
On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles

Waking up after the accident, I found myself in a world where everything familiar to me was gone: blue sky, sun, green grass, and so on. Instead, there was an endlessly gray sky, black sand everywhere, and a forest of dead trees stronger than any rock. My body was as black as coal and covered in wounds... All of this made me think that I had entered another world, where I had become an unattractive undead. I would have laughed if there had been a god, a princess, or a great entity next to me. However, looking around, I saw no one. I was alone in this dead world. I also noticed that saying the magical word "System" caused me excruciating pain. But this was my chance to fulfill my desires. I wanted to become a necromancer, and what I found lying in the sand would help me achieve that.

Vallynor · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Abandoned Laboratory

In the most renowned tavern, known among patrons simply as "Nadya" or "Nadyusha" due to its unique name "Hope," mysterious tales unfolded. Why Minker chose such a name for his pub was beyond anyone's comprehension. Yet, as they say, there's always something to ponder over.

Riku sat in a cozy corner of the establishment, lost in thought, savoring his drink without distraction. His gaze wandered over the faces and figures around him. Henry, busy at the barrels filled with a variety of beverages, worked like a true alchemist. For two days straight without a break, he crafted his magic, turning liquids into enchanted potions. Henry was so exhausted that even Mia, his friend, started to complain to Minker. But he simply waved a wooden spoon, suggesting she help out if she was dissatisfied.

Riku, shaking his head, noticed two of his three wives taking seats at his table. They, holding glasses in their hands, carefully began their drinks. At one point, the third wife appeared, following the example of her sisters. However, at a certain moment, she paused, looked up at Riku with warmth in her eyes, and whispered softly, "Dear." Then she fell back into indifference, like her sisters, and continued to drink.

Riku, looking at his wife, noticed that the hand holding the glass trembled. He looked hopefully at one of his wives, but that hope vanished seeing her repeat the actions of her sisters.

When all three wives finished their drinks, they became like a shadow and merged with Riku's shadow. He continued to drink from his mug, staring down, feeling a void and loneliness.


Caesar entered the room where Annino was, carrying several syringes filled with demonic energy. Each was imbued with a power representing one of the axes of evil. Lifting the first syringe, Caesar plunged it into Annino's vein, releasing a stream of dark blood into his system.

Annino began to writhe in agony, succumbing to a storm of convulsions. At one moment, he opened his eyes, scanning his surroundings evaluatively. Gathering his strength, he tried to rise to attack Caesar but was horrified to discover he couldn't move.

"Sorry, kid, for scaring you like that. But you can't leave this place in such a weak state," Caesar's last words ignited anger in Annino. He didn't consider himself weak.

Caesar, smiling, continued: "Do you think you can do anything? Listen. If you want to be useful to your master, you need to rid yourself of this artificial life and become a true demonic wolf. If you don't, death is all that awaits you. So, I will help you become one by giving you this blood."

Annino, looking at the syringes filled with demonic blood, felt an inner urge to possess it. His instincts screamed for him to break free and claim this blood that would make him strong and mend his weaknesses.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a man entered, bowing, said: "We've received a message from Minker. He says that Fernando has disappeared. He might have fled and hidden."

"Understood. Don't search for him anymore."

"As you command," the man said, exiting the room and leaving Caesar and Annino alone.

"Are you ready to become stronger?" Caesar asked, peering into Annino, who nodded, bowing his head in agreement.


Ashley entered her bedroom and slowly sank onto the bed, hugging a pillow. She stared silently downward, thoughtfully looking at the bedspread. For some time, she pondered, her gaze fixed on the bed. Then, opening her mouth, she uttered:

"Love?... Could it be that I've truly fallen for him? But what is it about him that draws me in?" she asked herself, contemplating all the possibilities.

However, nothing came to mind. Shaking her head, she stood up and sat down at the desk. In the corner of the desk stood a frame with a photo of her and another girl. Ashley took the photo in her hands, looking at it and the image of the second girl with sadness. With a sorrowful smile, she shattered the photo.

"We haven't seen each other for so long, my friend," she whispered, as if speaking to the photograph. Memories of them laughing together, sharing joys and sorrows, flickered in her eyes. But fate had made its mark, and now these were just memories, left in a broken frame.

Ashley picked up a piece of the photo, feeling the fragility of her past. She lifted her gaze, and a fire of determination sparked in her eyes. "Perhaps love has come into my life... And once we argued about who would fall in love first," she thought, carefully cleaning up the fragments of the photograph. "Why am I the only one left?".


