
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 19 Wild Vegetables

After walking for about a cup of tea, the siblings saw seven or eight snakes scared away one after another. They were so frightened that the three sisters regretted coming and walked more cautiously.

  But Erlang Sanlang was overjoyed, and even hit it with a stick: "Quick, quick, catch a few long worms, and then hunt a pheasant, and you can eat dragon and phoenix soup later."

  Most country boys are thick-skinned, and they are also very greedy for meat. Not only are they not afraid of returning very excited.

  Unfortunately, the snake swam away very quickly, as if it just showed up to sign in and arouse their greed.

  Xiao Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She refused to eat wild animals from the bottom of her heart until the end of the road was reached.

  Saburo exclaimed: "Rabbit! There is a rabbit!"

  A fat gray rabbit jumped out of the grass not far ahead.

  Braised rabbit and spicy rabbit head instantly appeared in Xiao Xiao's mind.

  She felt that what she was thinking was wrong. Some game was inedible, but for rabbits, pheasants, etc., she felt that the more the merrier.

  Maybe the rabbit had never seen a human being in the first half of its life, and was too frightened by Saburo's cry to move.

  The Xiao sisters all took bows and shot arrows, aiming at the rabbit's head, whoosh whoosh whoosh.

  But the miss was a thousand miles away, Xiao Xiu shot the rabbit's hind legs, Xiao Lian shot the rabbit's front legs, and Xiao Xiao shot the rabbit's belly.

  None of the three sisters hit the target, but Erlang and Sanlang didn't know where they were planning to shoot, so they all cheered: "You are so awesome, you really hit the rabbit."

  Erlang came up to Xiao Xiao and smiled flatteringly. : "Good sister, lend me your bow and arrows."

  Xiao Xiao had already seen a small pond in front of him, and took the opportunity to send their brothers away: "Okay, but after the arrows go out, remember to pick them up."

  Xiao Xiu also put the bow and arrows back . When they lent it to Saburo, they did not forget to warn: "There are many snakes and insects here, so be careful."

  After they walked away, the three sisters quickly took a bath and washed all the clothes they had changed.

  Mrs. Xiao was also very happy when she saw that her granddaughters actually hunted a hare: "Did you really catch a hare? Let your grandfather repair it so that you can make a pot of soup at night."

  After saying this, she felt a pity that it was summer, otherwise it would have been fine. Save it for tomorrow.

  The Wu brothers were a little surprised and a little envious when they saw that they could shoot the rabbit.

  After a while, Wu Zhiqian came over with a palm-sized oil paper package and asked in a shy voice: "Please eat some dried plums. Miss Xiao, can you lend me your bow and arrow?"

  Now only Xiao Lian has a bow and arrow, and she Agree: "Okay, just remember to pick up the arrows that were shot."

  "Okay." After Wu Zhiqian put the oil paper bag into Xiao Xiao's hand, he ran away with the bow and arrows.

  Nowadays, transportation is underdeveloped and fresh fruits are not easy to transport, so dried fruits are particularly popular.

  Xiao Lian opened the oil paper bag, and there were more than a dozen dried fruits inside. She picked one up and stuffed it into her mouth without politeness, and then stuffed one into her sister's mouth, with a look of enjoyment on her face: "It's sour, so delicious. "

  Xiao Xiao didn't think it was very delicious, so she looked around: "Let's pay more attention on the road to see if there are any fruit trees."

  I don't want to think about rare fruits. If you can encounter wild peach trees, plum and pear trees are also good.

  Otherwise, without vegetables and fruits, people will get sick easily.

  Mrs. Liu called them to eat, each of them had a big bowl of bacon rice.

  The bacon was cut into thin slices, there was not enough oil and water, and it looked dry.

  Xiao Xiao used to only eat a small bowl, but now she eats a large bowl and still feels it's not enough.

  She understood that this was because there was not enough oil and water.

  She felt that her eyes were green when she saw the repaired hare hanging there.

