
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 21 Selling Mule Carts

The old man knows how to make a living. The bacon is cut as thin as paper, and there are also a few bacon bones, which are specially picked up and prepared to be used to cook gnocchi soup in the evening.

  This way the noodle soup will have a meaty flavor and save oil and salt.

  In Mrs. Xiao's opinion, her lunch meal was already quite good.

  Although it is not as good as the Wu family, it is much richer than the others.

  She also muttered to Xiao Xiao in a low voice: "We guys eat well. Look at those stores that say it is sweet potato porridge. It has less rice and more sweet potatoes, but there are no oily flowers?"

  If Xiao Xiao was from the second family, she would You wouldn't be so polite.

  Who allowed the little granddaughter to be reincarnated into the belly of the boss's wife? She didn't dare to offend the boss, so she could only take the opportunity to teach the little granddaughter.

  She finally understood that the little granddaughter was worthy of being the boss's descendant, and she was all greedy for food and drink.

  It's strange that she didn't realize it before. In the past, she thought that the three granddaughters of the boss's family were all well-behaved, capable and sensible.

  Xiao Xiao heard her grandmother's knocking and forced a smile: "Grandma is right, our food is more than enough."

  Xiao Dalang came over with a bowl. Hearing her words, he was very pleased: "Three My sister said it well, you can put what you have learned to use. "

  Everything is inferior but reading is superior. "

  Mr. Xiao originally wanted his two sons to be promising, so he took great pains to send them to private schools.

  Unfortunately, neither brother had that talent. After studying for a few years, the older one went to work in the county town, while the younger one inherited the ancestral skills: killing pigs and selling pork.

  Later, the second eldest son gave birth to three sons. The eldest son and the second son were good at school and also liked to teach their elder sisters how to read and write.

  Thanks to Taizu who returned home on a crane, women can also go to private schools to study and learn to read.

  However, ordinary people's families rarely let their girls go to school. Women always have to get married, and they always feel that they are making wedding clothes for others, which is a shame.

  On the other hand, Xiao Youfu and Mrs. Liu loved their daughters and sent them to a girls' private school for several years.

  However, Xiao Xiu is the one who likes to read.

  Xiao Lian and Xiao Xiao like to play and join in the fun.

  Now Xiao Dalang joked about Xiao Xiao: "Those two years of Shu Xiu were not in vain."

  Xiao Xiao rolled her eyes at him and reluctantly defended herself: "I am a secret show, I don't like to show off."

  In fact, she felt that she Now he is half illiterate, because the original owner really doesn't like to read, let alone write.

  And even though she had studied for more than ten years in her previous life, she had never learned calligraphy.

  So much so that I can't be tough now.

  She was also puzzled. Senior Chuan Chuan had changed a lot, so why didn't he change the calligraphy from calligraphy to hard-pen calligraphy?

  But it doesn't matter, she didn't originally intend to be a talented woman, she just wanted to be a salted fish.

  "Haha..." Xiao Dalang was amused by her and laughed loudly. After being hit twice by her, he whispered: "I heard from my uncle that the conscription was earlier here and the village was already empty. They   I only escaped such a disaster by running to the mountains after getting the news."

  After that, he winked at her and said, "Good sister, it's so hot. Let's wait until it gets cooler in the afternoon before leaving."

Understand, even if my grandparents said they would take a break in the afternoon and then leave.

  But if the uncle asked to leave later, they would not object.

  Although Xiao Xiao thought the lunch was not good, he still cherished the food. After cleaning all the food in the bowl, he lazily asked: "What do you want to do?"

  "It's not like you said before that people in the village are in a hurry. Will the crops fall on the ground? "Xiao Dalang and the others are full when they can eat. They need two big bowls per meal.

  Now grandma gives them a bowl each, which really can't fill their stomachs.     The feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable.

  However, they knew that it was impossible for their grandmother to cook more, so they had to find another way.

  When Xiao Xiao heard this, she also felt something in her heart: "Okay, let's go pick up rags together later."

  When Xiao Lian heard this, she sneered: "That sounds really nice. We are obviously going to pick up rags."

  Then she advised her: "You guys. Don't think too much, I guess others have already thought of it."

  After saying that, he motioned to them to look at the other side: "The sweet potatoes from last year must not be saved, so what they eat now must have been dug up."

  Xiao Xiao was splashed with cold water by her and almost turned off the engine.

  But when she thought of the small clay oven, she rekindled her fighting spirit: "I will definitely find what I want."

  Xiao Lian rolled his eyes at her: "If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a loss in front of you, and your trip will be in vain . "Don't cry."

  She was really worried that her little sister would be tired. After all, her little sister had been seriously ill a few days ago, and she was worried that her vitality would be damaged.

  Unfortunately, the little girl didn't take good care of her. She followed the mule cart in the morning, and instead of taking the opportunity to have a good rest, she went to pick up the leaks.

  At this time, Xiao Youfu came back and gathered his family to discuss: "They want to spend eighty taels of silver to buy us a mule cart. Do you want to sell it?"

  The mules not only eat grass, but also feed corn, sweet potatoes, and bean cakes. , alfalfa, wheat bran, soybean meal and other feeds will make you more powerful.

  Their two big bags of feed, now mixed with three mules, can only last for ten days at most.

  They are also considered to be farmers, and they value their livestock very much, and would not want to offend their mules unless absolutely necessary.

  After hearing this, Mrs. Wu was the first to agree: "Sell it. You can save some feed and get a lot of money."

  Looking at Xiao Youfu's face, she asked cautiously: "But can the price be higher?"

  Xiao Youfu shook his head: "They said they were willing to pay up to eighty taels."

  In fact, the price was not low anymore. When they bought the mules, the price had also increased, and it was only sixty taels.

  Mr. Xiao thought about it for a while and then agreed: "Eighty taels is fine, our two mule carts are enough."

  The two sides discussed it, and after paying the money, the Xiao family started driving the mule carts.

  Mrs. Wu warmly invited her father-in-law and her mother-in-law to their mule cart. This was not because she was filial, but because her mother-in-law kept an eye on the food. She was deeply afraid that her father-in-law would be with her eldest brother's family, and she would eventually let her eldest brother and the others take advantage.

  For this reason, he also agreed to let his eldest son help his eldest uncle drive the mule cart.

  Of course, she also said it nicely: This will allow the eldest brother to have a good rest.

  The Xiao family has been separated for a long time, and Mr. Xiao previously lived with his youngest son.

  But now the world is different, so he simply divides the money into three parts, twenty taels for himself and his wife, and thirty taels for each of the two brothers.

  Xiao Xiao saw Xiao Youfu handing the silver he had just received to Mrs. Liu to keep it, and then he stepped forward and said, "Dad, Mom, we want to go to a small village and I want to pick up a small stove."

  Liu Shi was a little hesitant: "Isn't it unsafe in a strange place?"

  Xiao Youfu waved his hand: "Ask Dalang and the others to accompany you. Bring bows, arrows and knives. If something goes wrong, just run back."

  It's not that he is arrogant, but Those people also said that the village was empty and there was no one.

  Furthermore, with his daughters out, he could also take the opportunity to talk to his wife and take a nap together.

  Even if I can't do anything, it's good to be able to talk to her.