

"Davidson, I don't care how long it takes for me to get right with you, but I won't sit and watch you ruin your life. Here are your luggages, they should be assigning you to your space soon. Call if you need anything, here is your new phone. Hand over the other to me." My dad said.

I struggled. That phone was the only chance I had to atleast ask my friends for forgiveness, for vanishing into the thin air without notice.

I thought about my dad's words and I wondered why he would judge something as big and diverse as life by mere success in Education. It didn't make any meaning to me.

It wasn't long before my dad left and I felt I was dropped in the middle of an ocean with nobody on sight. It was cold, a cold world indeed!

For days, I struggled, and with just everything. I was new, I'm sure nobody expected me to adapt instantly. But everything was difficult. At some point, it felt like I was going crazy.

I met Valerie and everything took a U-turn. Happened I felt I could fix everything myself without asking for help. He showed up and I discovered how a big mess I had become.

He admitted he had seen me struggle and thought I would be decent enough to ask for help. But It wasn't forthcoming, so he had to show up for me. An angel!

It reminded me about a lot I needed to forgive myself for and atleast change.

I put in the work. There was no more Evelyn. She wasn't totally out, but something told me I was never going to see her again. I decided I was atleast going to focus on the only thing I had left, my books. Wasn't going to be a good idea losing at both end.

Success didn't come at once, though their was an improvement, not so much anyways. But my dad called, reaffirming that he believed in me.

He sounded so sweet and true that I looked forward to hearing more of it. And the only way was pushing harder.

I married my books and in no time, I was among the best 10, attempting school competitions and inter school competitions. It was beautiful seeing people look up to you. It was beautiful having people trust your judgement on a particular course. I was enjoying the attention. It was a major motivation to do more.

High school was gradually coming to an end, with events pilled up, one would only wonder if the school was just for parties. But it had been a rollercoaster of weeks and they loved us enough to bring us fun.

College was calling but I needed a little space to atleast breath.