  She moved her eyes away with difficulty: "Mom, it's too hot at noon. Let's leave later and look for wild vegetables later

  , shall we?" "Third girl, are you stupid?" Wu said eagerly: "Many wild vegetables are old in June. I can eat sow vegetables, mother-in-law's needles, and diced grains, but they taste bitter. "

  She ate too many wild vegetables when she was a child, and she really didn't want to eat them anymore. .

  She thought Xiao Xiao was stupid. The bacon and rice were so delicious, why couldn't he think of looking for wild vegetables?

  She didn't mind them eating wild vegetables, but she was afraid that her mother-in-law would tell her to look for wild vegetables, and she was even more afraid that everyone would eat wild vegetable porridge at night.     After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao was really moved: "Three girls have become sensible. Let's go look for it later. We can make pimple soup at night."

  Although there is no shortage of food for the time being, if you eat as freely as you have in the past two days, you will be able to eat at most. Been eating for ten days.

  She panicked just thinking about it.

  Fortunately, my granddaughter reminded me that if I eat it with wild vegetables and gnocchi, I can save a meal.

  Mrs. Liu also echoed warmly: "I saw the gray cabbage before, shall we go pick it?"

  Xiao Xiu went to get a few bamboo baskets, and Mrs. Wu followed reluctantly.

  It's not that Wu doesn't want to be lazy, it's mainly because her father-in-law, husband, and her eldest brother, who is not easy to mess with, are all watching, so she doesn't dare to be lazy.

  Fortunately, although the wild vegetables now are not fresh enough, they are plentiful, and I quickly picked two large baskets.

  Mrs. Xiao also specially asked everyone to pick more purslane: "dry it in the sun, cut some bacon and fry it together, especially for rice."

  She also washed all the wild vegetables by the river and was busy for more than an hour.

  Xiao Xiao hid in the shade of a tree and washed wild vegetables, and she felt very regretful: she couldn't think about it anymore. Why did she bring up the matter of picking wild vegetables on such a hot day?

  It's really asking for trouble.

  Xiao Lian beside her complained in a low voice: "It's all your bad idea. The wild vegetables are not delicious at all."

  Then she looked at the finger-long fish in the stream and drooled: "It's been a long time since I ate the small fish cooked by my mother. "It's a pity that there are no fishing nets or fish baskets!"

  Xiao Xiao is also helpless. Now that there are no vegetables, she can only eat some wild vegetables, otherwise it will be bad for her health.

  She pointed to the willow tree that provided shade for them: "Isn't this a ready-made material? Our grandfather knows how to weave fishing nets."

  "Why didn't I think of that?" Xiao Lian went back to find a hatchet.

  Mr. Xiao also came and cut some willow branches himself.

  After they went back, Erlang and the others returned empty-handed, with regrets on their faces: "There are a lot of rabbits here, but unfortunately we didn't catch them."

  Especially Sanlang, who was only six years old and couldn't draw the bow at all, so he pestered the Xiao brothers. : "Uncle, dad, can you make me a slingshot? I can thresh the finches. It will be delicious when roasted."

  Xiao Yougui happily agreed: "Okay, wait until dad makes it for you."

  They missed the hottest news on purpose . When the time came, I continued on my way around Mo Shen.

  When it was almost dark, we found a flat place with river water to rest.

  Mules were valuables, so the Xiao brothers unloaded the carriage and drove the mules down to the river to take a bath before leading them to a place with lots of weeds for them to eat.

  Now that there are weeds, the bran originally intended to be fed to the mules is saved.

  Mrs. Xiao also cooked a large pot of wild vegetable gnocchi with her two daughters-in-law.

  Xiao Xiao couldn't swallow it. The wild vegetables were a bit bitter and lacked oil and salt, so they really didn't taste good.

  Especially when the Wu family cooked a pot of bacon again, the overbearing smell of the meat was really addictive.