As he passed through each floor, Vallynor noticed something extraordinarily peculiar, akin to a secret hidden in the depths of the building. This enigmatic phenomenon puzzled him, creating an aura of mystery and intrigue around him. Alexander, as Vallynor paused, stared indifferently at the laboratory windows. Behind the glass, research and experiments were being conducted on creatures that had not yet fully perished.

However, neither Alexander nor the others were in a hurry to support Vallynor. After all, even if these beings had not yet perished, they could soon join the ranks of the army. Sometimes, those who took notice of the travelers stopped as well, later including those conducting the experiments, trying to decipher their purpose.

The undead, functioning since their creation, continued their trials, ignoring the gazes of bystanders as if absorbed in their own enigmas.

Vallynor, leading the way, lost count as he observed yet another laboratory. Anxiety gripped him, unable to comprehend why all were active. According to the stories, only one laboratory was supposed to be operational.

The guides stopped in front of massive iron doors, reinforced with various spells and magic. Sighing, Vallynor drew out gloves and a skull. Putting on the gloves, he pushed the skeletons aside and approached the center of the door, where a small dent was visible. Examining it closely, he placed the skull there.

The skull flared up, and the doors themselves began to glow in shades of green, blue, and purple. Two small orbs appeared in the skull's eye sockets, gradually expanding to fit the openings. Then, two holographic panels appeared before Vallynor - one for water, the other for display.

Everything was exactly as others had described. Placing his left hand on the door, Vallynor began to move it, as if dancing with magic, sometimes with a single finger, sometimes with all five. With his right hand, he pressed various symbols, about which most had no idea. Alexander raised an eyebrow, attentively watching the proceedings, and with a snap of his fingers, shook his head. "Experiments with magic, an ancient art," he thought, watching as mysterious forces took shape under Vallynor's guidance.

After five minutes of such magical manipulations, the panels disappeared, and the iron doors transformed into thousands of particles, scattering to the sides like playful sunbeams, merging with the wall in a bright dance.

Entering inside, Vallynor discovered a vast space, where several strange instruments, rising into the air, adorned the walls, ceilings, and floor, reminiscent of towers in a magical city. Observing them, Vallynor felt a faint connection between all the towers and the center, where... there was nothing but a mysterious space filled with elusive energy.

"What do you need to take?" Alexander asked, looking around, knowing well that these towers weren't worth the necromancers sending Vallynor for them.

"Wait here," Vallynor said. Initially overwhelmed with fear and panic, upon seeing the thin threads of connection and recalling a few steps, he realized not all was lost. Approaching the center, he directed necrotic energy into the ground, and five elegant input panels appeared before him.

Without hesitation, Vallynor began to press runes and symbols, directing waves of necrotic energy as if weaving his spells in the air, creating a beautiful and mysterious symphony of magic.

Alexander closely observed Vallynor, trying to memorize every move. However, over time, he realized he was losing track of the actions and couldn't retain all the movements in memory. This guy, like the rest of the atmosphere in the laboratory, was rising, but somehow not to the expected heights.

Ten minutes later, all panels vanished, and the towers lit up with a dazzling light, like fireworks celebrating a magical success. Then they smoothly sank into the ground, clearing the space for new mysteries. Vallynor stepped back from the center, his gaze still fixed upon it.

The floor, like a portal to a realm of magic, turned into shifting sands, moving away from the center of the room. A massive iron capsule, nearly human-sized, emerged from the opening. As it fully ascended, the floor was enveloped in this living metal, and a mechanized voice announced:

"Attention, attention! Unregistered beings with hostile energy have infiltrated the laboratory. They may be associated with recent visitors. For safety reasons, all recent changes made in the last 24 hours are hereby canceled... Intruders detected in the main laboratories of the institute."


Start song: https://youtu.be/hOXrgDDLpYw


"High-level protocol initiated. The primary subject must be extracted and relocated to a secure location. Unauthorized entities to be captured or eliminated."

Two skeletons, standing by the entrance, suddenly armed themselves from thin air and attacked the group. Thanks to their preparedness, they successfully blocked the attack.

Vallynor, ignoring the skeletons' assault, watched as iron claws seized the capsule, attempting to drag it away. Fortunately, the capsule was still connected by tubes. Seizing his weapon, Vallynor summoned the soul hands and the earth of the dead. The soul hands tried to grasp the capsule and strike the claws, but their blows were blocked by the iron beasts. The earth of the dead was wrested from Vallynor's control and nullified.

Contemplating his next move, Vallynor felt the Necronomicon emerge from within him, growing in size. Opening, it engulfed the capsule, collapsing upon it.

