to prevent this soul from being destroyed by his demonic part. Everything disappeared before his eyes, and, opening them, he saw a smiling old woman, beginning to wave her hand.

Rushing to hug her, Vallynor heard: "If you've met me, don't touch me." The words knocked him off his feet, forcing him to step back. He realized that it was just a preserved recording, destroyed by a single touch.

"Mmmm… If it's you, Koschei the Deathless, then get lost. But… before you go, at least take some new underpants and more decent clothes. They are where they've always been. Now, off with you!"

"Aaaa?" – Vallynor stared strangely at the recording of Baba Yaga, unsure how to react. Was she joking, or simply not expecting him.

"Also, you old brute, help Vallynor become stronger. He is my hope, our hope to correct mistakes. And if it's you, Vallynor, I apologize… But I'm not too good at these things, so I can give you a piece of my soul. Turn it into a soul rune; it will strengthen the curse and grant talent for ancient spells. Farewell, Vallynor… Grandson!"

Baba Yaga disappeared, and with her, this incredible world. With tearful eyes, Vallynor looked at the soul piece, which slowly vanished, sinking into the mud. Closing his eyes, he decided to turn Baba Yaga's soul piece into a soul rune.


The fallen phoenix circled high in the skies, carefully surveying its surroundings and emitting its piercing cry. Suddenly, a long stick was hurled at it, breaking one of its wings. In fright, the phoenix crashed onto the black sand but immediately stood up, filled with a desire for revenge. However, the enemy did not give it a second: the phoenix's head was crushed.

"Another failure," uttered the old monk, his gaze settling on the dirty soul of the phoenix. Clicking his tongue in disappointment at yet another lost bird, the elder resumed his prayers. Be it Buddha, the Monkey King, or even the God of Souls – the prayers continued, even though all these gods had long been destroyed. A new cry from the phoenix spurred the old man to once again take up his feeble bones.


"Hmmm... Here!" – The God's Son was engrossed in a game with his new wife, a board game as mysterious as their relationship. Chess, shogi, or something else, created intrigue with every move. His three other wives played instruments nearby, drawing melodies. Meanwhile, servants dragged a small temple to the entrance, where the God's Son and his four wives set up their gaming world.

The youngest wife moved a piece adeptly. Her opponent's face furrowed momentarily – in two moves, he would face defeat. The God's Son's servants, however, were attacked by a massive Kraken, releasing its huge tentacles. This unexpected element disrupted the balance, and figures flew off the table.

Looking up with righteous anger, the God's Son entered the small temple. The doors closed behind him, leaving his wives outside. Light from the temple slowly leaked out until, at one moment, the temple disappeared. The Kraken, losing sight of the God's Son, directed its fury at the four wives. Their souls promised to be especially delicious.

The Kraken lunged at them, swelling and growing in size. Flesh tore, souls cracked under pressure. Screams became echoes of pain until the Kraken exploded, giving way to the temple, which gradually shrank. The temple doors swung open, and grotesque hands emerged, seizing the Kraken's tentacles. Seconds later, these hands began to gather the monster's flesh and bones.

The God's Son emerged from the temple, floating above the platform where his servants and wives awaited. The small temple, having collected the Kraken's remains, appeared at the center of the platform, where his four wives took up their instruments. The servants, in turn, continued their march. Some of them even began to play on instruments made from the corpses of various creatures.

The God's Son, positioned at the temple entrance, serenely invited his youngest wife. Kneeling before him, she bowed her head. However, the God's Son's hand lifted hers, placed her on his knees, and whispered in her ear: "This is your gift."

The three remaining wives paused momentarily, then continued to play their instruments.


Tifius watched with his mouth agape, as if disbelieving his own eyes, at Lia, the Queen of Nightmares, the one who had defeated him and transformed him into… this. Now, she was creating ostentatious thrones for herself, changing faces, and adopting various poses.

There was even one pose that nearly made him feel nauseous, though physically it was impossible for him. In this pose, she dazzled, sitting in a seductive manner. And she had even put on stockings. That was just too much!

"What in the world, a photoshoot?" - Tifius yelled at his mistress, who had recently threatened to gouge out his eyes for being unnecessary. But the trouble is, I don't have any. I see everything through a stream of energy.

"This doesn't concern you!" - She cheerfully said, changing poses and even her face and hair color.

"Have you lost your mind with your imaginary love for a mortal? Or hit your head on something. Because I don't see a single damn photographer!"

"You're quite presumptuous!" - Reaching out to Tifius, she began to scream and wave until Lia tilted her head. - "What kind of circus are you showing me?"

"Aaaaa!… Ah?… You haven't started yet? And here I thought…"

"You thought with your behind… Could it be that I've tormented you so many times that you instinctively imagine this pain at the slightest hint?" - Lia made several movements with her hand. Tifius at first screamed, then stopped. And with false screams, continued to scream. - "You beast!"

The false screams quickly became real. Lia's face and all her surroundings changed. At one moment, she blinked and, coming out of the situation, said that because of Tifius, she spoiled some of the shots. And she promised him long and excruciating torture.

Special Launch: "On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles"

With great joy, I announce the complete release of the first book "On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles". It is now available at a symbolic price.

For those who are eager and want immediate access to the entire book, it is fully available on Amazon Kindle. We invite you to search for the title on Amazon or to visit the Kindle section. Site: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW9LLGL4

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