
On that day of June 2012

Summit_Last · Horror
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On that day of June 2012

Johnathan Aberman, a young boy living in Florida always had the life that every kid dreamed of, a life of having anything that that they ever wanted. He had it all, from having the newest drones to the most expensive motorized scooters. He never thought that he had the perfect life, because underneath the money came sorrow. Sorrow that came from his parents never at home for the young boy. He had always felt that he was not loved by his parents. So, he ran away from his home and took nothing with him, in hope that his parents would notice him. So he ran away as far as he could possible run until he met upon a small house in the middle of a forest. This home was an old shelter home that looked like it had been built in the 60's. Johnathan thought that it looked like a nice spot to wait and see if his parents would try to find him. So he went inside of the house, closed the almost busted door, and waited. As two hours passed, John felt an uneasiness in him. He didn't knew what time had passed him but could sense that his parents wouldn't go and find him. A day passed and John was fast asleep on the floor that had been crawling with critters such as mice and roaches. As he was awoken by the sound of the mice squealing at him he soon realized that he was new found. Maybe he thought, maybe his parents didn't care about him. John tried to open the door but it was shit closed. It felt like the house had trapped him inside, with no way to escape. John felt nervous and started to panic. He started to scream and wail for help but there was no answer. So he started to calm down and watched the mice. He was studying what the mice did in order for a way to escape until finally one of the mice ran outside. John ducked down to see how the critter got out of the house. It was a small peephole that could maybe fight just fit a hotdog John thought. With no food, water or a way to escape John thought he would either day of the lack of food or water. So he kept on thinking to himself of what he did wrong. Over and over again he kept on thinking of scenarios of his life and what might have made his parents hate him.