"Alert, alert. Grimoire energy detected. Primary subject stolen. Initializing new protocols 01000100, 01100101, 01100001, 01110100, 01101000."

The white walls began to glow red, and the walls moved, revealing a passage for an army of the dead. Without hesitation, Vallynor summoned his own army.

"Hostile undead detected. Control protocol activated… Alert, alert! The undead are linked to the entity known as Vallynor. Fate of Vallynor – to be captured or destroyed."

Phew, Vallynor sighed as this attendant's attempt failed. The undead emerging from the walls charged straight at Vallynor while the rest held back the undead.

"Did you get what we needed?" Alexander yelled.

"Yes," Vallynor shouted uncertainly, unsure of the capsule's fate.

"Then prepare to escape," Alexander commanded, blocking and countering the undead's attacks. Undead heads flew off, brains and all, if they had any.

"Aah," screamed one of the people as a huge sword emerged from the wall, slicing him in half. Then, from the ceiling descended a strange tower, sucking out souls.

But before the soul was completely drained, Vallynor felt his own soul stretch and absorb the killed one's soul.

"Run," Alexander yelled, pulling out a globe for teleportation from a box given by Caesar. However, they were too deep underground, and the globe couldn't function properly. They needed to ascend at least a few floors.

Leaving the laboratories, huge fleshy hands emerged from the corridor walls, followed by an army of the undead. The first were fully armored, followed by mages. Ordinary undead rose from the floor, aiming to delay them.

Vallynor summoned his army and directed them to attack, slowing down the undead. They ran, dodging attacks from giant hands wielding swords. Several beams flew from the ceiling, hitting several people and Vallynor himself. Vallynor immediately recognized the origin of the beams. They were necrotic rays, meant to turn flesh to rot, which happened to those touched by the beam. Only Vallynor stood out, using his necrotic energy for protection.

The souls of the deceased were absorbed by the laboratory walls, except for one, closest to Vallynor, and was absorbed by him. Alexander noticed this, but fortunately, the others might not have paid attention or pretended not to see. Alexander wanted to ask Vallynor but there was no time.

They ran, ascending the stairs, defending, and blocking attacks from various types of undead. Even ghosts attacked, embracing those they caught.

"Detention protocol activated," announced a robotic voice.

At some point, mithril doors appeared ahead, blocking their path. Vallynor, trying to devise an escape plan, heard strange noises behind the mithril door.

Examining the mithril door, seemingly impenetrable, suddenly a small hole appeared in its center. Then another, and another. Gradually, these holes merged, forming a single large opening.

"Alert, alert. Mithril wall breached. Activating the next protocol."

The walls barely held back the onslaught of a vast number of dead. But thanks to this, everyone could clearly see what was behind the walls: flesh, bones, and suffering. Thousands and millions of corpses formed a massive whole, functioning as walls, through which wires and mechanical devices ran.

Vallynor, ignoring this, looked at the one who had breached the door. Through the hole appeared a beauty in white attire, reminiscent of ancient Greek. Her face was angelically innocent and beautiful. Seeing Vallynor, she sweetly smiled, mesmerizing him, and raised her hand just above her chest.

The next moment, Vallynor incredulously looked down and noticed a huge hole in his abdomen. Fortunately, he felt no pain, but the wound was so severe that he couldn't move his legs and fell.

Lifting his head, he saw the girl, previously associated with an angel, now seemed like a demon. This was confirmed by the demonic energy emanating from her. The girl raised her hand, materializing a spear ready to pierce his head.

Vallynor closed his eyes, ready for his body to be destroyed. But the blow didn't come. Opening his eyes, he saw he was in Alexander's arms. He ran ahead of his group, aiding him through the surviving ranks effortlessly.

"You won't escape," said the girl, appearing in Alexander's and the group's path, surrounded by the fallen, smeared with mud.

Behind them, an army of the dead grew, slowly but steadily diminishing. Alexander, looking at the sphere given by Caesar, clicked it, using all his speed to break out of the encirclement and dodge the fallen's attacks.

The group immediately took a defensive stance, waiting for Alexander's next move. If necessary, they were ready to sacrifice their lives.

Alexander, running up several floors, realized the sphere could be used. Without hesitation, he activated it. The sphere began to glow and emit strange waves.

"Alert, alert. Teleportation attempt detected. Beginning interruption attempt… Attempt failed. Changing target to preventing teleportation… Error, error"

Alexander, activating the sphere, felt the particles of each group member, except for one. It was Vallynor. Before Alexander could think or say anything other than pulling out a map and simultaneously putting a pill in Vallynor's mouth, he disappeared, leaving the injured Vallynor behind.

"A chance detected…"

"Escape protocol activated Code: 11010000,10011111,11010000, 10111110,11010000, 10110001,11010000,10110101,11010000,10110011." The familiar voice of Duke Graves from Vallynor sounded.

"Duke Graves' order detected. Initiating teleportation… Error, error."

Vallynor, summoning a few of his servants, ordered them to take him and quickly run into the portal that appeared before him.

"You won't escape," shouted the girl, wounded in the leg and arm.

"Error, error. Unable to determine the voice source controlling Duke Graves. Security orders will be ignored. Closing portal"

Vallynor was lifted like a sack of potatoes and thrown into the portal before it closed. The undead surrounded the portal, beginning its guard.

The girl, seeing the portal closing, ignoring any attacks, jumped into the closing gap.


Alexander awoke along with the rest of the group members, finding himself in the familiar teleportation room. The door swung open, and in came Caesar. Anger flared within Alexander, prompting him to approach and prepare to voice his indignation. However, a sudden snap of the fingers temporarily deprived him of his senses.

He realized he was in Caesar's office. In front of him was a table laden with a variety of food and drinks. Caesar himself sat behind the table, smiling like an ordinary old man.

"What do all these manipulations mean?" Alexander asked, eyeing Caesar intently. Inside, he seethed with apprehension, and Caesar, by demonstrating his power, reminded him of the terrible essence of this old man.

"What are you talking about?" Caesar replied, pouring tea for both himself and Alexander.

"Why did you leave Vallynor there?"

"Don't worry so much! All this is for his own good."

"For his good? Are you mad! There, he might die at the hands of that angel. And you say it's for his good."

"This incident only confirmed that even after sealing this world, the Gods haven't left us in peace... And that's troubling." Caesar took a cup of hot tea, looked at it for a long time, then began to sip slowly.

"And what will happen to Vallynor now?" Alexander asked, somewhat calmed. He began to see the situation from a different angle.

"He will survive in this rotten world, trying to return to this city." Somehow, listening to Caesar, Alexander sensed worry in his voice.

"Weren't there any other options?"

"There were. But this one... This one is the most beneficial... Let's end our conversation on that note." Caesar said and snapped his fingers, making Alexander disappear.

Caesar rose from his chair, walked to the window. He paused for a moment, shook his head, and returned to his desk. There, he began to write in a blank book, lost in his thoughts.


Upon opening his eyes, Vallynor awoke in pitch darkness, as if he were halfway into the realm of the dead. His eyes perceived everything around him as though wandering through the dark walls of a cave in the midst of noonday light. Realizing that there was no visible exit beyond this space, he stood up.

His gaze drifted along the walls, and he noticed that he was in a closed space with no way out. Vallynor began to examine his body, paying attention to his abdomen, where organs were slowly and carelessly forming. Black blood, intertwining like a web, held them in its embrace, gradually changing color to white.

Touching his abdomen, Vallynor felt skin as soft as that of a newborn child. Sighing, he tried to discern where the divinity had gone. The attack that had pierced his abdomen carried divinity within it. And, unfortunately, this realization came to him only now. Vallynor had encountered divinity only once before, and that time was more of an introductory experience.

Realizing too late that the attack carried divinity, Vallynor felt a faint surge of pain. Due to the torment of his soul and his semi-lifeless state, physical pain gave way to a mild sensation. This pain was the result of the divinity that had invaded him.

Sighing, he began to move, and suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of falling stones. Looking towards the source of the noise, Vallynor saw the beauty who had attempted to rise on one hand and one leg. The other two were severed, and her exact location was difficult to determine. The remaining hand and leg were severely mutilated. Her face was contorted with pain and hatred. Behind her appeared white wings, from the tips of which hung black feathers.

A beam of light surrounded her, and a flap of her wings lifted her into the air. She looked around angrily, trying to spot someone. However, she failed to discern Forkas. "Where are you, Forkas?" her voice echoed in the silence.

"You, spawn, have entered a forbidden world where the Gods have barred entry and exit. Not only have you entered, but you also obstruct us. I am Isda, come to avenge Kasiel. You, spawn of the undead, are not meant to exist here," she thundered, her voice sounding like a storm in the dark abyss.

Special Launch: "On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles"

With great joy, I announce the complete release of the first book "On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles". It is now available at a symbolic price.

For those who are eager and want immediate access to the entire book, it is fully available on Amazon Kindle. We invite you to search for the title on Amazon or to visit the Kindle section. Site: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW9LLGL4

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